%META:TOPICINFO{author="GregWhitbread" date="1174965992" format="1.1" version="1.11"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="AustralasianBiodiversityFederationLsidPolicy"}% %TABLE{ sort="on" tableborder="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="3" cellborder="0" headerbg="#617694" headercolor="#FFD700" databg="#DCDCDC, #D8DFD5" headerrows="2" footerrows="1" }% |*Agenda, LSID Policy workshop, Canberra 2-4 April 2007* |||| ||||| | *Monday* | *Meetings Room, [[http://www.anu.edu.au/unihouse][University House]]* ||| |Monday morning |check-in, Introductions, time to get associated business out of the way, logistics etc.||| |Monday afternoon|Welcome||| |^|Introduction to the TDWG Technical Archictecture||| |^|Ricardo Pereira|Ontologies, LSID, XML, RDF, and TAPIR|| |^|^| LSID Vocabularies|| |^|Kevin Richards| LSID Technology|| |^|^|Integration & Implementation|| |^|TDWG LSID Applicability statement||| |^|TDWG LSID Road Map||| |^|Policy session briefing ||| ||||| | *Tuesday* | *Crossbie Morrison Building, [[http://www.anbg.gov.au/anbg][Australian National Botanic Gardens]]* ||| | Tuesday morning | Policy Session | Product status |Why| |^|^|Requirements|| |^|^|Alternative architectures|LSID creation| |^|^|^|LSID Resolution | |^|^|^|one model or many?| |^|^|Data Models|LSID assignment| |^|^|^|Application| |^|^|^|Zoology vs Botany| |^|^|^|A common layer?| |^|Break out discussions|Occurrence data|| |^|^| Names and Concepts| | |^|Digression|David Patterson| Encyclopedia of Life | |^|^|^|| |Tuesday afternoon | Break out Reports | Discussion || |^|Road Map session briefing|Requirements|| |^|^|Time line|| |^|^|Resources|| |^|^|Discussion (breakout?)|AVH| |^|^|^|OZCAM| |^|^|^|ABIF| |^|^|^|APC| |^|^|^|AFD| ||||| | *Wednesday* |*Meetings Room, University House* ||| |Wednesday morning|Review ||| |^|Questions||| |^|Issues||| |^|Documentation|requirements|| |^|^|form|| |^|^|guidelines|| |^|^|process|| |^|^|ratification|| |^|Timeline||| ||||| |Wednesday afternoon|close, check-out as required||| |^|workshop report, and first drafts. ||| |**|||| -- Main.GregWhitbread - 09 Mar 2007