*Note: The GUID-1 Workshop has already happened.* ---- ---++ GUID-2 Workshop The e-Science Institute [[http://www.nesc.ac.uk/esi/]] is going to host the *Second International Workshop on Globally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs) for Biodiversity Infromatics (GUID-2)*, June 10-12, 2006 in Edinburgh Scotland. GUID-2 is being organised by the Taxonomic Databases Working Group's (TDWG - http://www.tdwg.org) Infrastructure Project. This workshop will review the activity of the [[CategoryWorkingGroup][Working Groups]] established at the [[GUID1Workshop][First GUID Workshop]] hosted by NESCent in Durham, North Carolina (February 1-3, 2006) and generate final recommendations for establishing an effective infrastructure to support the use of LSIDs in biological informatics. ---- ---+++ Resources * [[GUID2Call1][First call for GUID-2]] - First announcement about GUID-2 (7th March, 2006) * [[GUID2CALL2][Second call for GUID-2]] - Second announcement about GUID-2 (5th April 2006) * [[CategoryWorkingGroup][Working Groups]] * [[GUID2Agenda][Draft Agenda]] * [[GUID2Participants][List of Participants]] * [[GUID2Report][GUID-2 Report]] - [[http://www.tdwg.gbif.org/fileadmin/subgroups/tip/GUID2Report.pdf][PDF Version]] * [[GUID2ReportComments][GUID-2 Report Comments]] ---- ---+++ Working Groups Five working groups were formed to address significant issues: * [[GUIDOutreach]] * [[GUID2WgPartitionOfDataAndOwnership]] * [[GUID2WgCaseForRdf]] * [[GUID2WgSoftwareDevelopment]] * [[GUID2WgCompositeObjects]] ---- ---+++ Logistics [[GUID2Logistics][Logistics for GUID-2]] - General instructions to invitees to GUID-2 ---- ---+++ Venue [[http://www.nesc.ac.uk/esi/][e-Science Institute]] e-Science Institute 15 South College Street Edinburgh EH8 9AA United Kingdom ---- ---+++ Goals * Review the activities of the Working Groups formed at GUID-1 * Final recommendations for establishing an effective infrastructure to support widespread use of LSIDs in biodiversity informatics ---- ---+++ Involvement ''*Invitations to GUID-2 are now closed.*'' We still encourage *anyone* who is interested in helping to establish a global infrastructure to support the widespread use of LSIDs to get involved (quickly!) with either of the two [[CategoryWorkingGroup][Working Groups]]- * [[InfrastructureWorkingGroup][GUID-1 Infrastructure Working Group]] * [[PrototypingWorkingGroup][GUID-1 Prototyping Working Group]] There are very limited places for GUID-2. Invitations to attend the workshop were based on contributions within the two working groups and representate client agencies. Airfares and expenses will be paid to attend GUID-2 from funding supplied by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (http://www.moore.org/). ---- ---+++ Contact For all information about the GUID project, please contact *[[lee@tdwg.org][Lee Belbin]]* (TDWG Infrastructure Project Manager). ---- ---+++++ Categories CategoryGUID2