%META:TOPICINFO{author="RicardoPereira" date="1170087686" format="1.1" version="1.7"}% ---++ LSID Resolver for Taxon Names (UBio) *Responsible Person:* Patrick Leary (Computer Programmer) *Participants:* Charles Hussey ---- ---+++ Description uBio (http://www.ubio.org/), the Universal Biological Indexer and Organizer, has set up an LSID resolver serving taxon names data. Below is more information about the resolver. ---- ---+++ Technical Information * *URL for prototype user interface:* * *LSID authority(ies):* ubio.org * *LSID namespace(s):* namebank * *Hardware platform:* * *Server platform:* * *LSID Software stack used:* Modified version of new (Roger's) PHP stack (??) * *RDF/OWL used for metadata:* No RDFS at the moment (see sample RDF metadata below) * *Approximate number of LSIDs stored:* * *Other resources:* * *Sample LSIDs:* * lsidres:urn:lsid:ubio.org:namebank:11815 *Sample metadata:* Universial Biological Indexer and Organizer (uBio) uBio 2006-02-24 Pternistis leucoscepus (Gray, GR) 1867 Pternistis leucoscepus Species 11815 ---- ---+++ Roadmap, Milestones, Timeline ---- ---+++ Discussion, Implementation Issues (List issues, readblocks, missing software components, etc) ---- ---+++ Lessons Learned, Conclusions, Recommendations ---- ---+++++ Categories CategoryWorkingGroup CategoryPrototypingWG