---++ LSID Software Gap Analysis *Coordinator(s):* Ricardo Pereira *Participants:* ---- ---+++ Description This group will perform gap analysis of LSID software. We will make an "inventory" of the existing LSID software, identify additional components that need to be implemented to deploy a production quality LSID solution for biodiversity informatics. This group will work in close collaboration with the PrototypingWorkingGroup, and it will use the prototypes being developed to identify needs and requirements. ---- ---+++ Discussion *Definition:* "In information technology, gap analysis is the study of the differences between two different information systems or applications, often for the purpose of determining how to get from one state to a new state. A gap is sometimes spoken of as 'the space between where we are and where we want to be.' Gap analysis is undertaken as a means of bridging that space." - From whatis.com In our case, we are interested in performing the following tasks: * To describe and evaluate existing LSID software; * To identify missing components, or components that need to be rewritten or refactored; and * To devise a plan to implement, rewrite or refactor these components; * To execute that plan, probably after [[GUID2Workshop]]. This task group is very interested in tapping into the experience gained by several other GUID task groups that are developing LSID resolvers (see PrototypingWorkingGroup) to identify limitations on the current LSID software packages and identify new components to be developed. More specifically, we are now seeking answers for the following questions: * Besides the existing LSID software, what components did you have to develop to make your LSID resolver work? * What tasks were more time consuming in setting up your LSID resolver? * Have you identified any new components that would have helped you to set up your LSID resolver? Please describe it. * Have you found any components that were hard or ackward to use? What modifications would you propose? * Have you found any problems or bugs in the existing components? Please report them. *Note to convener:* When summarizing the responses to the, note that each LSID resolver has already answered many questions about their prototypes, such as LSID software stack used and hardware platform (see PrototypingWorkingGroup for details). On LsidSoftwareInventory we present a brief inventory of existing LSID software. Feel free to add new entries, add information to existing entries, or to make corrections. ---- ---+++ Conclusions and Recommendations ---- ---+++++ Categories CategoryWorkingGroup CategoryInfrastructureWG CategoryPrototypingWG