head 1.1; access; symbols; locks; strict; comment @# @; 1.1 date 2005.; author BobMorris; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @none @ 1.1 log @none @ text @%META:TOPICINFO{author="BobMorris" date="1127364186" format="1.0" version="1.1"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="WebHome"}% These are the topics identified in St. Petersburg 2005 TDWG meeting as deserving of discussion. * TDWGImageCharter * TDWGImageScope media scope;sound, video, still images, 3d media; capture storag; transmission; format translation; regions of interest * TDWGImageGoals standards; best practices protocol development (e.g recos to other protocols) …connections to other standards * ImageGUIDRequirements, especially requirements for the resolution services for the GUIDs * ImageUseCases * ImageManipulation * ImageConsumers what services are provided in which images are important data * ImageTools automatic metadata annotation * ImageToolProviders commercial and non-commercial * ImageInteroperability file standards? services? * GeoreferencedImages and the tools to make them, e.g. gps for cameras. * DocumentingOrganismsWithMedia what is specific to documenting organisms? * ImageDiscovery locating and searching for/about images? * IntelligentRetrival image retrieval systems that are biologically aware * MovingImages Are existing standards suitable for tracking an object in biological contexts: temporal spatial annotiations * ImageProvenance where did this image come from and what is its history? * DocumentingImageQuality: standards to which image was acquired, technical medatata, fitness for use, circumstances of acuisition * SharingImagesInRealTime * MetadataStandards existing standards, minimum recommendations for various communities; content metadata; metadata for discovery and comparison; image technical metadata; ontology and content metadata standards for biological organisms, habitats, communities Main.ArthurChampan list to be folded in shortly -- Main.BobMorris - 22 Sep 2005 @