%META:TOPICINFO{author="BobMorris" date="1128913410" format="1.0" version="1.16"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="WebHome"}% ---++ %WIKITOOLNAME%.%WEB% Web Preferences The following settings are __web preferences__ of the %WIKITOOLNAME%.%WEB% web. These preferences overwrite the __site-level preferences__ in %TWIKIWEB%.%WIKIPREFSTOPIC%, and can be overwritten by __user preferences__ (your personal topic, i.e. %MAINWEB%.TWikiGuest in the %WIKITOOLNAME%.%MAINWEB% web) __Preferences:__ * List of topics of the %WIKITOOLNAME%.%WEB% web: * Set WEBTOPICLIST = [[WebChanges][ChangesRecent changes]] %SEP% [[WebIndex][Index]] %SEP% [[WebSearch][Search]] %SEP% Go * Web specific background color: (Pick a lighter one of the %TWIKIWEB%.StandardColors) -- Changed from previous yellow; Jenn Forman requests that both UBIF and SDD should have some kind of blue color to visualize them separately from the other webs. * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #CCFFFF * TDWG logos: * Set TDWGWIDE = %PUBURL%/SDD/StyleSheets/TDWG_wide.gif * Set TDWGHIGH = %PUBURL%/SDD/TDWG_small.png * Web Skin: * Set SKIN = SDD * Set WIKITOOLNAME = Wiki * Set WIKILOGOIMG = %TDWGWIDE% * Set WIKILOGOURL = http://wiki.cs.umb.edu/twiki/bin/view/SDD * Set WIKILOGOALT = TDWG SDD working group * Web Logo: * Set SDDLOGOIMG = %TDWGHIGH% * List this web in the %TWIKIWEB%.SiteMap: * If yes, set SITEMAPLIST to =on=, do not set NOSEARCHALL, and add the "what" and "use to..." description for the site map. Make sure to list only links that include the name of the web, e.g. %WEB%.Topic links. * Set SITEMAPLIST = on * Set SITEMAPWHAT = TDWG Image interest group * Set SITEMAPUSETO = collaborate on image management and standards * Exclude web from a =web="all"= search: (Set to =on= for hidden webs) * Set NOSEARCHALL = * Default template for new topics and form(s) for this web: * WebTopicEditTemplate: Default template for new topics in this web. (Site-level is used if topic does not exist) * [[%TWIKIWEB%.WebTopicEditTemplate]]: Site-level default template * %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiForms: How to enable form(s) * Set WEBFORMS = * Default user settings * Set LINKTOOLTIPINFO = off * Set EDITBOXWIDTH = 90 * Set EDITBOXHEIGHT = 35 * Set EDITBOXSTYLE = width: 99% * Set RELEASEEDITLOCKCHECKBOX = checked="checked" * Set DONTNOTIFYCHECKBOX = * Set ATTACHEDIMAGEFORMAT = $comment * Users or groups who __are not__ / __are__ allowed to __view__ / __change__ / __rename__ topics in the %WEB% web: (See %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiAccessControl) * Set DENYWEBVIEW = * Set ALLOWWEBVIEW = * Set DENYWEBCHANGE = * Set ALLOWWEBCHANGE = * Set DENYWEBRENAME = * Set ALLOWWEBRENAME = * Users or groups allowed to change or rename this %TOPIC% topic: (I.e. %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup) * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = * Web preferences that are *not* allowed to be overridden by user preferences: * Set FINALPREFERENCES = WEBTOPICLIST, DENYWEBVIEW, ALLOWWEBVIEW, DENYWEBCHANGE, ALLOWWEBCHANGE, DENYWEBRENAME, ALLOWWEBRENAME __Notes:__ * A preference is defined as:
=6 spaces * Set NAME = value=
Example: * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #FFFFC0 * Preferences are used as %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiVariables by enclosing the name in percent signs. Example: * When you write variable =%WEBBGCOLOR%= , it gets expanded to =%WEBBGCOLOR%= . * The sequential order of the preference settings is significant. Define preferences that use other preferences first, i.e. set =WEBCOPYRIGHT= before =WIKIWEBMASTER= since =%WEBCOPYRIGHT%= uses the =%WIKIWEBMASTER%= variable. * You can introduce new preferences variables and use them in your topics and templates. There is no need to change the %WIKITOOLNAME% engine (Perl scripts). __Related Topics:__ * %TWIKIWEB%.%WIKIPREFSTOPIC% has site-level preferences. * %MAINWEB%.%WIKIUSERSTOPIC% has a list of user topics. User topics can have optional user preferences. * %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiVariables has a list of common =%VARIABLES%=. * %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiAccessControl explains how to restrict access by users or groups.