head 1.2; access; symbols; locks; strict; comment @# @; expand @o@; 1.2 date 2006.; author RogerHyam; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date 2006.; author RogerHyam; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @none @ 1.2 log @none @ text @%META:TOPICINFO{author="RogerHyam" date="1141638707" format="1.1" version="1.2"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="TipSurveyResults"}% ---+ How long have you been associated with TDWG (decimal years, eg 1.5) (back to TipSurveyResults) _0_ _0_ _0_ _0_ _0_ _0_ _0_ _0_ _0_ _0_ _0_ _0_ _0_ _0_ _0_ _0_ _0_ _0_ _0_ _0_ _0.01_ _0.1_ _0.2_ _0.5_ _0.5_ _0.8_ _1_ _1_ _1_ _1_ _1_ _1_ _1_ _1_ _1_ _1_ _1.5_ _1.5_ _1.6_ _1.6_ _1.6_ _2_ _2_ _2_ _2_ _3_ _3_ _3_ _3_ _3_ _3_ _3_ _3_ _3.5_ _3.5_ _4_ _4_ _4_ _4_ _4_ _4_ _4.5_ _5_ _5_ _5_ _5_ _5_ _5_ _5_ _5_ _5_ _5_ _5.5_ _6_ _6_ _7_ _7_ _7_ _8_ _8_ _8_ _10_ _10_ _10_ _11_ _12_ _13_ _15_ _15_ _20_ _? 20_ _? 3 years?_ _?10_ _0 but I have been interested in its activities since its inception_ _1 year_ _1 yr (periferally associated; I am not a member)_ _1.5 years_ _10 or more_ _10 years_ _14.5 years_ _15 years (since Delphi 1990), before that by correspondence only_ _16 years_ _2 (loosely associated)_ _20 yrs_ _20?_ _20+_ _3 years_ _3 years_ _5 years in the distribution lists TDWG and TDWG-SDD_ _6 years_ _9.5 years_ _attended first meeting in 1986_ _do not know_ _first contact through this survey on Taxacom_ _have been aware of the organization for ca. 20 years_ _How long have you been associated with TDWG (decimal years, eg 1.5)_ _I am an observer_ _I have known about it for 8 years_ _just now became aware of it_ _no formal association, an onlooker and user_ _Not a member. Interested in TDWG for ~10 yrs._ _Not associated, observer only_ _not sure_ _Not sure what 'Associated' means -- ~10 years_ _Only been on the mailing list_ _unofficially about 2 years_@ 1.1 log @none @ text @d1 1 a1 1 %META:TOPICINFO{author="RogerHyam" date="1138283982" format="1.1" version="1.1"}% d3 22 d26 11 a36 2 ---+ How long have you been associated with TDWG (decimal years, eg 1.5)? (back to TipSurveyResults) d48 2 d52 4 d62 16 d84 6 d94 12 d122 14 d154 4 d172 2 d182 2 d188 2 d192 4 d202 2 d206 6 d214 4 d236 4 d242 2 d248 2 d256 1 a256 7 _unofficially about 2 years_ (back to TipSurveyResults) -- Main.RogerHyam - 26 Jan 2006@