head 1.4; access; symbols; locks; strict; comment @# @; 1.4 date 2006.; author TWikiContributor; state Exp; branches; next 1.3; 1.3 date 2006.; author TWikiContributor; state Exp; branches; next 1.2; 1.2 date 2006.; author TWikiContributor; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date 2001.; author PeterThoeny; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @none @ 1.4 log @buildrelease @ text @%META:TOPICINFO{author="TWikiContributor" date="1111929255" format="1.0" version="4"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="FileAttachment"}% ---+ Hide/Unhide Attachments You can hide/unhide file attachments in normal topic view. * In the FileAttachment table, click on an *action* link, * enable the *Hide file* checkbox, * then click *Change properties* __Note:__ All attachments are listed in the attach screen, regardless of the hide file flag. __Related Topics:__ UserDocumentationCategory @ 1.3 log @buildrelease @ text @d1 1 a1 1 %META:TOPICINFO{author="TWikiContributor" date="1111929255" format="1.0" version="3"}% d5 1 a5 1 You can hide/unhide file attachments. d11 2 @ 1.2 log @buildrelease @ text @d1 1 a1 1 %META:TOPICINFO{author="TWikiContributor" date="1111929255" format="1.0" version="2"}% d7 3 a9 3 * In the FileAttachment table, click on an *action* link, * enable the *Hide file* checkbox, * then click *Change properties* @ 1.1 log @none @ text @d1 1 a1 1 %META:TOPICINFO{author="PeterThoeny" date="1005688933" format="1.0" version="1.1"}% d3 9 a11 9 ---+ Hide/Unhide Attachments You can hide/unhide file attachments. * In the FileAttachment table, click on an *action* link, * enable the *Hide file* checkbox, * then click *Change properties* -- Main.PeterThoeny - 13 Nov 2001 @