head 1.2; access; symbols; locks; strict; comment @# @; 1.2 date 2006.; author TWikiContributor; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date 2006.; author TWikiContributor; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @new-topic @ 1.2 log @buildrelease @ text @---++ Help on Preferences * A preference setting is defined by:
=3 or 6 spaces * Set NAME = value=
Example: * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #FFFFC0 * A preferences setting can be disabled with a # sign. Remove the # sign to enable a local customisation. Example:%BR% * #Set DENYWEBCHANGE = %MAINWEB%.UnknownUser * Preferences are used as %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiVariables by enclosing the name in percent signs. Example: * When you write variable =%WEBBGCOLOR%= , it gets expanded to =%WEBBGCOLOR%= * The sequential order of the preference settings is significant. Define preferences that use other preferences first, i.e. set =WEBCOPYRIGHT= before =WIKIWEBMASTER= since =%WEBCOPYRIGHT%= uses the =%WIKIWEBMASTER%= variable. * You can introduce your own preferences variables and use them in your topics and templates. ---++ Related Topics * [[%TWIKIWEB%.%WIKIPREFSTOPIC%]], [[%LOCALSITEPREFS%]] - site-level preferences * %MAINWEB%.%WIKIUSERSTOPIC% - list of user topics. User topics can have optional user preferences * %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiVariables - list of common =%VARIABLES%= * %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiAccessControl - explains how to restrict access by users or groups ---++ Tools %INCLUDE{"%TWIKIWEB%.RenameWeb"}% @ 1.1 log @buildrelease @ text @d2 8 a9 8 * A preference setting is defined by:
=3 or 6 spaces * Set NAME = value=
Example: * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #FFFFC0 * A preferences setting can be disabled with a # sign. Remove the # sign to enable a local customisation. Example:%BR% * #Set DENYWEBCHANGE = %MAINWEB%.UnknownUser * Preferences are used as %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiVariables by enclosing the name in percent signs. Example: * When you write variable =%WEBBGCOLOR%= , it gets expanded to =%WEBBGCOLOR%= * The sequential order of the preference settings is significant. Define preferences that use other preferences first, i.e. set =WEBCOPYRIGHT= before =WIKIWEBMASTER= since =%WEBCOPYRIGHT%= uses the =%WIKIWEBMASTER%= variable. * You can introduce your own preferences variables and use them in your topics and templates. d12 4 a15 4 * [[%TWIKIWEB%.%WIKIPREFSTOPIC%]], [[%LOCALSITEPREFS%]] - site-level preferences * %MAINWEB%.%WIKIUSERSTOPIC% - list of user topics. User topics can have optional user preferences * %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiVariables - list of common =%VARIABLES%= * %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiAccessControl - explains how to restrict access by users or groups @