# Copyright (C) 2005 ILOG http://www.ilog.fr # and TWiki Contributors. All Rights Reserved. TWiki Contributors # are listed in the AUTHORS file in the root of this distribution. # NOTE: Please extend that file, not this notice. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. For # more details read LICENSE in the root of this distribution. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # As per the GPL, removal of this notice is prohibited. =pod ---+ package TWiki::Plugins::WysiwygPlugin::TML2HTML Convertor class for translating TML (TWiki Meta Language) into HTML The convertor does _not_ use the TWiki rendering, as that is a lossy conversion, and would make symmetric translation back to TML an impossibility. The design goal was to support round-trip conversion from well-formed TML to XHTML1.0 and back to identical TML. Notes that some deprecated TML syntax is not supported. =cut package TWiki::Plugins::WysiwygPlugin::TML2HTML; use strict; use TWiki; use CGI qw( -any ); use HTML::Entities; my $TT0 = chr(0); my $TT1 = chr(1); my $TT2 = chr(2); my $STARTWW = qr/^|(?<=[\s\(])/m; my $ENDWW = qr/$|(?=[\s\,\.\;\:\!\?\)])/m; =pod ---++ ClassMethod new() Construct a new TML to HTML convertor. =cut sub new { my $class = shift; my $this = {}; return bless( $this, $class ); } =pod ---++ ObjectMethod convert( $tml, \%options ) -> $tml Convert a block of TML text into HTML. Options: * getViewUrl is a reference to a method:
getViewUrl($web,$topic) -> $url (where $topic may include an anchor) * markVars is true if we are to expand TWiki variables to spans. It should be false otherwise (TWiki variables will be left as text). =cut sub convert { my( $this, $content, $options ) = @_; $this->{opts} = $options; return '' unless $content; $content =~ s/\\\n/ /g; $content =~ s/[$TT0$TT1]/!/go; # Render TML constructs to tagged HTML $content = $this->_getRenderedVersion( $content ); # Substitute back in protected elements $content = $this->_dropBack( $content ); # This should really use a template, but what the heck... return $content; } sub _liftOut { my( $this, $text ) = @_; my $n = scalar( @{$this->{refs}} ); push( @{$this->{refs}}, $text ); return $TT1.$n.$TT1; } sub _dropBack { my( $this, $text) = @_; # Restore everything that was lifted out while( $text =~ s/$TT1([0-9]+)$TT1/$this->{refs}->[$1]/gi ) { } return $text; } # Parse and convert twiki variables. If we are not using span markers # for variables, we have to change the percent signs into entities # to prevent internal tags being expanded by TWiki during rendering. # It's assumed that the editor will have the common sense to convert # them back to characters when editing. sub _processTags { my( $this, $text ) = @_; return '' unless defined( $text ); my @queue = split( /(%)/, $text ); my @stack; my $stackTop = ''; while( scalar( @queue )) { my $token = shift( @queue ); if( $token eq '%' ) { if( $stackTop =~ /}$/ ) { while( scalar( @stack) && $stackTop !~ /^%()?([A-Z0-9_:]+){.*}$/o ) { $stackTop = pop( @stack ) . $stackTop; } } if( $stackTop =~ m/^%()?([A-Z0-9_:]+)({.*})?$/o ) { my $nop = $1 || ''; my $tag = $2 . ( $3 || '' ); $tag = '%'.$tag.'%'; if( $nop ) { $nop =~ s/[<>]//g; $tag = CGI::span( { class=>'TML'.$nop }, $tag ); } $stackTop = pop( @stack ).$this->_liftOut( $tag ); } else { push( @stack, $stackTop ); $stackTop = '%'; # push a new context } } else { $stackTop .= $token; } } # Run out of input. Gather up everything in the stack. while ( scalar( @stack )) { $stackTop = pop( @stack ).$stackTop; } return $stackTop; } sub _makeLink { my( $this, $url, $text ) = @_; $text ||= $url; $url = $this->_liftOut($url); return CGI::a( { href => $url }, $text ); } sub _makeWikiWord { my( $this, $text, $web, $topic, $anchor ) = @_; my $url = &{$this->{opts}->{getViewUrl}}( $web, $topic ); $url .= $anchor if $anchor; return $this->_makeLink( $url, $text ); } sub _expandRef { my( $this, $ref ) = @_; if( $this->{opts}->{expandVarsInURL} ) { my $origtxt = $this->{refs}->[$ref]; my $newtxt = &{$this->{opts}->{expandVarsInURL}}( $origtxt, $this->{opts} ); return $newtxt if $newtxt ne $origtxt; } return "$TT1$ref$TT1"; } sub _expandURL { my( $this, $url ) = @_; return $url unless ( $this->{opts}->{expandVarsInURL} ); return &{$this->{opts}->{expandVarsInURL}}( $url, $this->{opts} ); } sub _makeSquab { my( $this, $url, $text ) = @_; my $save = $url; $url =~ s/$TT1([0-9]+)$TT1/$this->_expandRef($1)/ge; if( $url =~ /[<>"\x00-\x1f]/ ) { # we didn't manage to expand some variables in the url # path. Give up. # If we can't completely expand the URL, then don't expand # *any* of it (hence $save) return defined($text) ? "[[$save][$text]]" : "[[$save]]"; } unless( $text ) { # forced link [[Word]] or [[url]] $text = $url; if( $url !~ /^($TWiki::regex{linkProtocolPattern}:|\/)/ ) { my $wurl = $url; $wurl =~ s/(^| )(.)/\U$2/g; if( $wurl =~ /^(?:($TWiki::regex{webNameRegex})\.)?(.*)$/ ) { $url = &{$this->{opts}->{getViewUrl}}( $1, $2 ); } else { $url = &{$this->{opts}->{getViewUrl}}( undef, $wurl ); } } } elsif ($url =~ /^(?:($TWiki::regex{webNameRegex})\.)?($TWiki::regex{wikiWordRegex})($TWiki::regex{anchorRegex})?$/) { # Valid wikiword expression my $a = $3 || ''; $url = &{$this->{opts}->{getViewUrl}}( $1, $2 ) . $a; } $text =~ s/(?<=[\s\(])((?:($TWiki::regex{webNameRegex})\.)?($TWiki::regex{wikiWordRegex}))/$1/gom; return $this->_makeLink($url, $text); } # Lifted straight out of DevelopBranch Render.pm sub _getRenderedVersion { my( $this, $text, $refs ) = @_; return '' unless $text; # nothing to do @{$this->{LIST}} = (); $this->{refs} = []; # Initial cleanup $text =~ s/\r//g; $text =~ s/^\n*//s; $text =~ s/\n*$//s; my $removed = {}; # Map of placeholders to tag parameters and text $text = _takeOutBlocks( $text, 'verbatim', $removed ); # Remove PRE to prevent TML interpretation of text inside it $text = _takeOutBlocks( $text, 'pre', $removed ); # change !%XXX to %XXX $text =~ s/!%(?=[A-Z]+({|%))/%/g; # change %XXX to %XXX. A nop before th % indicates # that the result of the tag expansion is to be nopped $text =~ s/%(?=[A-Z]+({|%))/%/g; # Pull comments $text =~ s/()/$this->_liftOut($1)/ges; # Remove TML pseudo-tags so they don't get protected like HTML tags $text =~ s/<(.?(noautolink|nop|nopresult).*?)>/$TT1($1)$TT1/gi; # Expand selected TWiki variables in IMG tags so that images appear in the # editor as images $text =~ s/(]*src=)(["'])(.*?)\2/$1.$2.$this->_expandURL($3).$2/gie; # protect HTML tags by pulling them out $text =~ s/(<\/?[a-z]+(\s[^>]*)?>)/ $this->_liftOut($1) /gei; # Replace TML pseudo-tags $text =~ s/$TT1\((.*?)\)$TT1/<$1>/go; # Convert TWiki tags to spans outside parameters $text = $this->_processTags( $text ); # Change ' !AnyWord' to ' AnyWord', $text =~ s/$STARTWW!(?=[\w\*\=])//gm; $text =~ s/\\\n//gs; # Join lines ending in '\' # Blockquoted email (indented with '> ') # Could be used to provide different colours for different numbers of '>' $text =~ s/^>(.*?)$/'>'.CGI::cite( { class => 'TMLcite' }, $1 ).CGI::br()/gem; # locate isolated < and > and translate to entities # Protect isolated $text =~ s//--}$TT0/g; # SMELL: this next fragment is a frightful hack, to handle the # case where simple HTML tags (i.e. without values) are embedded # in the values provided to other tags. The only way to do this # correctly (i.e. handle HTML tags with values as well) is to # parse the HTML (bleagh!) $text =~ s/<(\/[A-Za-z]+)>/{$TT0$1}$TT0/g; $text =~ s/<([A-Za-z]+(\s+\/)?)>/{$TT0$1}$TT0/g; $text =~ s/<(\S.*?)>/{$TT0$1}$TT0/g; # entitify lone < and >, praying that we haven't screwed up :-( $text =~ s//>\;/g; $text =~ s/{$TT0//go; # standard URI $text =~ s/(?:^|(?<=[-*\s(]))($TWiki::regex{linkProtocolPattern}:([^\s<>"]+[^\s*.,!?;:)<]))/$this->_makeLink($1,$1)/geo; # other entities $text =~ s/&(\w+);/$TT0$1;/g; # "&abc;" $text =~ s/&(#[0-9]+);/$TT0$1;/g; # "{" #$text =~ s/&/&/g; # escape standalone "&" $text =~ s/$TT0(#[0-9]+;)/&$1/go; $text =~ s/$TT0(\w+;)/&$1/go; # Headings # '----+++++++' rule $text =~ s/$TWiki::regex{headerPatternDa}/_makeHeading($2,length($1))/geom; # Horizontal rule my $hr = CGI::hr({class => 'TMLhr'}); $text =~ s/^---+/$hr/gm; # Now we really _do_ need a line loop, to process TML # line-oriented stuff. my $isList = 0; # True when within a list my $insideTABLE = 0; my @result = (); foreach my $line ( split( /\n/, $text )) { # Table: | cell | cell | # allow trailing white space after the last | if( $line =~ m/^(\s*\|.*\|\s*)$/ ) { unless( $insideTABLE ) { push( @result, CGI::start_table( { border=>1, cellpadding=>0, cellspacing=>1 } )); } push( @result, _emitTR($1) ); $insideTABLE = 1; next; } elsif( $insideTABLE ) { push( @result, CGI::end_table() ); $insideTABLE = 0; } # Lists and paragraphs if ( $line =~ s/^\s*$/

/o ) { $isList = 0; } elsif ( $line =~ m/^(\S+?)/o ) { $isList = 0; } elsif ( $line =~ m/^(\t| )+\S/ ) { if ( $line =~ s/^((\t| )+)\$\s(([^:]+|:[^\s]+)+?):\s/

$3 <\/dt>
/o ) { # Definition list $this->_addListItem( \@result, 'dl', 'dd', $1, '' ); $isList = 1; } elsif ( $line =~ s/^((\t| )+)(\S+?):\s/
/o ) { # Definition list $this->_addListItem( \@result, 'dl', 'dd', $1, '' ); $isList = 1; } elsif ( $line =~ s/^((\t| )+)\* /
  • /o ) { # Unnumbered list $this->_addListItem( \@result, 'ul', 'li', $1, '' ); $isList = 1; } elsif ( $line =~ m/^((\t| )+)([1AaIi]\.|\d+\.?) ?/ ) { # Numbered list my $ot = $3; $ot =~ s/^(.).*/$1/; if( $ot !~ /^\d$/ ) { $ot = ' type="'.$ot.'"'; } else { $ot = ''; } $line =~ s/^((\t| )+)([1AaIi]\.|\d+\.?) ?/ /; $this->_addListItem( \@result, 'ol', 'li', $1, $ot ); $isList = 1; } } else { $isList = 0; } # Finish the list if( ! $isList ) { $this->_addListItem( \@result, '', '', '' ); $isList = 0; } push( @result, $line ); } if( $insideTABLE ) { push( @result, '' ); } $this->_addListItem( \@result, '', '', '' ); $text = join("\n", @result ); $text =~ s(${STARTWW}==([^\s]+?|[^\s].*?[^\s])==$ENDWW) (CGI::b(CGI::code($1)))gem; $text =~ s(${STARTWW}__([^\s]+?|[^\s].*?[^\s])__$ENDWW) (CGI::b(CGI::i($1)))gem; $text =~ s(${STARTWW}\*([^\s]+?|[^\s].*?[^\s])\*$ENDWW) (CGI::b($1))gem; $text =~ s(${STARTWW}\_([^\s]+?|[^\s].*?[^\s])\_$ENDWW) (CGI::i($1))gem; $text =~ s(${STARTWW}\=([^\s]+?|[^\s].*?[^\s])\=$ENDWW) (CGI::code($1))gem; # Handle [[][] and [[]] links # Escape rendering: Change ' ![[...' to ' [[...', for final unrendered ' [[...' output $text =~ s/(^|\s)\!\[\[/$1\[\[/gm; # We _not_ support [[http://link text]] syntax # detect and escape nopped [[][]] $text =~ s(\[(\[.*?\](?:\[.*?\])?)\]) ([$1])g; $text =~ s(!\[(\[.*?\])(\[.*?\])?\]) ([$1$2])g; # Spaced-out Wiki words with alternative link text # i.e. [[$1][$3]] $text =~ s/\[\[([^\]]*)\](?:\[([^\]]+)\])?\]/$this->_makeSquab($1,$2)/ge; # Handle WikiWords $text = _takeOutBlocks( $text, 'noautolink', $removed ); $text =~ s#($TWiki::regex{wikiWordRegex}|$TWiki::regex{abbrevRegex})#$1#gom; $text =~ s/$STARTWW((?:($TWiki::regex{webNameRegex})\.)?($TWiki::regex{wikiWordRegex})($TWiki::regex{anchorRegex})?)/$this->_makeWikiWord($1,$2,$3,$4)/geom; foreach my $placeholder ( keys %$removed ) { my $pm = $removed->{$placeholder}{params}->{class}; if( $placeholder =~ /^noautolink/i ) { if( $pm ) { $pm = join(' ', ( split( /\s+/, $pm ), 'TMLnoautolink' )); } else { $pm = 'TMLnoautolink'; } $removed->{$placeholder}{params}->{class} = $pm; } elsif( $placeholder =~ /^verbatim/i ) { if( $pm ) { $pm = join(' ', ( split( /\s+/, $pm ), 'TMLverbatim' )); } else { $pm = 'TMLverbatim'; } $removed->{$placeholder}{params}->{class} = $pm; } } _putBackBlocks( $text, $removed, 'noautolink', 'div' ); _putBackBlocks( $text, $removed, 'pre' ); # replace verbatim with pre in the final output _putBackBlocks( $text, $removed, 'verbatim', 'pre', \&_encodeEntities ); # There shouldn't be any lingering s, but just # in case there are, convert them to s so they get removed. $text =~ s///g; return $text; } sub _encodeEntities { my $text = shift; return HTML::Entities::encode_entities( $text ); } # Make the html for a heading sub _makeHeading { my( $theHeading, $theLevel ) = @_; my $class = 'TML'; if( $theHeading =~ s/$TWiki::regex{headerPatternNoTOC}//o ) { $class .= ' notoc'; } my $attrs = { class => $class }; my $fn = 'CGI::h'.$theLevel; no strict 'refs'; return &$fn($attrs, " $theHeading "); use strict 'refs'; } # Lifted straight out of DevelopBranch Render.pm sub _takeOutBlocks { my( $intext, $tag, $map ) = @_; die unless $tag; return '' unless $intext; return $intext unless ( $intext =~ m/<$tag\b/ ); my $open = qr/^(.*)<$tag\b([^>]*)>(.*)$/i; my $close = qr/^(.*)<\/$tag>(.*)$/i; my $out = ''; my $depth = 0; my $scoop; my $tagParams; my $n = 0; foreach my $line ( split/\r?\n/, $intext ) { if( $line =~ m/$open/ ) { unless( $depth++ ) { $out .= $1; $tagParams = $2; $scoop = ''; $line = $3; } } if( $depth && $line =~ m/$close/ ) { $scoop .= $1; my $rest = $2; unless ( --$depth ) { my $placeholder = $tag.$n; $map->{$placeholder}{params} = _parseParams( $tagParams ); $map->{$placeholder}{text} = $scoop; $line = $TT0.$placeholder.$TT0; $n++; } } if ( $depth ) { $scoop .= $line."\n"; } else { $out .= $line."\n"; } } if ( $depth ) { # This would generate matching close tags # while ( $depth-- ) { # $scoop .= "\n"; # } my $placeholder = $tag.$n; $map->{$placeholder}{params} = _parseParams( $tagParams ); $map->{$placeholder}{text} = $scoop; $out .= $TT0.$placeholder.$TT0; } return $out; } # Lifted straight out of DevelopBranch Render.pm sub _putBackBlocks { my( $text, $map, $tag, $newtag, $callback ) = @_; my $fn = 'CGI::'.($newtag || $tag); $newtag ||= $tag; my @k = keys %$map; foreach my $placeholder ( @k ) { if( $placeholder =~ /^$tag\d+$/ ) { my $params = $map->{$placeholder}{params}; my $val = $map->{$placeholder}{text}; $val = &$callback( $val ) if ( defined( $callback )); no strict 'refs'; $_[0] =~ s/$TT0$placeholder$TT0/&$fn($params,$val)/e; use strict 'refs'; delete( $map->{$placeholder} ); } } } sub _parseParams { my $p = shift; my $params = {}; while( $p =~ s/^\s*(\w+)=(".*?"|'.*?')// ) { my $name = $1; my $val = $2; $val =~ s/['"](.*)['"]/$1/; $params->{$name} = $val; } return $params; } # Lifted straight out of DevelopBranch Render.pm sub _addListItem { my( $this, $result, $theType, $theElement, $theIndent, $theOlType ) = @_; $theIndent =~ s/ /\t/g; my $depth = length( $theIndent ); my $size = scalar( @{$this->{LIST}} ); if( $size < $depth ) { my $firstTime = 1; while( $size < $depth ) { push( @{$this->{LIST}}, { type=>$theType, element=>$theElement } ); push( @$result, "<$theElement>" ) unless( $firstTime ); push( @$result, "<$theType>" ); $firstTime = 0; $size++; } } else { while( $size > $depth ) { my $tags = pop( @{$this->{LIST}} ); push( @$result, "{element}>" ); push( @$result, "{type}>" ); $size--; } if ($size) { push( @$result, "{LIST}->[$size-1]->{element}>" ); } } if ( $size ) { my $oldt = $this->{LIST}->[$size-1]; if( $oldt->{type} ne $theType ) { push( @$result, "{type}>\n<$theType>" ); pop( @{$this->{LIST}} ); push( @{$this->{LIST}}, { type=>$theType, element=>$theElement } ); } } } sub _emitTR { my $row = shift; $row =~ s/\t/ /g; # change tabs to space $row =~ s/^(\s*)\|//; my $pre = $1; my @tr; while( $row =~ s/^(.*?)\|// ) { my $cell = $1; if( $cell eq '' ) { $cell = '%SPAN%'; } my $attr = {}; my( $left, $right ) = ( 0, 0 ); if( $cell =~ /^(\s*).*?(\s*)$/ ) { $left = length( $1 ); $right = length( $2 ); } if( $left > $right ) { $attr->{class} = 'align-right'; $attr->{style} = 'text-align: right'; } elsif( $left < $right ) { $attr->{class} = 'align-left'; $attr->{style} = 'text-align: left'; } elsif( $left > 1 ) { $attr->{class} = 'align-center'; $attr->{style} = 'text-align: center'; } # make sure there's something there in empty cells. Otherwise # the editor will compress it to (visual) nothing. $cell =~ s/^\s*$/ /g; # Removed TH to avoid problems with handling table headers. TWiki # allows TH anywhere, but editors assume top row only, mostly. # See Item1185 push( @tr, CGI::td( $attr, $cell )); } return $pre.CGI::Tr( join( '', @tr)); } 1;