Generated using UMB-EFG EFG2SDD software 0.2 University of Massachusetts,Boston Jacob K. Asiedu Research Assistant University of Massachusetts,Boston Robert A. Morris Professor Electronic Field Guide A digital field guide 1 <__NEW_PROPOSAL>0 2001-12-17T09:30:47.000-05:00 2001-12-17T09:30:47.000-05:00 Unrevised Experts This setting uses the full scope of expert terminology. Max Extreme 1 true Min Extreme -1 true Max Extreme 1 true Min Extreme -1 true Max Extreme 1 true Min Extreme -1 true m true false mm true false interval __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete interval __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete interval __ordinal-discrete interval __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete interval __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete interval __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete interval __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete __ordinal-discrete interval __ordinal-discrete UserDefinedHierarchy UserDefinedHierarchy UserDefinedHierarchy UserDefinedHierarchy UserDefinedHierarchy Aeria eurimedea Species Callithomia hezia Species Ceratinia tutia Species Dircenna chiriquensis Species Dircenna dero Species Dircenna klugii Species Dircenna olyras Species Dircenna relata Species Episcada salvinia Species Eutresis dilucida Species Eutresis hypereia Species Godyris zavaleta Species Godyris zygia Species Greta andromica Species Greta anette Species Greta nero Species Greta oto Species Greta polissena Species Heterosais edessa Species Hyalyris excelsa Species Hypoleria cassotis Species Hyposcada virginiana Species Hypothyris euclea Species Hypothyris lycaste Species Ithomia bolivari Species Ithomia celemia Species Ithomia diasa Species Ithomia heraldica Species Ithomia patilla Species Ithomia terra Species Ithomia xenos Species Mechanitis lysimnia Species Mechanitis menapis Species Mechanitis polymnia Species Melinaea ethra Species Melinaea scylax Species Napeogenes cranto Species Napeogenes peredia Species Napeogenes tolosa Species Oleria paula Species Oleria rubescens Species Oleria vicina Species Oleria zelica Species Olyras crathis Species Olyras insignis Species Pseudoscada utilla Species Pteronymia agalla Species Pteronymia artena Species Pteronymia cotytto Species Pteronymia donata Species Pteronymia fulvescens Species Pteronymia fulvimargo Species Pteronymia fumida Species Pteronymia notilla Species Pteronymia parva Species Pteronymia simplex Species Pteronymia tigranes Species Scada zibia Species Talamancana lonera Species Thyridia psidii Species Tithorea harmonia Species Tithorea tarricina Species Robert A. Morris Morris Robert A. Robert Stevenson Stevenson Robert Jacob K. Asiedu Asiedu Jacob K William Haber Haber William <__OtherScope>Both No concern Not present Eggs are laid singly; larvae are solitary. Much thicker than adjacent black border Forest 2 spots per cell No distinct mark Black bordered by yellow Flies slowly with shallow wing beats within 1 m of the ground. Flies slowly with shallow wing beats within 1 m of the ground. Mexico to South America Lemon yellow bordered by black Images and text copyright (c) 2001 by William A. Haber, Created: 28 December 2000. Updated: 5 June 2001. Atlantic slope (Refugio Eladio, Poco Sol) to lowlands; rare stray in Monteverde community. No bar or spot Black antennae, opaque yellow bars, no white spots on dorsum. <__OtherScope>Both Many small forewing spots, base of forewing black, dorsal hindwing without spots, white spots on ventral hindwing border single. Cell mostly black with light spots at end Atlantic lowlands, reaching 800 m at Refugio Eladio and Poco Sol. Solitary 1 spot per cell Translucent yellow to dark orange-brown Black bordered by orange-brown Images and text copyright (c) 2001 by William A. Haber, Created: 15 January 2001. Updated: 5 June 2001. <__OtherScope>Both Recorded once at San Gerardo (1100 m) and once near La Tigra (450 m). Special concern Open areas Images and text copyright (c) 2001 by William A. Haber, Created: 13 January 2001. Updated: 5 June 2001. Like H. euclea, but translucent; dorsal forewing lacks yellow marginal spots; yellow and black on forewing variable; hindwing discal bar variable. Nicaragua to South America About same width as adjacent black border Horizontal bar present Atlantic slope from about 400-800 m elevation. Smoky translucent mark <__OtherScope>Both Females oviposit on hostplants in light gaps in the cloud forest as well as in clearings and along forest edges. Images and text copyright (c) 2001 by William A. Haber, Created: 17 February 2001. Updated: 5 June 2001. Females oviposit on hostplants in light gaps in the cloud forest as well as in clearings and along forest edges. Both forest and open Breeds in cloud forest Montane forest on both slopes, occasionally down to 800 m in the Río Peñas Blancas valley. Mexico to Panama Large, top of thorax with yellow midline, antennae orange, more transparent than relata, shading on ventral hindwing disc whitish. <__OtherScope>Both Thick black borders , bold black bar in forewing discal cell, hind margin of forewing mostly orange above. Río Guacimal valley at 600-700 m. Peñas Blancas valley at 700-800 m. <__OtherScope>Both Present during migration Medium size, antennae orange, top of thorax with white midline, shading on ventral hindwing disc yellowish. On both slopes down to about 700 m. Most abundant on the Pacific side at 1300-1500 m. <__OtherScope>Both Fox considered this butterfly to be a full species (Dircenna olyras calverti Fox, 1941), but DeVries (1987) lumped it with D. relata as a form. In Monteverde the dark form with cream antennae and the discal bar reaching vein Cu1 seems distinct and this is Images and text copyright (c) 2001 by William A. Haber, Created: 17 February 2001. Updated: 12 June 2001. Both slopes down to about 700 m. Forewing discal cell mostly filled with smoky shading with apical edge reaching vein Cu1, antennae cream in life, medium size, pattern generally bolder than chiriquensis, klugii and relata, shading on ventral hindwing disc whitish, pattern darker in femal Nicaragua to Panama <__OtherScope>Male Antennae orange in life, smoky shading in forewing discal cell not reaching vein Cu1, size medium, pattern generally bolder than chiriquensis and klugii but less than olyras, shading on ventral hindwing disc often yellow, pattern darker in female. <__OtherScope>Female Postdiscal bar triangular with pointed end, border of dhw usually black, hw fringe scales black, fw vein M2 partly white. Black bordered by transparent (clearwings) <__OtherScope>Male Most abundant on the Pacific side at 1300-1500 m. Postdiscal bar triangular with pointed end, border of dorsal hindwing often red-brown, hindwing fringe scales black, forewing vein M2 partly white, head narrow compared with Pteronymia. With some red- or orange-brown Aggregated Same as neighboring cells Clear with black veins Red-brown with black edging (clearwings) Partly white Images and text copyright (c) 2001 by William A. Haber, Created: 28 December 2000. Updated: 12 June 2001. No spots Silver-white at base <__OtherScope>Both Large, Dircenna pattern, marginal spots on ventral hindwing paired, window in forewing discal cell pointed, without bold white spots at ventral forewing apex, hindwing dull brown. Opaque bar or spot Often flies in subcanopy and canopy where the host plants are epiphytic shrubs. Costa Rica and Panama Often flies in subcanopy and canopy where the host plants are epiphytic shrubs. Upper Pacific slope above 1400 m (lower cloud forest); rarely on the Atlantic slope (800 m). <__OtherScope>Both Flies at canopy level where the host plants grow. Schultesianthus is an epiphyte, while Solandra is a canopy liana. Oviposition was observed on Solandra, but the larvae prefer Schultesianthus. Upper Pacific slope at 1300-1500 m. Images and text copyright (c) 2001 by William A. Haber, Created: 28 December 2000. Updated: 5 June 2001. Flies at canopy level where the host plants grow. Schultesianthus is an epiphyte, while Solandra is a canopy liana. Oviposition was observed on Solandra, but the larvae preferred Schultesianthus. Large, Dircenna pattern, marginal spots paired on ventral hindwing, window in forewing discal cell almost square, two bold white spots at ventral hindwing apex, hindwing orangy. Costa Rica to South America <__OtherScope>Female Similar to the male, but hw discal area red-brown not yellow, prominent white marginal spots above, fw more yellow than G. zygia. <__OtherScope>Male Similar to the male, but hindwing discal area red-brown not yellow, prominent white marginal spots above, forewing more yellow than G. zygia. Sexually dimorphic; female belongs to a different mimicry pattern. Atlantic slope from lowlands to about 900 m; less abundant toward lowlands. Common at Refugio Eladio and Poco Sol; not reaching San Gerardo. Flies at 1-5 m in forest understory and light gaps. <__OtherScope>Female Similar to female G. zavaleta, but smoky pattern more pronounced, fw discal cell mostly dark, fw with much less yellow. <__OtherScope>Male Images and text copyright (c) 2001 by William A. Haber, Created: 13 January 2001. Updated: 12 June 2001. Southern pacific region at 0-1000 m reaching as far north as the Central Valley. Not recorded from the Monteverde region. May be a Pacific slope subspecies of G. zavaleta (DeVries 1987). Similar to male G. zavaleta, but smoky pattern more pronounced, forewing discal cell mostly dark, forewing with much less yellow. <__OtherScope>Both Unknown Guatemala to South America Forewing veins M2 and M3 strongly bowed, dorsal borders entirely black, forewing vein M2 all black. All black All black All brown Pacific slope at 1200 to 1500 m; Atlantic slope at 700-1500 m. Images and text copyright (c) 2001 by William A. Haber, Created: 3 April 2001. 5 June 2001. Much thinner than neighboring cells <__OtherScope>Female Dorsal borders red-brown, postdiscal bar wide, M2 and M3 at most weakly bowed. <__OtherScope>Male Dorsal borders red-brown, forewing postdiscal bar narrow, M2 and M3 at most weakly bowed, costal margin of ventral hindwing without a central black spot (as seen in male G. polissena). On both slopes at about 1200 to 1500 m. <__OtherScope>Both Images and text copyright (c) 2001 by William A. Haber, Created: 3 April 2001. Updated: 5 June 2001. On both slopes at 700 to 1500 m. Forewing postdiscal bar very broad, forewing vein M2 partly white, dorsal hindwing border usually with red-brown. <__OtherScope>Both Images and text copyright (c) 2001 by William A. Haber, Created: 8 April 2001. Updated: 5 June 2001. Common on Pacific side from lowlands to 1500 m, rare on Atlantic slope down to 200 m. Black forewing apex broad with inner edge almost straight, white medial bar strong and bordering black apex. <__OtherScope>Female Dorsal borders entirely black, postdiscal bar wide, M2 and M3 at most weakly bowed. <__OtherScope>Male Forewing postdiscal bar narrow, dorsal borders mostly black, costal margin of ventral hindwing of male with a central black spot. Common on upper Pacific slope at 1300 to 1600 m and Atlantic slope down to 700 m (Poco sol). <__OtherScope>Female FW apex with black border uniformly narrow, dorsal borders entirely black, margin of vhw with two white spots per cell (compare with male). <__OtherScope>Male Forewing apex with black border uniformly narrow, veins on coastal margin of ventral hindwing raised, dorsal borders entirely black, margin of ventral hindwing with white spots only at apex (compare with female). Endangered Recorded only a few times from the Monteverde region in the lower Río Peñas Blancas drainage at 350 m. Below 700 m on Atlantic slope. <__OtherScope>Both Forewing base all black, broad black outer margin of hindwing with straight inner edge, marginal spots yellow on ventral forewing, white on ventral hindwing and not paired. At about 700-1500 m on both slopes. Images and text copyright (c) 2001 by William A. Haber, Created: 12 January 2001. Updated: 5 June 2001. Except for Solanum siparunoides, the hostplants grow below the level of the cloud forest, and H. excelsa has not been found breeding in the cloud forest. Except for Solanum siparunoides, the hostplants grow below the level of the cloud forest, and H. excelsa has not been found breeding in the cloud forest. <__OtherScope>Both Black border of forewing apex wide with inner edge broken by two poorly defined clear spots, hindwing border with smooth inner edge, dorsal borders entirely black. Most common on Atlantic side; rarely recorded as a stray on upper Pacific slope. <__OtherScope>Both Uncommon on upper Pacific slope, more abundant at mid-elevation on Atlantic slope (Refugio Eladio). Tends to be solitary and not join leks of other ithomiines, but two or more males often congregate in open spots in the understory. Spots on forewing white- not yellow, antennae black, bold white spots at hindwing apex. The only ithomiine in Costa Rica known to use Gesneriaceae as larval hosts. <__OtherScope>Both The hostplant is found at Poco Sol. Anywhere else, the species is probably a stray. Only seen in Monteverde as a rare migrant or stray. Rare individuals have the fw markings white instead of yellow. Atlantic lowlands up to about 600 m. Found only on the lower edge of the Monteverde Reserve complex. Rare on Pacific slope at 900 m. Small, black spot in forewing discal cell teardrop-shaped, only two yellow patches on forewing in addition to marginal spot line, strong hindwing discal bar. <__OtherScope>Female Typical forest edge and secondary areas. The hostplant grows in old pastures, coffee patches and forest edge. No white spots on vhw, base of fw orange-brown; may have a black spot or bar on hw disc or lack it entirely; hw black border reduced. <__OtherScope>Male Typical of forest edge and secondary areas. The hostplant grows in old pastures, coffee patches and forest edge. Pacific slope at 1000-1400 m; Atlantic slope at about 400-700 m. Typical of forest edge and secondary areas. The hostplant grows in old pastures, coffee patches and forest edge. Dark spot present No white spots on ventral hindwing, base of forewing orange-brown; hindwing disal bar may be strong, reduced to a spot or absent; black border of hindwing poorly developed. <__OtherScope>Both Images and text copyright (c) 2001 by William A. Haber, Created: 28 December 2000. Updated: 8 June 2001. Yellow at base Small, no red-brown in the borders above, black postdiscal bar large, white subapical bar of forewing strong and covers vein M2. Threatened Not yet found in our area. Occurs in the Atlantic lowlands to the south (La Selva Biological Station, Braulio Carillo National Park). <__OtherScope>Both n/a Not recorded from our region. Occurs in the southern Pacific area as far north as Quepos. Wings short, no black on forewing rear margin, round black spot in forewing discal cell, orange-brown grown color opaque, marginal spots all yellow- not white, no hindwing discal bar. Images and text copyright (c) 2001 by William A. Haber, Created: 9 January 2001. Updated: 6 June 2001. <__OtherScope>Both Black postdiscal bar short, bar in forewing discal cell, red-brown in dorsal hindwing border faint or absent. Atlantic slope up to 800 m; San Luis valley at 1100 m; occasional stray on upper Pacific slope. <__OtherScope>Both Images and text copyright (c) 2001 by William A. Haber, Created: 28 December 2000. Updated: 8 June 2001. One of the most abundant species in the region. Found both in forest and disturbed areas. Wings broad, translucent orange-brown ground color, forewing rear margin mostly black, black rectangle in forewing discal cell, marginal spots white below, no hindwing discal bar or spot, hindwing very small, especially in male. Abundant on Pacific side above 1000 m; uncommon on Atlantic slope; uncommon in the lowlands on both sides. Eggs are laid singly; larvae are solitary; the later instars make a loose nest of leaves tagged together with silk. <__OtherScope>Female Black postdiscal bar large and extending down vein Cu1, fw discal cell with or without a bar, red-brown in dhw border, broad triangular border at fw apex. <__OtherScope>Male Black postdiscal bar large and extending down vein Cu1, no bar in forewing discal cell, red-brown in dorsal hindwing border, broad triangular border at forewing apex. Common on Pacific slope above 700 m and down to lowlnads on Atlantic side. <__OtherScope>Both Small, no red-brown in the borders above, veins at end of hindwing discal cell with broad black shading, black postdiscal bar short, forewing vein M2 all black, no yellow at base of ventral hindwing. Not recorded at Monteverde. Known from similar Atlantic slope habitats to the south. Images and text copyright (c) 2001 by William A. Haber, Created: 9 January 2001. Updated: 8 June 2001. <__OtherScope>Female Bar in forewing discal cell, vfw margin without white spot line, hindwing apex rounded. Often lays eggs on bare stems or moss on stems well below the leafy twigs. More common on Pacific side (1000-1500 m); rarely occurring down to 800 m on Atlantic side. <__OtherScope>Male Bar in fw discal cell, vfw margin without white spot line, narrow black hw border, hw apex rounded, black rear margin of fw very wide. <__OtherScope>Female Like male, but hw discal bar reduced or absent. Lowlands on both slopes; occasionally seen migrating through Montevrde. <__OtherScope>Male Ground color lighter orange-brown than congenors, medial yellow band continuous and broader than in M. menapis, basal half of forewing mostly orange-brown, black comma mark at forewing tornus. Lowlands on both slopes; occasionally seen migrating through Monteverde. Images and text copyright (c) 2001 by William A. Haber, Created: 10 January 2001. Updated: 22 May 2001. <__OtherScope>Both Images and text copyright (c) 2001 by William A. Haber, Created: 10 January 2001. Updated: 8 June 2001. From cloud forest on the Pacific slope down to 700 m on Atlantic side; rare on Pacific side at 1300-1500 m. Medial yellow band of forewing continuous but narrow, black markings pronounced above and below, ground color rust brown. <__OtherScope>Female Female like male, but hw discal bar reduced or absent. <__OtherScope>Male One of the most abundant and widespread species in the country. Forewing mostly black from coalesced markings, yellow medial band broken into spots, an isolated orange-brown spot in tornus (connected in congeners), hindwing discal bar greatly reduced below. Female like male, but hindwing discal bar reduced or absent. Common in the lowlands on both slopes. <__OtherScope>Both Above 600 m on Pacific slope; more common on Atlantic slope below 700 m. Images and text copyright (c) 2001 by William A. Haber, Created: 13 January 2001. Updated: 8 June 2001. Large, forewing medial and subapical bands broken, paired white marginal spots below, strong hindwing discal bar, forewing rear margin all black. <__OtherScope>Both Uncommon in forest fragments on lower Pacific slope; recorded once in Peñas Blancas valley at 400 m. Large, forewing medial band continuous, no hindwing discal bar, no white marginal spots below, forewing rear margin black only at end, yellow spot in forewing tornus. <__OtherScope>Female Similar to male, but black margin of hw very narrow, more orange on hw discal area and smoky areas darker. Common in open understory at Eladio?s, flying at 1-5 m. <__OtherScope>Male Forewing discal cell with only a faint smudge, ventral forewing margin with white spot line, wide black hindwing border, hindwing apex pointed. Atlantic slope at 700-900 m (Refugio Eladio, Poco Sol); Pacific slope in the Río San Luis valley (1000 m). Common in light gaps in forest at Refugio Eladio. Images and text copyright (c) 2001 by William A. Haber, Created: 3 April 2001. Updated: 8 June 2001. Common in light gaps in forest at Refugio Eladio. <__OtherScope>Both Eresia sticta and Eresia poecilina, thought to be Batesian mimics, are very similar in appearance . Usually flying at 2-5 m above ground. Images and text copyright (c) 2001 by William A. Haber, Created: 12 January 2001. Updated: 12 June 2001. Atlantic slope at 400-900 m. Small, many small yellow spots on forewing, two rows of yellow spots on hindwing, antennae yellow-tipped. <__OtherScope>Both Images and text copyright (c) 2001 by William A. Haber, Created: 12 January 2001. Updated: 6 June 2001. Found in both mature forest and secondary areas. Small, antennae black, marginal white spots on forewing and hindwing, few large spots on forewing. Widespread on both slopes, but not reaching the lowland dry forest on the Pacific side, and not resident in the cloud forest. Found in both mature forest and secondary areas. <__OtherScope>Both Black forewing apex broad with straight inner edge, white forewing bar covers M2 and M3, forewing discal bar absent or rarely visible as a weak smudge. Images and text copyright (c) 2001 by William A. Haber, Created: 3 April 2001. Updated: 6 June 2001. Common on Atlantic side up to 800 m; uncommon on Pacific side from 700-1500 m. <__OtherScope>Both Strong forewing discal bar, black forewing apex narrow with curved inner edge, postdiscal bar rectangular, veins M2 and M3 black. Common on Atlantic side at 700-1200 m; rare on Pacific side above 1200 m. <__OtherScope>Both Common in cloud forest, uncommon on both slopes below 1200 m. Forewing discal bar strong, black apex incised with two white spots, postdiscal bar triangular, white subapical bar poorly developed, veins M2 and M3 black, dorsal borders red brown. <__OtherScope>Both Low flying in light areas in forest understory. Translucent yellow bars, black antennae, large white spots at forewing apex. Low flying in light areas in forest understory. Occurring at 500-900 m on Atlantic slope; common at Refugio Eladio, uncommon at Poco Sol. <__OtherScope>Both Large, hindwing disc translucent, marginal white spots paired on ventral forewing and ventral hindwing, no white spots on dorsal hindwing (see H. excelsa). Images and text copyright (c) 2001 by William A. Haber, Created: 13 January 2001. Updated: 6 June 2001. Upper Pacific slope at 1300-1500 m; recorded once at San Gerardo (1100 m). <__OtherScope>Both Large, forewing and hindwing discs transparent lemon yellow, black markings mostly opaque, ventral forewing and ventral hindwing with paired marginal spots. Isidro Chacón (pers. comm.) observed oviposition and reared the early stages. Common in large light gaps in primary forest at Refugio Eladio. Atlantic slope at 600-1000 m. Common seen in large light gaps in primary forest at Refugio Eladio. <__OtherScope>Both Small, black postdiscal bar pointed, hindwing border with smooth inner edge, dorsal forewing borders entirely black, inner edge of forewing apical border with a bump, thoracic markings white (compare with P. parva). Images and text copyright (c) 2001 by William A. Haber, Created: 3 April 2001. Updated: 12 June 2001. Atlantic lowlands to 1100 m; common at Refugio Eladio. <__OtherScope>Both Small, prominent cream-yellow forewing band, ventral forewing apex with well-developed white spots; most similar to Pteronymia donata. Uncommon in Atlantic lowlands up to 500 m; recorded once on Pacific side (Guacimal valley) at 700 m. <__OtherScope>Female Costa of dorsal forewing with red-brown, hindwing fringe scales orange, postdiscal bar wide, M2 partly white, one of the largest clearwings. <__OtherScope>Male Common on upper Pacific slope; uncommon on upper Atlantic slope at 1100-1500 m (San Gerardo). Costa of dorsal forewing with red-brown, postdiscal bar medium wide, large for a clearwing, fringe of hindwing orange. Images and text copyright (c) 2001 by William A. Haber, Created: 10 April 2001. Updated: Updated: 12 June 2001. <__OtherScope>Both Recorded once at Monteverde (San Luis valley at 1100 m), once near Turrialba (700 m), and once near Cañas (100 m). I reared this species on Solanum nudum in Catemaco, Mexico in 1973. Pacific slope at 1100 m. Small, pattern like Greta oto, forewing apical border thick and triangular, hindwing border with smooth inner edge (toothed in G. oto). <__OtherScope>Both Images and text copyright (c) 2001 by William A. Haber, Created: 10 April 2001. Updayed: 12 June 2001. A similar habitat to that where P. donata is found in the Central Valley also occurs in the rain shadow west of Monteverde. In Costa Rica known from the El Rodeo reserve west of San José at about 800 m elevation. Forewing with rear margin mostly orange, post discal band of forewing cream yellow, no bar or spot in forewing discal cell. <__OtherScope>Female Like male, but pattern much denser. <__OtherScope>Male One of the most abundant species around the Monteverde community. Common on Pacific side at 1100-1400 m, uncommon down to 700 m; rare on Atlantic side. Antennae yellow-tipped, orange-brown in forewing costal margin, ventral hindwing border with single spots, hind margin of dorsal forewing with orange, hindwing disc shaded orange. <__OtherScope>Female Uncommon on Pacific slope at 1400-1600 m; not recorded on Atlantic side. Dark markings denser and thicker than male, orange on hindwing wider than male. <__OtherScope>Male Aggregated? A single cluster of eggs found on Lycianthes synanthera seems likely to be this species based on the appearence of the larvae; however, none of them reached the adult stage. Pacific slope at 1400-1600 m; not recorded on Atlantic side. Antennae black, forewing costa with orange-brown, ventral forewing border without white spot line, pattern more orange than P. notilla. <__OtherScope>Female Like male, but hindwing disc translucent orange instead of yellow and smoky pattern denser. <__OtherScope>Male Known only from the Atlantic slope near Siquirres. Extremely rare country-wide and not recorded at Monteverde. Potentially present in the Peñas Blancas valley at 700-900 m. Antennae yellow-tipped, forewing costal margin all black, ventral hindwing cells with paired spots, hind margin of dorsal forewing all black, hindwing disc shaded yellow. <__OtherScope>Female Most common on upper Pacific slope at 1300-1500 m; occasional on Atlantic slope from 700-1200 m (rarely down to 250 m). Small, antennae black, forewing pattern of smoky shadows- not black, hindwing disc translucent orange-brown, dorsal hindwing without marginal spots. <__OtherScope>Male Most common on Pacific slope at 1300-1500 m; occasional on Atlantic slope from 700-1200 m (rarely down to 250 m). Antennae black, forewing costa all black, ventral forewing border with white spot line, markings blacker than fulvimargo. <__OtherScope>Both Atlantic lowlands up to 1200 m (Poco Sol, Refugio Eladio, San Gerardo). Images and text copyright (c) 2001 by William A. Haber, Created: 10 April 2001. Updated: 12 June 2001. Small, forewing apical border thick with smoothly curving inner edge, postdiscal bar broad with end forked, thoracic markings yellow. <__OtherScope>Female Black postdiscal bar with forked end, border of dorsal hindwing usually black, hindwing fringe scales orange. <__OtherScope>Male From 1200-1600 m on both slopes, but more common on Pacific side. Black postdiscal bar very narrow, white forewing spots and medial bar highly reduced, border of dorsal hindwing usually black, hindwing fringe scales orange. <__OtherScope>Female Medium size, costa of dorsal forewing entirely black, hindwing fringe scales black, postdiscal bar very wide, M2 partly white. <__OtherScope>Male On Pacific slope at 1100-1500 m; Atlantic slope at 700-1200 m. This species needs more study to determine if it is a form of P. artena associated with wet habitats (see DeVries 1987) or a distinct species. I have commonly found it to be sympatric with P. artena and consistently different in wing shape and pattern cha Costa Rica Smaller than P. artena, costa of dorsal forewing entirely black, hindwing fringe scales black, postdiscal bar wide, M2 all black. <__OtherScope>Both Atlantic lowlands, 0-700 m; Poco Sol field station. Flies low to the ground with shallow wingbeats. Males form small leks in sunny places in understory. Females oviposit on seedlings in light gaps. Traslucent yellow bars, small white spot lines on dorsal borders of both wings, black antennae. Flies low to the ground with shallow wingbeats. Males form small, single-species leks in sunny places in forest understory. Females oviposit on seedlings in light gaps. <__OtherScope>Both Dircenna pattern; triangular charcoal smudge in forewing cell; paired white marginal spots on ventral hindwing, hind margin of dorsal forewing all black, ventral hindwing costa without a white streak (as in Dircenna), smaller than Dircenna. Recorded in our region from a single forest fragment (1400 m) on the Atlantic slope NW of Monteverde. Not seen in the Monteverde region since 1979. The hindwing discal area is distinctly more transparent in the male than in the female. Solanum circinatum was formerly called Cyphomandra hartwegii. <__OtherScope>Both Large, forewing mostly black, hindwing discal bar reduced to a spot, paired spots on dorsal forewing and ventral hindwing margin (single in Mechanitis), only tips of antennae yellow. Solanum circinatum and S. diversifolium were formerly in Cyphomandra. Atlantic lowlands up to about 500 m. <__OtherScope>Both Typical of lowland dry forest. Occasionally passes through Monteverde as a migrant. Rarely seen in the Atlantic lowlands (San Carlos). The amount of black on the hw disc is highly variable as is the shape of the yellow spots on the fw. Antennae orange, forewing short with pointed tip, white checks on wing edges, spots on ventral hindwing margin paired, black bar on lower edge of forewing discal cell, black bar above hindwing discal cell, discal bar reduced to a spot or absent. Enters our area only at the lowest ranges on the dry Pacific slope. Typical of lowland dry forest. Occasionally passes through Monteverde as a migrant. Rarely seen in the Atlantic lowlands (San Carlos). <__OtherScope>Both The amount of black on the hindwing disc is highly variable as is the shape of the yellow spots on the forewing. Unusual in not using Solanaceae as larval hosts. The hosts are vines with clear sap containing pyrrholyzine alkaloids instead of the usual whi Images and text copyright (c) 2001 William A. Haber, Created: 28 December 2000. Updated: 6 June 2001. Pacific slope from 700-1500 m; Atlantic slope down to the lowlands. Large size, broad wings, many small forewing spots, black antennae, small white checks on wing edges. <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Female <__OtherScope>Male <__OtherScope>Female <__OtherScope>Male <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Female <__OtherScope>Male <__OtherScope>Female <__OtherScope>Male <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Female <__OtherScope>Male <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Female <__OtherScope>Male <__OtherScope>Female <__OtherScope>Male <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Female <__OtherScope>Male <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Female <__OtherScope>Male <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Female <__OtherScope>Male <__OtherScope>Female <__OtherScope>Male <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Female <__OtherScope>Male <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Female <__OtherScope>Male <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Female <__OtherScope>Male <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Female <__OtherScope>Male <__OtherScope>Female <__OtherScope>Male <__OtherScope>Female <__OtherScope>Male <__OtherScope>Female <__OtherScope>Male <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Female <__OtherScope>Male <__OtherScope>Female <__OtherScope>Male <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Both <__OtherScope>Both