<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en-us" lang="en-us"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-15" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="sdd1.css"> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff"> <a name="PageTop"></a> <p /> <h2><a name="SDD_Part_0_Introduction_and_Prim"></a> SDD Part 0: Introduction and Primer to the SDD Standard </h2> <p /> <h3><a name="4_5_Elements_within_SamplingEven"></a> 4.5 Elements within <SamplingEvent> </h3> <p /> The element <SamplingUnit> contains raw sample data for a specimen. <SamplingEvent> contains information about where and when that sampling occurred. <p /> A simple SDD instance document representing a sampling event has the basic structure shown below and in example <p /> <img alt="sampledata4.gif" src="http://wiki.tdwg.org/twiki/static/_publish/sampledata4.gif" /> <p /> Example - A simple sampling event <p /> <table bgcolor="#ddddff" border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111"> <p /> <tr> <td> <p /> <pre> <SampleData> <SamplingEvent id="TJM45337"> <DateTime minute="17" hour="7" day="17" month="7" year="2006"/> <DateTimeSpanEnd minute="27" hour="7" day="17" month="7" year="2006"/> <GeographicArea ref="g2"/> <Coordinates latitude="20.44" longitude="139.29"/> <SamplingUnit> <Quantitative ref="ch1" value="12"/> </SamplingUnit> ...etc </SampleData> </pre> <p /> </td> </tr> <p /> </table> <p /> <p /> <DateTime> records the date and time when the sampling event occurred, either as a single time point or as the start of a time period. <p /> <DateTimeSpanEnd> records the end of a time span if event timing is recorded as such. Both date/times may be incomplete in ways not expressible in xs:datetime, e.g. the day and year may be known, but month unknown. <p /> <GeographicArea> is a reference to a geographic area at which the event occurred. This is defined in the element <GeographicAreas> with the basic structure shown below and in example <p /> <img alt="geographicarea.gif" src="http://wiki.tdwg.org/twiki/static/_publish/geographicarea.gif" /> <p /> <p /> <p /> Example Defining geographic areas <p /> <table bgcolor="#ddddff" border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111"> <p /> <tr> <td> <p /> <pre> <GeographicAreas> <GeographicArea id="g1"> <Representation> <Label>Worldwide</Label> </Representation> </GeographicArea> <GeographicArea id="g2"> <Representation> <Label>Europe</Label> </Representation> </GeographicArea> </GeographicAreas> </pre> <p /> </td> </tr> <p /> </table> <p /> <Coordinates> records a point on earth at which the event occurred. Elements available are <Latitude>, <Longitude>, <GeodeticDatum>; <Verbatim> (a textual representation of the original location data) and <Literal> (a free-form string in addition to or instead of numeric coordinates (i.e. Charley's Creek, near Chinchilla). <p /> Example Use of the <Coordinate> element <p /> <table bgcolor="#ddddff" border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111"> <p /> <tr> <td> <p /> <pre> <SampleData> <SamplingEvent id="AQ578462"> <DateTime></DateTime> <Coordinates latitude="26.5" longitude="150.5" geodeticdatum="GDA94" verbatim="5km NW of Roma"/> <SamplingUnit> <Categorical ref="c1"> <State ref="s1"/> </Categorical> </SamplingUnit> </SamplingEvent> </SampleData> </pre> <p /> </td> </tr> <p /> </table> <p /> <h4><a name="4_5_2_SamplingUnit"></a> 4.5.2. SamplingUnit </h4> <p /> A sampling unit may be an individual organism, a leaf of a tree, a piece of tissue, etc. In each sampling unit multiple characters may have been observed together ('paired observations'). Example: 'leaf shape, length, and width' of a single leaf). Value frequencies (e. g., '2.3': observed 4 x) are not supported; they are useful when only a single character variable is supported, but complicate paired observations unnecessarily. Char. values with a frequency should be entered in repeated SamplingUnits. <p /> A simple SDD code snippet representing part of the sample data above has the basic structure shown below and in Example <p /> <img alt="samplingunit2.gif" src="http://wiki.tdwg.org/twiki/static/_publish/samplingunit2.gif" /> <p /> Example Recording sampling data in SDD <p /> <table bgcolor="#ddddff" border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111"> <p /> <tr> <td> <p /> <pre> <SampleData> <SamplingEvent id="sev1000"> <DateTime></DateTime> <SamplingUnit> <Categorical ref="c1"> <State ref="s2"/> </Categorical> <Quantitative ref="c2" value="110"/> </SamplingUnit> <SamplingUnit> <Categorical ref="c1"> <State ref="s1"/> </Categorical> <Quantitative ref="c2" value="112"/> </SamplingUnit> <SamplingUnit> <Categorical ref="c1"> <State ref="s1"/> </Categorical> <Quantitative ref="c2" value="110"/> </SamplingUnit> <SamplingUnit> <Categorical ref="c1"> <State ref="s1"/> </Categorical> <Quantitative ref="c2" value="118"/> </SamplingUnit> </SamplingEvent> </SampleData> </pre> <p /> </td> </tr> <p /> </table> <p /> -- DonovanSharp - 21 Jun 2006 <p /> <p /> </body></html>