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<Label>Image description, e. g., to be used for alt-attribute in html.</Label>
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<Data href="http://test.edu/test.jpg"/>
<MediaObject id="m2">
<Label>Morning call of Homo sapiens</Label>
<Data href="http://test.edu/123.mp3"/>
<MediaObject id="m3">
<Label>Melampsora evonymi-caprearum</Label>
<!-- Details like Caption are optional -->
<Detail role="Caption" xml:lang="fr"><i>Melampsora evonymi-caprearum</i> Kleb., stade II sur <i>Salix caprea</i>L.</Detail>
<Detail role="Caption" xml:lang="de"><i>Melampsora evonymi-caprearum</i> Kleb., Sporenstadium II auf <i>Salix caprea</i> L.</Detail>
<Detail role="Caption" xml:lang="en"><i>Melampsora evonymi-caprearum</i> Kleb., spore stage II on <i>Salix caprea</i> L.</Detail>
<!-- Optionally Resources may be included rather than referencenced through URIs.
An additional href specifying the source of the encoded resource is optional (in addition to the encoded content) -->
<EncodedData ContentType="image/png" href="http://test.edu/Melampsora_evonymi-caprearum.png">R0lGODlhcgGSALMAAAQCAEMmCZtuMFQxDS8b</EncodedData>