%TMPL:INCLUDE{"renamewebbase"}% %TMPL:DEF{"titleaction"}%%MAKETEXT{"(rename)"}% %TMPL:END% %TMPL:DEF{"webaction"}%%MAKETEXT{"Rename"}%%TMPL:END% %TMPL:DEF{"newweb"}%

%TMPL:END% %TMPL:DEF{"newparentweb"}%

%TMPL:END% %TMPL:DEF{"namehelp"}%

%MAKETEXT{"It's usually best to choose a short name for the new web, as it is easier to link to them later on. Characters not allowed in web names, such as spaces will automatically be removed."}%

%TMPL:END% %TMPL:DEF{"movewebhelp"}%

%MAKETEXT{"You can give this web a different name."}%

%TMPL:END% %TMPL:DEF{"parentwebhelp"}%

%MAKETEXT{"Subwebs must be enabled."}%

%TMPL:END% %TMPL:DEF{"updatenote"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Checked topics will be updated to point to the new web name."}% %MAKETEXT{"Not recommended when deleting a web."}%
%TMPL:END% %TMPL:DEF{"topicactionbuttons"}% %MAKETEXT{"or"}% %TMPL:P{"canceltopicaction"}%%TMPL:END%