---+++ AbcdConcept0385 ---+++++ Identifier DataSets/DataSet/Units/Unit/Identifications/Identification/Date/ISODateTimeBegin ---+++++ Group Identification ---+++++ Subgroup ---+++++ Full Name Start of unit identfication (ISO) ---+++++ Documentation The beginning of the unit identification period, or exact date, expressed in a modified ISO/ANSI structured format. ---+++++ Content The exact date (and time) or beginning of a period representing the unit identification event, expressed in a modified ISO/ANSI 8601 standard structured date format. Note that this is the most commonly used element here. If it is impossible to map (because the db values are not in an ISO string format or the internal db date datatype), one has to use the DateText element (AbcdConcept0383). ---++++ Recommended or Prescribed Values ---+++++ Example Values 2005-04-10 2005-04 2005 ---+++++ Example Explanation ---+++++ Reviewer Berendsohn 26 Jun 2005 ---++++ Editorial Notes