---+++ AbcdConcept0398 ---+++++ Identifier DataSets/DataSet/Units/Unit/Identifications/Identification/VerificationLevel ---+++++ Group Identification ---+++++ Subgroup ---+++++ Full Name Unit identification verification level ---+++++ Documentation The level to which the unit identification has been verified. Different standards may use different values here. ---+++++ Content The level to which the unit identification has been verified. Different standards may use different values here. For example, ITF-2 and HISPID-3 recognise the following values: empty - not known whether the name of the record has been verified by an authority 0 (zero) - the name of the record has not been checked by any authority 1 - the name of the record determined by comparison with other named plants 2 - the name of the record determined by a taxonomist or by other competent persons using herbarium and/or library and/or documented living material 3 - the name of the plant determined by taxonomist engaged in systematic revision of the group 4 - The record is part of type gathering or propagated from type material by asexual methods ---++++ Recommended or Prescribed Values ---+++++ Example Value ---+++++ Example Explanation ---+++++ Reviewer Berendsohn 10 Apr 2005 ---++++ Editorial Notes