head 1.2; access; symbols; locks; strict; comment @# @; 1.2 date 2007.; author MoinMoin; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date 2007.; author MoinMoin; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @Initial revision @ 1.2 log @Revision 2 @ text @---+++ AbcdConcept0618 ---+++++ Identifier DataSets/DataSet/Units/Unit/SpecimenUnit/NomenclaturalTypeDesignations/NomenclaturalTypeDesignation/TypifiedName/NameAtomised/Botanical/InfraspecificEpithet ---+++++ Group Domain ---+++++ Subgroup Specimen ---+++++ Full Name Nomenclatural type designation (second epithet) ---+++++ Documentation The final epithet of a botanical name of infraspecific rank that is part of the nomenclatural type designation for the specimen. ---+++++ Content The final epithet of a botanical name of infraspecific rank that is part of the nomenclatural type designation for the specimen. The infraspecific epithet (i.e. the epithet following the indication of the infraspecific rank in the name string (trinomial)). Note that quadrinomials etc. are not supported here as names; if deemed necessary, they can be entered in the FullScientificNameString, this element should than contain the last infraspecific epithet. Rules: 1 No uppercase 2. No space ---++++ Recommended or Prescribed Values ---+++++ Example Value ---+++++ Example Explanation ---+++++ Reviewer ---++++ Editorial Notes @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @a0 1 d11 1 d15 1 d19 1 d23 1 d27 12 a52 2 @