head 1.2; access; symbols; locks; strict; comment @# @; 1.2 date 2006.; author DagTerje; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date 2006.; author DagTerje; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @Entry page for Germplasm - to discuss the implementation of GUIDs in the plant genetic resources (PG . @ 1.2 log @Added some more links to GUID-1 . @ text @---++ GUIDs for Germplasm I have collected here some links as an entry to this GUID wiki for the Germplasm community. I hope to start a discussion on how to implemet the LSID technology in the germplasm community and in particular for the _genebanks_ (seedbanks) holding samples of plant genetic resources. Germplasm is used here to describe conserved samples of the economically valuable crops and the crop wild relatives. [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germplasm][Wikipedia describe germplasm]] as "the genetic resources, or more precisely the DNA of an organism and collections of that material". * [[GermplasmIdentificators][Germplasm Identifiers (overview)]] * [[GermplasmDatProviders][Germplasm Data Providers (example of germplasm objects and possible GUID usage)]] * [[GUIDsForGermplasmGUID1][Travel Report from the GUID-1 (Dag Endresen, IPGRI/NGB)]] * [[HomePage][GUID Wiki Start Page]] * [[GUID1Workshop][GUID-1 First Workshop, February 2006]] * [[IdentifiersForGermplasm][GUID-1, Germplasm Identifiers (Response to the GUID-1 questions)]] * [[GUID1Minutes][GUID-1 Workshop Minutes and Presentations]] * [[GUID1Report][GUID-1 Workshop Report]] ---- [[HomePage][GUID Wiki Start Page]] ---+++++ Categories CategoryUseCases CategoryGUID1@ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d3 1 a3 1 I have collected here some links as an entry to this GUID wiki for the Germplasm community. I hope to start a discussion on how to implemet the LSID technology in the germplasm community and in particular the genebanks (seedbanks) holding plant genetic resources. d9 2 a10 2 * [[GermplasmDatProviders][Germplasm Data Providers (example of germplasm objects and GUID use case)]] * [[GUIDsForGermplasmGUID1][Travel Report from the GUID1 (Dag Endresen, IPGRI/NGB)]] d12 16 a27 1 * [[IdentifiersForGermplasm][Germplasm Identifiers (Response to the GUID1 questions)]]@