%META:TOPICINFO{author="MichaelBrowne" date="1142801988" format="1.0" version="1.3"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="Location"}% ---+ %TOPIC% |[[%PUBURL%/%WEB%/SchemaAsHtml/IASProfile.html][Full schema as HTML]]| |[[%PUBURL%/%WEB%/WebHome/IASProfileMaster.xsd][Full schema as XSD]]| --- --- --- @@@ Main.BobMorris would like some explicit examples of these fields, preferably in the context of an example of a DefinedSchema --- --- --- Sergio Zalba uses the following lookup of 'Dispersal' terms in Portuguese: Anemocórica Autocórica Blastocórica Entomocórica Ornitocórica Quirocórica Zoocórica Barocórica Hidrocórica Indeterminada It is not published (as far as I know), but if it was published, he would complete the referencing data for his 'Dispersal' schema (i.e. DefinedSchemaName, DefinedSchemaValue, DefinedSchemaReference).