%META:TOPICINFO{author="BobMorris" date="1142440238" format="1.0" version="1.3"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="WebHome"}% Starting a list from my reference library... * [[http://www.ibot.cas.cz/personal/pysek/pdf/naturalization_and_invasion_%20of_alien_plants.pdf Naturalization and invasion of alien plants:concepts and definitions]]. Richardson et al. 2000. Diversity and Distributions. v. 6, pp. 103-107. Also in the ConsultantsReport * [[http://sain.nbii.gov/invasives/inv_plant_pest_def.shtml Invasive Plant Pests Definitions and Criteria]] from the NBII. A compilation from several sources. The terminology is distinctly different here. Though these article are older, the vocabulary (at least archaeophyte and neophyte) is certainly still in use: * Recent plant invasions in the Circum-Mediterranean region. Quezel et al. 1990. pp. 51-60 in Biological Invasions in Europe and the Mediterranean Basin, ed. by di Castri et al. * Plant Invasions in Central Europe: historical and ecological aspects. Kornas, J. 1990. pp. 19-36 in Biological Invasions in Europe and the Mediterranean Basin, ed. by Biological Invasions in Europe and the Mediterranean Basin. -- Main.JenniferForman - 15 Mar 2006 --- Additional terminology sources from the ConsultantsReport: * [[http://web2.uwindsor.ca/courses/biology/macisaac/rob.pdf][Colautti, R.I. & !MacIsaac, H.J. (2004) A neutral terminology to define 'invasive' species. Diversity and Distributions, 10, 135–141. ]] %META:TOPICMOVED{by="JenniferForman" date="1142393256" from="IASPS.SourcesForOntologies" to="IASPS.DefinitionsForNonNativeSpecies"}%