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About the Global Invasive Species Information Network (GISIN) Development
GISIN is being developed by a diverse group of organizations and individuals interested in improving the management of invasive species. The documents available below are being used to develop the technical elements of the network.
GISIN Development Documents:
- OverallPlanGISIN - How we will move from concept through to completion (2nd review copy)
- UseCaseAnalysisGISIN - Analysis of end-user use cases (updated with new use cases as needed)
- RequirementsSpecificationGISIN - Defines the requirements of the system (1st review copy)
- SpecificationAnalysisGISIN - Scenarios of how the specification will fulfill the requirements (updated with new analysis as needed)
- AlternativesAnalysisGISIN - Which alternatives were examined for implementation of the protocol (updated as needed)
- ImplementationPlanGISIN - How we will build the system (rough draft)
-- Main.AnnieSimpson - 04 Aug 2007