%META:TOPICINFO{author="AnnieSimpson" date="1245696616" format="1.1" reprev="1.1" version="1.1"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="WebHome"}% ---++ Globally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs) and/or Life Science Identifiers (LSIDs) for Invasive Species Information Sharing by the Global Invasive Species Information Network [[http://www.gisin.org][GISIN]] __A discussion area for invasive alien species (IAS) information managers on how to deal with the need for GUIDs/LSIDs in order to share invasive species data among online databases with IAS information.__ ---+++ Potential topics of discussion: ---+++++ GUID/LSID: how to ensure they are persistent? ---+++++ Who among IAS information managers is using GUID/LSID? ---+++++ Should there be a GISIN GUID/LSID service? If yes, who can/should host it? * Possible hosts: * [[http://www.gisin.org][GISIN domain server]] * GBIF * TDWG * [[http://www.nbii.gov][US National Biological Information Infrastructure]] ---+++++ Should there be a GISIN GUID/LSID master directory? ---+++++ Do any IAS information managers currently have a GUID/LSID information system in place? * [[http://www.discoverlife.org][Discover Life]]: see http://www.discoverlife.org/sc/ui/registry/ * GBIF has one under development (?) * Others? -------------------- -- Main.AnnieSimpson - 22 Jun 2009 - Created this page for discussion