%META:TOPICINFO{author="AnnieSimpson" date="1186199992" format="1.1" version="1.1"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="DevelopmentDocsGISIN"}%
This document will be used to test the specification to insure that it meets the defined use cases.
1. Get list of species invasive to NewZealand through a portal
- Access directory for list of servers
- Hit each server for:
- TypeData=SpeciesList
- biostatus=invasive
- LocationType=country
- LocationCode=NewZealand
- Each server returns a species list in XML
- XML is parsed and compiled results shown to users in a table
2. Get a list of countries that have Tamarix as invasive
- Access directory for list of servers
- Request from each server
- TypeData=LocationList
- LocationType=Country
- BioStatus=Invasvie
- Genus=Tamarix
- Returns a list of countries in XML
3. Get a list of checklists from a specific server
- Get the URL from the directory
- Request from the server
- TypeData=CheckList
- Returns XML with checklists
- Implematnion
- “Genus=’Tamarix’”
- “ScientificName LIKE ‘Tamarix %’
4. Get all Tamarix occurance data for the planet from a modeling server
Simplest data sources:
- Kingdom/Scientific Name, BioStatus, Named location
- or Kingdom/Scientific Name, Date, Location
- or Kingdom/Scientific Name, Profiles URLs
- or Kingdom/Scientific Name, Profile content
- or Kingdom/Scientific Name, Picture
More complex data sources will have:
- Full taxonomic hierarchies (i.e. IT IS)
- Location to spatial data conversion (i.e. Geomancer)
- Which data types do you have?
- Part of registration (multiple URLs, one for each type of data?)
- Contains
-- Main.AnnieSimpson - 04 Aug 2007