%META:TOPICINFO{author="AnnieSimpson" date="1186199992" format="1.1" version="1.1"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="DevelopmentDocsGISIN"}% GISIN: Specification Analysis

Protocol Specification Analysis

Version: 2.0 -- SpecificationAnalysisGISIN

Last Update: 15th of February, 2007

1. Introduction

This document will be used to test the specification to insure that it meets the defined use cases.

2. Analysis

1. Get list of species invasive to NewZealand through a portal
- Access directory for list of servers
- Hit each server for:
- TypeData=SpeciesList
- biostatus=invasive
- LocationType=country
- LocationCode=NewZealand
- Each server returns a species list in XML
- XML is parsed and compiled results shown to users in a table

2. Get a list of countries that have Tamarix as invasive
- Access directory for list of servers
- Request from each server
- TypeData=LocationList
- LocationType=Country
- BioStatus=Invasvie
- Genus=Tamarix
- Returns a list of countries in XML

3. Get a list of checklists from a specific server
- Get the URL from the directory
- Request from the server
- TypeData=CheckList
- Returns XML with checklists

- Implematnion
- “Genus=’Tamarix’”
- “ScientificName LIKE ‘Tamarix %’

4. Get all Tamarix occurance data for the planet from a modeling server

Simplest data sources:
- Kingdom/Scientific Name, BioStatus, Named location
- or Kingdom/Scientific Name, Date, Location
- or Kingdom/Scientific Name, Profiles URLs
- or Kingdom/Scientific Name, Profile content
- or Kingdom/Scientific Name, Picture

More complex data sources will have:
- Full taxonomic hierarchies (i.e. IT IS)
- Location to spatial data conversion (i.e. Geomancer)

3. SQL Analysis

- Which data types do you have?
- Part of registration (multiple URLs, one for each type of data?)

- Contains



-- Main.AnnieSimpson - 04 Aug 2007