%META:TOPICINFO{author="AaronWilton" date="1166051353" format="1.1" version="1.3"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="TCSUsageTaskGroup"}% ---+TCS Usage Problems Use this page to discuss any issues concerning the usage of TCS. Each problem should be described with examples and a solution eventually proposed - this may or may not involve a proposed change to TCS. -- Main.JessieKennedy - 18 Oct 2006 ---++Useage issues Use this section to list useage issues other than bugs. ---++Bugs in Schema Use this section to list possible bugs TCS *Incorrect type for <SpecificEpithet>* This element needs to be changed to type {ReferenceType} to allowing linking to another !TaxonName when the !TaxonName is a subspecific rank. -- Main.AaronWilton - 10 Dec 2006 *Incorrect element definition for <TaxonConcept>/<Name>* The notes for this element indicate that it may act as a link to !TaxonName, or represent the name as published. To allow this the element needs to include the attribute mixed="true". -- Main.AaronWilton - 10 Dec 2006