# Sample '.htaccess' file for 'pub' subdirectory

# Controls access to TWiki 'pub' subdirectory - copy this into 'pub', 
# naming it '.htaccess', to have Apache use it.

# This is useful if you install TWiki on a web host, or an intranet host
# where you can't edit the Apache http.conf file.  If you can edit the
# http.conf file, just set the 'Allow from all' there (or locate these
# directories outside the Web-visible directory tree.)

# Allow all access
Allow from all

# Deny people from looking at the index
# Bare in mind that this is largely inadequate
# See http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Codev/SecuringAttachments
# and http://develop.twiki.org/~develop/cgi-bin/view/Bugs/Item610
# If you think you have a solution it is in your best interests to share it 
# so others can test your idea.
Options None

# We need to protect the entire pub directory tree against any kind of script execution
# TWiki has a renaming protection scheme that alters certain file names to prevent
# script execution but it may not be 100% safe only to rely on this. The safest
# protection is to disabled all scripting.

# If you have PHP4 or PHP5 installed make sure the directive below is enabled
# If you do not have PHP installed you will need to comment out the directory below
# to avoid errors.
php_flag engine off

#If you have PHP3 installed make sure the directive below is enabled
#php3_engine off

# This line will redefine the mime type for the most common types of scripts
# It will also deliver HTML files as if they are text files
AddType text/plain .html .htm .shtml .php .php3 .phtml .phtm .pl .py .cgi