* *Help:* Please see FileAttachment for more information about attaching files.
* *File size:* %IF{"$ATTACHFILESIZELIMIT > 0" then="You can upload files up to %ATTACHFILESIZELIMIT% KB in size." else="There is no size limit for uploaded files."}%
* *Link checkbox:* If the attached file is a JPG, GIF or PNG image and you check the box,
it will create an inline image (e.g. show the image) at the end of the topic. For other
file types a simple link will be created.
* *Bug:* Internet Explorer 4.0 or earlier: If you get an "Internal Server Error"
message when you upload a file, you need to try again. It should work the second time.
---++ Existing attachments for %TOPIC%
%META{"attachments" all="on"}%