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%MAKETEXT{"The new topic chosen must already exist."}%
%TMPL:END% %TMPL:DEF{"newweb"}%%TMPL:END% %TMPL:DEF{"towebtitle"}%---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Move attachment to web:"}%%TMPL:END% %TMPL:DEF{"newtopic"}%%TMPL:END% %TMPL:DEF{"notes"}% * %MAKETEXT{"The attachment and any history will be moved to the new topic."}% * %MAKETEXT{"An error page will be shown if either of the topics are locked by another user."}% * %MAKETEXT{"Note that any URLs that refer to the attachment will be broken after this move."}%%TMPL:END% %TMPL:DEF{"topicactionbuttons"}% %MAKETEXT{"or"}% %TMPL:P{"canceltopicaction"}%%TMPL:END% %TMPL:DEF{"searchresults"}%