---+++ AbcdConcept0291 ---+++++ Identifier DataSets/DataSet/Units/Unit/Identifications/Identification/Result/TaxonIdentified/HigherTaxa/HigherTaxon ---+++++ Group IResult ---+++++ Subgroup Taxon ---+++++ Full Name Higher taxon ---+++++ Documentation A container for the designation of a higher taxon used by the data source to classify the taxon name assigned to the unit in the identification event. ---+++++ Content The scientific name and rank of a taxon with a rank higher than Genus that is used by the data source to classify the taxon name assigned to the unit in the identification event. Note that if a higher taxon such as a family name is the result of the identification itself, it should (also) be noted under Full-Scientific-Name-String (mandatory) and Genus-Or-Monomial (optional). Although this is not really within the scope of ABCD's data domain, this item is kept for compatibility reasons (Darwin Core) and because for the time being searches are often executed using this item (although classification may vary considerably in source datasets). Eventually, we hope that this function will largely be replaced by taxon and name services defined and provided elsewhere. It is highly recommended to make use of the rank element, because this is a prerequisit for data transformation to Darwin Core. ---++++ Recommended or Prescribed Values ---+++++ Example Value ---+++++ Example Explanation ---+++++ Reviewer Berendsohn 29 May 2005 ---++++ Editorial Notes