---+++ AbcdConcept0372
---+++++ Identifier
---+++++ Group
---+++++ Subgroup
---+++++ Full Name
---+++++ Documentation
---+++++ Content
A (bibliographic) reference which has provided the unit identification (and - if present - the identifier's name and/or organisation). The entire identification event was taken from the source given here.
It is not recommended to cite "field tag", or "determination slip" here as the source of the identification but to restrict this to published works. However, it is recommended to record the reference also when the specimen's identity is simply listed in the material examined section.
Note that this is not the literature (e.g. key) used to obtain the identification result (see IdentificationReferences).
---++++ Recommended or Prescribed Values
---+++++ Example Value
---+++++ Example Explanation
---+++++ Reviewer
Berendsohn 10 Apr 2005
---++++ Editorial Notes