head 1.11; access; symbols; locks; strict; comment @# @; 1.11 date 2007.; author MoinMoin; state Exp; branches; next 1.10; 1.10 date 2007.; author MoinMoin; state Exp; branches; next 1.9; 1.9 date 2007.; author MoinMoin; state Exp; branches; next 1.8; 1.8 date 2007.; author MoinMoin; state Exp; branches; next 1.7; 1.7 date 2007.; author MoinMoin; state Exp; branches; next 1.6; 1.6 date 2007.; author MoinMoin; state Exp; branches; next 1.5; 1.5 date 2007.; author MoinMoin; state Exp; branches; next 1.4; 1.4 date 2007.; author MoinMoin; state Exp; branches; next 1.3; 1.3 date 2007.; author MoinMoin; state Exp; branches; next 1.2; 1.2 date 2007.; author MoinMoin; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date 2007.; author MoinMoin; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @Initial revision @ 1.11 log @Revision 11 @ text @---++ Data items on the Wiki pages The title is a arbitrary number for the concept that has been assigned automatically (ABCD Concept 0000) *This item should not be edited!* The next item is the XPath of the item in the schema. Again, *this item should not be edited!* The following headings should themselves not be edited, the respective text should be added to a new line below the heading. ---+++++ Group The name of the group the element is assigned to. A controlled vocabulary, see [[http://ww3.bgbm.org/abcddocs/AbcdSchemaGroups][Groups]]. ---+++++ SubGroup The name of the group the element is assigned to (see [[http://ww3.bgbm.org/abcddocs/AbcdSchemaGroups][Groups]]). ---+++++ Full Name A name that can be used as a prompt in a display. Fill in only for "leaf" elements, i.e. those that actually contain data in the XML document. Mostly shorter version of the "Documentation" ---+++++ Documentation A short version of the content description. This is comparable to the Documentation tag in XML Schema. ---+++++ Content The full description of the potential content of the element or attribute. ---++++ Recommended or prescribed values If certain values are prescribed or recommended, they are listed here (especially if abbreviations are to be used). Fill in only for "leaf" elements, i.e. those that actually contain data in the XML document. ---+++++ Example Value A list of example values. Please separate by paragraphs in the same order as the corresponding explanation. Fill in only for "leaf" elements, i.e. those that actually contain data in the XML document. ---+++++ Example Explanation Explanation of the examples given. Please separate by paragraphs in the same order as the corresponding explanation. Fill in only for "leaf" elements, i.e. those that actually contain data in the XML document. ---+++++ Reviewer The reviewer team in readable form plus date (e.g. B. Adams 3 Mar 2005). ---++++ Editorial notes Used for free text comments and explanations and for communication. Please use the following code to call the attention of a fellow reviewer: $$Firstname$$. ---++ Definitions Collection, datasource or dataset. There are essentially three references behind this: - The physical collection or collection object - The dataset/database representing the entire database at the source - The dataset that is the result of a query and is contained in the document received from the network. An additional complication is that the Unit may be a specimen or an observation unit. In the latter case, the difference between dataset and original (specimen) gets muddled, because there is no specimen preserved. It's important, to think these things out when you hit upon them. If unsure, leave me an editorial note. ---++ Editing rules and conventions for item descriptions *Reviewer* We can use this as a control that I (Walter) have looked at an item and consider the entry +/- finished. Please leave blank where there is no entry in the schema. *$$Firstname$$* is used to call the attention of the respective editor to an item. Remove "your" tag when you answered or treated the problem. The*Full Name* category should be filled only for*leaf elements* (including all attributes). *Container elements* that serve only to hold*unbounded elements* (e.g. "Technical Contacts" for several elements "Technical Contact") belong to the group Container and are not further documented; instead, the individual unbounded element is documented. We generally refer to*attributes* in the text with the AT in front (e.g. @@preferred). The Wiki concept pages that are repeats of the former concept page with an @@ represent the content of the*attribute* linked to the respective element. Attributes must be treated like leaf elements in the documentation. However, there are standard attributs like language which chould get a standard text. As a rule, the group of the _"recommended" attribute_ should be set to the same as the corresponding element. In Editorial Notes, those items that should be considered for a*change in the next schema version* are marked with $$CHANGE$$. @ 1.10 log @Revision 10 @ text @a0 55 ---++ Open Questions Please leave your questions here. I suppose you read the answers below and I moved them into the documentation, where it made sense. Perhaps you OK that in the future? ---++ Q & A Q: If the schema has a , such as "Allows to handle several different datasets with a single response operation" in Datasets. Do you want me to copy that and put it under the content heading (since there is no comment heading in on the concept page in wiki)? A: The item should be integrated into the text under the content heading. Q: Most groups do not have subgroups in the list of SchemaGroups. Do you want me to just leave that blank or put n/a there? A: Please leave blank. I was hoping for some input from Neil and you re groups and subgroups. Q: Originally you had told me several weeks ago you wanted to document examples as well. Most of the items I covered so far do not have examples in the schema - do you still want to add examples? Also, some of the items do have that includes an (e.g......). I have just copied that as part of the content - did you want to put it under the examples heading? A: Examples can be integrated into the text under the Content heading; at present I would like to focus on getting through the schema once. Q: Why are there both concept pages 0034 and 0035? A: This is an error in Markus' programm which we did not catch (we were looking for omitted elements, not duplicated ones). Ok, I deleted some of the duplicated pages. Please use the first one for edits and put $$DELETE$$ under the Editorial Comment header for the other one, I will than delete them. ---++ Definitions When editing content and descriptions, I am at times unsure about where to use the word collection or datasource or dataset. That depends. There are essentially three references behind this: - The physical collection or collection object - The dataset/database representing the entire database at the source - The dataset that is the result of a query and is contained in the document received from the network. An additional complication is that the Unit may be a specimen or an observation unit. In the latter case, the difference between dataset and original (specimen) gets muddled, because there is no specimen preserved. It's important, to think these things out when you hit upon them. If unsure, leave me an editorial note. ---++ Editing rules and conventions for item descriptions *Reviewer* We can use this as a control that I (Walter) have looked at an item and consider the entry +/- finished. Please leave blank where there is no entry in the schema. *$$Firstname$$* is used to call the attention of the editor to an item. Remove "your" tag when you answered or treated the problem. The*Full Name* category should be filled only for*leaf elements* (including all attributes). *Container elements* that serve only to hold*unbounded elements* (e.g. "Technical Contacts" for several elements "Technical Contact") belong to the group Container and are not further documented; instead, the individual unbounded element is documented. I suggest we generally refer to*attributes* in the text with the AT in front (e.g. @@preferred). The Wiki concept pages that are repeats of the former concept page with an @@ represent the content of the*attribute* linked to the respective element. Attributes must be treated like leaf elements in the documentation. However, there are standard attributs like language which chould get a standard text. As a rule, the group of the _"recommended" attribute_ should be set to the same as the corresponding element. In Editorial Notes, those items that should be considered for a*change in the next schema version* are marked with $$CHANGE$$. d53 31 @ 1.9 log @Revision 9 @ text @d51 1 a51 1 @ 1.8 log @Revision 8 @ text @d3 1 a3 1 Please leave your questions here. d7 1 a7 1 1 If the schema has a , such as "Allows to handle several different datasets with a single response operation" in Datasets. Do you want me to copy that and put it under the content heading (since there is no comment heading in on the concept page in wiki)? d11 1 a11 1 2. Most groups do not have subgroups in the list of SchemaGroups. Do you want me to just leave that blank or put n/a there? d15 1 a15 1 3. Originally you had told me several weeks ago you wanted to document examples as well. Most of the items I covered so far do not have examples in the schema - do you still want to add examples? d18 1 a18 1 A: Examples should be integrated into the text under the Content heading; at present I would like to focus on getting through the schema once. d20 1 a20 5 4. Some of the Wiki concept pages are repeats of the former concept page with an @@ if there are attributes(like AbcdConcept0005 and 00012). I added a note to you in one of them, I was not sure what to put in those so I have skipped them. A: These are the attributes. Attributes must be treated like leaf elements in the documentation. However, there are standard attributs like language or preferred which should get a standard text. Suggestions? 5. Why are there both concept pages 0034 and 0035? d24 1 a24 5 6. Many items in schema do not have a reviewer listed so I have left that blank in the wiki pages. Is there anything you want to put there or will you just enter something when you review them? A: I will put myself and date once I consider the entry +/- finished, so we know what has been done. Please leave blank where there is no entry. 7. In places where I did not understand the content I simply copied it and did not revise much (for example, ItemDescriptionsDataSets/DataSet/Metadata/Version/DateIssued). d26 1 a26 1 A: Please mark them with a $$Walter$$ (and comment, if useful) under Editorial Notes so that I can find ItemDescriptions identify these. d28 1 a28 7 8. There may be places I forgot to put a title, or have put a fullname for a non-leaf. Perhaps after I complete the metadata section I will go back over it and correct these. Going between pages that look identical, I sometimes miss these things. A: Sure. Minor problems. We will catch them later. 9. When editing content and descriptions, I am at times unsure about where to use the word collection or datasource or dataset. A: That depends. There are essentially three references behind this: d38 14 a51 1 The Full Name category should be filled only for leaf elements (including all attributes). d53 1 a53 1 Container elements that serve only to hold unbounded elements (e.g. "Technical Contacts" for several elements "Technical Contact") belong to the group Container and are not further documented; instead, the individual unbounded element is documented. @ 1.7 log @Revision 7 @ text @a55 20 2. Most groups do not have subgroups in the list of SchemaGroups. Do you want me to just leave that blank or put n/a there? 3. Originally you had told me several weeks ago you wanted to document examples as well. Most of the items I covered so far do not have examples in the schema - do you still want to add examples? Also, some of the items do have that includes an (e.g......). I have just copied that as part of the content - did you want to put it under the examples heading? 4. Some of the Wiki concept pages are repeats of the former concept page with an @@ if there are attributes(like AbcdConcept0005 and 00012). I added a note to you in one of them, I was not sure what to put in those so I have skipped them. 5. Why are there both concept pages 0034 and 0035? 6. Many items in schema do not have a reviewer listed so I have left that blank in the wiki pages. Is there anything you want to put there or will you just enter something when you review them? 7. In places where I did not understand the content I simply copied it and did not revise much (for example, ItemDescriptionsDataSets/DataSet/Metadata/Version/DateIssued). 8. There may be places I forgot to put a title, or have put a fullname for a non-leaf. Perhaps after I complete the metadata section I will go back over it and correct these. Going between pages that look identical, I sometimes miss these things. 9. When editing content and descriptions, I am at times unsure about where to use the word collection or datasource or dataset. @ 1.6 log @Revision 6 @ text @d1 48 a48 1 Many of the schema elements do have metadata attached (see schema viewer, try Data Set), but all those have to be revised and they have NOT been added to the Wiki pages. We will use fewer data items for the dokumentation created here. d52 2 d56 19 @ 1.5 log @Revision 5 @ text @d1 9 a9 1 Many of the schema elements do have metadata attached (see schema viewer, try Data Set), but all those have to be revised and they have NOT been added to the Wiki pages. We will use fewer data items for the dokumentation created here. The items on the Wiki pages are the following. @ 1.4 log @Revision 4 @ text @d1 1 a1 1 Many of the schema elements do have metadata attached (see schema viewer, try Data Set), but all those have to be revised and they have NOT been added to the WiKi pages. We will use fewer data items for the dokumentation created here. The items on the WiKi pages are the following. d11 1 a11 1 The name of the group the element is assigned to. A controlled vocabulary, see http://ww3.bgbm.org/abcddocs/AbcdSchemaGroups. d14 1 a14 1 The name of the group the element is assigned to (http://ww3.bgbm.org/abcddocs/AbcdSchemaGroups). d18 1 d20 1 d25 1 d37 1 d43 1 @ 1.3 log @Revision 3 @ text @d45 1 a45 1 ---++++ Editorial notes= @ 1.2 log @Revision 2 @ text @d8 1 a8 1 The following headers should themselves not be edited, the respective text should be added to a new line below the header (that is indicated by equal signs). @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d1 1 a1 1 Many of the schema elements do have metadata attached (see schema viewer, try "DataSet"), but all those have to be revised and they have NOT been added to the WiKi pages. We will use fewer data items for the dokumentation created here. The items on the WiKi pages are the following. d3 2 a4 1 The title is a arbitrary number for the concept that has been assigned automatically (ABCDConcept0000) d6 1 d8 1 a8 1 Content: A description of the content of the field. d10 2 a11 1 Documentation: A shorter version of content d13 2 a14 4 Full name: a name that can be used as a prompt in a display (only for "leaf" element, i.e. those that actually contain data in the XML document) - in fact, this is normally a still shorter version than the documentation. d16 4 a19 1 Reviewer: Who and when d21 3 a23 2 Examples: (only for "leaf" element, i.e. those that actually contain data in the XML document) d25 23 a47 3 However, we have one difficulty here: I the element comes from a reusable type (e.g. Contact), it is impossible to be specific about the content, because the element can be . @