head 1.2; access; symbols; locks; strict; comment @# @; 1.2 date 2009.; author LeeBelbin; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date 2009.; author LeeBelbin; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @none @ 1.2 log @none @ text @%META:TOPICINFO{author="LeeBelbin" date="1238546137" format="1.1" version="1.2"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="Tdwg2009"}% ---+!! TDWG 2009 Conference Program *This document is dynamic and will be regularly uploaded to TBA on the TDWG 2009 Conference website.* %TABLE{ sort="on" tableborder="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="3" cellborder="0" \ headerbg="#617694" headercolor="#FFD700" databg="#DCDCDC, #D8DFD5" \ headerrows="2" footerrows="1" }% |*Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) 2009 Conference

*|||||| ||||||| |*Sunday
8th November*|** |||*Chair* |*Venue* | |0900-1700|Group meetings as required (all welcome except for CLOSED executive meeting) ||| || |^ |0100-1700|Executive Committee||Donald Hobern|Corum xx| |^ |0900-1300|Group || Convener |Corum xx| |^ |0900-1300|Group || Convener |Corum xx| |^ |0900-1300|Group || Convener |Corum xx| |^ |0900-1300|Group || Convener |Corum xx| |^ |0900-1300|Group || Convener |Corum xx| |^ |1400-1700|Group || Convener |Corum xx| |^ |1400-1700|Group || Convener |Corum xx| |^ |1400-1700|Group || Convener |Corum xx| |^ |1400-1700|Group || Convener |Corum xx| |^ |1400-1700|Group || Convener |Corum xx| ||||||| |1800-2000|*Welcome Reception* ||| Hosted by the TDWG 2009 Local Organising Committee |TBA| ||||||| |*Monday
9th Novemberr*|*WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS* |||*Chair* |*Venue*| |09:00-10:15|Welcome by the Chairman and introductions to TDWG |||Donald Hobern |Theatre| |^ |0900-0915|Opening and Welcome |XX |^ |^| |^ |0915-0925|Housekeeping and Logistics |Adrian Rissone |^ |^| |^ |0925-0945|Title|Author |^ |^| |^ |0945-1015|Title|Author |^ |^| |1015-1045|Coffee ||||Function Centre | |1045-1230|Session 2 - Session 2 - XXXXXXXXXXX |||Convener |Theatre| |^ |1045-1050|Title|Author|^ |^| |^ |1050-1115|Title|Author|^ |^| |^ |1115-1135|Title|Author|^ |^| |^ |1135-1155|Title|Author|^ |^| |^ |1155-1215|Title|Author|^ |^| |^ |1215-1230|Title|Author|^|^| |1230-1400|Lunch ||||TBA | |1400-1530|Session 3 - XXXXXXXXXXXXX ...|||Convener|Theatre| |^ |1400-1420|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1420-1440|Title|Author|^ |^| |^ |1440-1500|Title|Author|^ |^| |^ |1500-1515|Title|Author|^ |^| |1515-1545|Coffee ||||Corum| |1545-1715|Session 4 - XXXXXXXXXXXX |||Convener |Theatre| |^ |1545-1615|Title|Author|^ |^| |^ |1615-1630|Title|Author|^ |^| |^ |1630-1645|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1645-1700|Title|Author|^| ^| |^ |1700-1715|Title|Author|^|^| ||||||| |*Tuesday
10th November*|*Sessions 5-8* |||*Chair* |*Venue*| |0900-1030|Session 5 - XXXXXXXXXXXXXX |||Convener |Theatre| |^ |0900-0920|Title|Author|^ |^| |^ |0920-0940|Title|Author|^ | ^| |^ |0940-1000|Title|Author|^ |^| |^ |1000-1020|Title|Author|^ |^| |^ |1020-1030|Discussion|Convener |^ |^| |1030-1100|Coffee ||||Corum| |1100-1230|Session 6 - XXXXXXXXXXXXX |||Convener |Theatre| |^ |1100-1115|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1115-1130|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1130-1145|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1145-1200|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1200-1215|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1215-1230|Title|Author|^|^| |1235-1400|Lunch ||||TBA| |1400-1530|Session 7 - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX||| Convener |Theatre| |^ |1400-1405|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1405-1420|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1420-1435|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1435-1450|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1450-1505|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1505-1520|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1520-1530|Title|Author|^|^| |1530-1600|Coffee |||| TBA| |1600-1800|Session 8 - XXXXX|||Convener |TBA| |^ |1600-1800|Title|Author ||TBA 1| |^ |1600-1800|Title|Author || TBA 2| |^ |1600-1800|Title|Author || TBA 3| |^ |1600-1800|Title|Author || TBA 4| |1630-2200 | *Activity (tickets in advance)* ||||TBA| ||||||| |*Wednesday
10th November*|*Sessions 9-12* |||*Chair* |*Venue*| |0900-1030|Session 9 - XXXXXXXXXXXXXX |||Convener |Theatre| |^ |0900-0920|Title|Author|^ |^| |^ |0920-0940|Title|Author|^ | ^| |^ |0940-1000|Title|Author|^ |^| |^ |1000-1020|Title|Author|^ |^| |^ |1020-1030|Discussion|Convener |^ |^| |1030-1100|Coffee ||||Corum| |1100-1230|Session 10 - XXXXXXXXXXXXX |||Convener |Theatre| |^ |1100-1115|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1115-1130|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1130-1145|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1145-1200|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1200-1215|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1215-1230|Title|Author|^|^| |1235-1400|Lunch ||||TBA| |1400-1530|Session 11 - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX||| Convener |Theatre| |^ |1400-1405|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1405-1420|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1420-1435|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1435-1450|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1450-1505|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1505-1520|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1520-1530|Title|Author|^|^| |1530-1600|Coffee |||| TBA| |1600-1800|Session 12 - XXXXX|||Convener |TBA| |^ |1600-1800|Title|Author ||TBA 1| |^ |1600-1800|Title|Author || TBA 2| |^ |1600-1800|Title|Author || TBA 3| |^ |1600-1800|Title|Author || TBA 4| |1630-2200 | *Activity (tickets in advance)* ||||TBA| ||||||| |*Thursday
12th November*|*Sessions 13-16* |||*Chair* |*Venue*| |0900-1030|Session 13 - XXXXXXXXXXXXXX |||Convener |Theatre| |^ |0900-0920|Title|Author|^ |^| |^ |0920-0940|Title|Author|^ | ^| |^ |0940-1000|Title|Author|^ |^| |^ |1000-1020|Title|Author|^ |^| |^ |1020-1030|Discussion|Convener |^ |^| |1030-1100|Coffee ||||Corum| |1100-1230|Session 14 - XXXXXXXXXXXXX |||Convener |Theatre| |^ |1100-1115|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1115-1130|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1130-1145|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1145-1200|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1200-1215|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1215-1230|Title|Author|^|^| |1235-1400|Lunch ||||TBA| |1400-1530|Session 15 - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX||| Convener |Theatre| |^ |1400-1405|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1405-1420|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1420-1435|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1435-1450|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1450-1505|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1505-1520|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1520-1530|Title|Author|^|^| |1530-1600|Coffee |||| TBA| |1600-1800|Session 16 - XXXXX|||Convener |TBA| |^ |1600-1800|Title|Author ||TBA 1| |^ |1600-1800|Title|Author || TBA 2| |^ |1600-1800|Title|Author || TBA 3| |^ |1600-1800|Title|Author || TBA 4| |1900-late!| *Banquet (tickets in advance)* ||||TBA| ||||||| |*Tuesday
10th November*|*Sessions 17-20* |||*Chair* |*Venue*| |0900-1030|Session 17 - XXXXXXXXXXXXXX |||Convener |Theatre| |^ |0900-0920|Title|Author|^ |^| |^ |0920-0940|Title|Author|^ | ^| |^ |0940-1000|Title|Author|^ |^| |^ |1000-1020|Title|Author|^ |^| |^ |1020-1030|Discussion|Convener |^ |^| |1030-1100|Coffee ||||Corum| |1100-1230|Session 18 - XXXXXXXXXXXXX |||Convener |Theatre| |^ |1100-1115|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1115-1130|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1130-1145|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1145-1200|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1200-1215|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1215-1230|Title|Author|^|^| |1235-1400|Lunch ||||TBA| |1400-1530|Session 19 - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX||| Convener |Theatre| |^ |1400-1405|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1405-1420|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1420-1435|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1435-1450|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1450-1505|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1505-1520|Title|Author|^|^| |^ |1520-1530|Title|Author|^|^| |1530-1600|Coffee |||| TBA| |1600-1800|Session 20 - XXXXX|||Convener |TBA| |^ |1600-1800|Title|Author ||TBA 1| |^ |1600-1800|Title|Author || TBA 2| |^ |1600-1800|Title|Author || TBA 3| |^ |1600-1800|Title|Author || TBA 4| |1700 || *Close* |Donald Hobern||Theatre| |1630-2200 | *Activity (tickets in advance)* ||||TBA| ||||||| |*Saturday
14th November*|* EXCURSIONS and POST-CONFERENCE MEETINGS* ||||*Meeting Location*| |Saturday 14|0900-1700| TBA |TBA||Location| |Sunday 15|0900-1730| TBA|TBA||Location| |Sunday 15|0900-1730| TBA|TBA||Location| ||||||| |*Monday - Friday
*|*POSTERS*|||*Chair* |*Venue*| |0900-1730|Authors |Title||Conveners|Location| |^ |Authors|Title||^ |^| |^ |Authors|Title||^ |^| |^ |Authors|Title||^ |^| |^ |Authors|Title||^ |^| |^ |Authors|Title||^ |^| |^ |Authors|Title||^ |^| |^ |Authors|Title||^ |^| |^ |Authors|Title||^ |^| |^ |Authors|Title||^ |^| |^ |Authors|Title||^ |^| |^ |Authors|Title||^ |^| |^ |Authors|Title||^ |^| |^ |Authors|Title||^ |^| |^ |Authors|Title||^ |^| |^ |Authors|Title||^ |^| |^ |Authors|Title||^ |^| |^ |Authors|Title||^ |^| |^ |Authors|Title||^ |^| ||||||| |*Monday-Wednesday
*|*COMPUTER DEMONSTRATIONS*|||*Chair* |*Venue*| |0900-1730|Authors|Title|Time|Conveners|Location| |^ |Authors|Title|Day Time||^ |^| |^ |Authors|Title|Day Time||^ |^| |^ |Authors|Title|Day Time||^ |^| |^ |Authors|Title|Day Time||^ |^| |^ |Authors|Title|Day Time||^ |^| |^ |Authors|Title|Day Time||^ |^| |^ |Authors|Title|Day Time||^ |^| |^ |Authors|Title|Day Time||^ |^| |^ |Authors|Title|Day Time||^ |^| |^ |Authors|Title|Day Time||^ |^| |^| -- Main.LeeBelbin - 12 Mar 2009@ 1.1 log @none @ text @d1 1 a1 1 %META:TOPICINFO{author="LeeBelbin" date="1236897280" format="1.1" reprev="1.1" version="1.1"}% d22 10 a31 9 |^ |0900-1300|Observations & Specimens Interest Group || Steve Kelling |Corum xx| |^ |0900-1300|Literature Interest Group || Anna Weitzman |Corum room xx| |^ |0900-1300|Geospatial Interest Group || Reed Beaman |Corum room xx| |^ |0900-1300|Technical Architecture Group || Greg Whitbread |Corum room xx| |^ |0900-1700|Phylogenetics || Nico Cellinese & Hilmar Lapp |Corum room xx| |^ |1400-1700|Observations Task Group || Matt Jones |Corum xx | |^ |1400-1700|Image & Multimedia Resources Task Group|| Bob Morris |Corum xx (seats 20)| |^ |1400-1700|Metadata || Éamonn Ó Tuama |Corum room 36.102 (seats 35)| |^ |1400-1700|Invasive Species Interest Group || Annie Simpson and Jim Graham |Corum xx (seats 45)| d49 1 a49 1 |1230-1400|Lunch ||||TBA | d236 1 a236 1 -- Main.LeeBelbin - 12 Mar 2009 @