head 1.6; access; symbols; locks; strict; comment @# @; 1.6 date 2007.; author RicardoPereira; state Exp; branches; next 1.5; 1.5 date 2006.; author DagTerje; state Exp; branches; next 1.4; 1.4 date 2006.; author RicardoPereira; state Exp; branches; next 1.3; 1.3 date 2006.; author RicardoPereira; state Exp; branches; next 1.2; 1.2 date 2006.; author RicardoPereira; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date 2006.; author RicardoPereira; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @ . @ 1.6 log @none @ text @%META:TOPICINFO{author="RicardoPereira" date="1173791332" format="1.1" version="1.6"}% ---+++ GUID1 Plenary Session Minutes This are the minutes for the plenary session on Feb 1, 2006, in telegraphic format. Feel free to expand it. Cliff Cunningham - Presentation: [[%ATTACHURL%/GUID_1_Plenary_1_Opening_CliffCunningham_NESCent.ppt]] DonaldHobern - Presentation: [[%ATTACHURL%/GUID_1_Plenary_2_Introduction_DonaldHobern.ppt]] Participants Introduction: * RicardoPereira - TDWG Infrastructure Project, Brazil * Peter Dawyndt - Ghent, microorganisms, global network of strains * Hideaki Sugawara - Japan, WFCC, GBIF-Japan, nucleotide sequence database (DDBJ) * Stan Blum - California Academy of Sciences, TDWG, GBIF, collection data, DIGIR, DWC * Stinger Guala - Baton Rouge, USDA Plants DB, names, concepts, distribution records, TDWG, DIGIT * MI Zuberi - Bangladesh, lots of biodiversity, Indian subcontinent, population geneticist * DagTerje - IPGRI, global germplasm, index of regional collecting events, Nordic Genebank * Paul Kirk - CABI Bioscience, IF * MattJones - NCEAS, informatics projects, Synthesis activities, SEEK, modeling, metadata * Kevin Richards - Landcare, collections, names, LSID on .NET * Roger Hyam - TDWG, process, architecture * Sally Hinchcliffe - Kew, IPNI, specimens, technical solution with minimal work * Patricia Gensel - NESCent, paleobiology * Andrew Jones - Cardiff, SPICE, LITCHI, persistence of ids * Scott Federhen - GenBank, sequences to specimens, systematic literature * Robert Huber - Bremen, WDC-MARE, data set identification for citation, marine, taxon names, Stratigraphy.net * Donald Hobern - GBIF, TDWG * Lee Belbin - TDWG infrastructure * Damian Barnier - CBIT, identification keys * BobPeet - UNC, Ecoinformatics, vegetation data, VegBank, SEEK taxon group * Ben Szekely - IBM, LSID, best practices * RichPyle - Bishop, NBII Pacific basic, * Simon Coppard - ICZN, vertebrate taxonomy, ZooBank * Jessie Kennedy - Napier, TCS * George Garrity - Michigan, later * Greg Riccardi - FSU, MorphBank, GGF database access and integration services WG * RodPage - Glasgow, TreeBase, LSIDs, Handles, why not tomorrow * Steven Perry - KU, DiGIR 2, LSIDs * Cliff Cunningham - NESCent, find home for all data submitted to evolutionary journals, need GUIDs RicardoPereira - Presentation: [[%ATTACHURL%/GUID_1_Plenary_3_Definitions_RicardoPereira.ppt]] Jessie Kennedy - Presentation: [[%ATTACHURL%/GUID_1_Plenary_4_ReqsForTaxonNamesAndConcepts_JessieKennedy.ppt]] RicardoPereira - Presentation: [[%ATTACHURL%/GUID_1_Plenary_5_ReqsForSpecimensAndCollections_RicardoPereira.ppt]] * Greg Riccardi - Collections Management software does hold ids in the short-term * Peter Dawyndt/Sally Hinchcliffe/RichPyle - doesn't work now in practice with current practices, numbers not necessarily unique, history varies * George Garrity - Also live samples * Jessie Kennedy - Clarify why discussed relationships between GUIDs after saying this wasn't the subject * RicardoPereira /Donald Hobern - background for what we are doing * Bob Peet - Be sensitive to the needs for observations, etc. * MattJones - Discussing specimens is interesting because deals with concrete examples, which doesn't apply to observations * George Garrity - Rights management need to be discussed * Scott Federhen - Even for specimens, the record is digital so not clear * Greg Riccardi - QOS is the real issue with GUIDs * RodericPage - Presentation: [[%ATTACHURL%/GUID_1_Plenary_8_GUIDs_Metadata_RDF_RodericPage.ppt]] * Jessie Kennedy - Your inference example - should we believe these inferences * Sally Hinchcliffe - It's the metadata that helps us to know * MattJones - Incompatible inferences are certainly a problem * Ben Szekely - Presentation: [[%ATTACHURL%/GUID_1_Plenary_6_LifeSciencesIndentifiers_BenSzekely.ppt]] * Scott Federhen - GenBank not guaranteed to return same byte sequence - FASTA files can be changed by changes to organism names * RichPyle - When should versions be used? * Ben Szekely - recommend you don't, because versioning should really be addressed by metadata linkages * Sally Hinchcliffe - What of multiple services for same LSID? * Ben Szekely - We developed a service to allow resolvers to provide information to originators that they have foreign metadata for the LSID * George Garrity - Presentation: [[%ATTACHURL%/GUID_1_Plenary_7_DigitalObjectIdentifiers_GeorgeGarrity.ppt]] * Paul Kirk - Cost is the issue. * Robert Huber - For WDC-Mare, c. 25 cents per DOI vs. 1000� data acquisition costs per data set * Scott Federhen - RA maintenance of ids is still a cost * George Garrity - what is the user community? What would they pay for? * Donald Hobern - Presentation: [[%ATTACHURL%/GUID_1_Plenary_9_IdentifyingObjects_DonaldHobern.ppt]] * Stan Blum - Do we ever have external objects to which we want to assign GUIDs? * RogerHyam - Objects can have different facets? * Sally Hinchcliffe - Separate between "should" and "is". * RichPyle - Do GUIDs get moved when specimens are transferred to other organizations? * Scott Federhen - Common situation e.g. with Jansen butterflies * Stan Blum - This sort of thing will be modeled through applicability statements * Ben Szekely - My instinct would be to assign new id with link to new authority * Donald Hobern - May wish to attach non-actionable GUIDs to objects and actionable ones to data objects * RichPyle - Applies whenever multiple providers describe same thing * RicardoPereira - Catalogue numbers already exist - cannot change this - need to concentrate on linkages between digital objects * Stan Blum - Cancelation of duplicates requires GUIDs? * MattJones - Need also to meet needs of students and professors sharing data * Jessie Kennedy/Sally Hinchcliffe - We musn't get too hung up on opacity * RicardoPereira - Let's list criteria we have to evaluate systems * Andrew Jones - If we adopt LSID, would it not be sensible to adopt standards in use with other LSID implementations, etc. * Peter Dawyndt - Always need to be able to handle having multiple identifiers for same thing * Jessie Kennedy - Must address the requirements @ 1.5 log @ . @ text @d1 1 d13 29 a41 29 RicardoScachettiPereira - TDWG Infrastructure Project, Brazil Peter Dawyndt - Ghent, microorganisms, global network of strains Hideaki Sugawara - Japan, WFCC, GBIF-Japan, nucleotide sequence database (DDBJ) Stan Blum - California Academy of Sciences, TDWG, GBIF, collection data, DIGIR, DWC Stinger Guala - Baton Rouge, USDA Plants DB, names, concepts, distribution records, TDWG, DIGIT MI Zuberi - Bangladesh, lots of biodiversity, Indian subcontinent, population geneticist DagTerje - IPGRI, global germplasm, index of regional collecting events, Nordic Genebank Paul Kirk - CABI Bioscience, IF MattJones - NCEAS, informatics projects, Synthesis activities, SEEK, modeling, metadata Kevin Richards - Landcare, collections, names, LSID on .NET Roger Hyam - TDWG, process, architecture Sally Hinchcliffe - Kew, IPNI, specimens, technical solution with minimal work Patricia Gensel - NESCent, paleobiology Andrew Jones - Cardiff, SPICE, LITCHI, persistence of ids Scott Federhen - GenBank, sequences to specimens, systematic literature Robert Huber - Bremen, WDC-MARE, data set identification for citation, marine, taxon names, Stratigraphy.net Donald Hobern - GBIF, TDWG Lee Belbin - TDWG infrastructure Damian Barnier - CBIT, identification keys RicardoScachettiPereira - UNC, Ecoinformatics, vegetation data, VegBank, SEEK taxon group Ben Szekely - IBM, LSID, best practices RichPyle - Bishop, NBII Pacific basic, Simon Coppard - ICZN, vertebrate taxonomy, ZooBank Jessie Kennedy - Napier, TCS George Garrity - Michigan, later Greg Riccardi - FSU, MorphBank, GGF database access and integration services WG RodericPage - Glasgow, TreeBase, LSIDs, Handles, why not tomorrow Steven Perry - KU, DiGIR 2, LSIDs Cliff Cunningham - NESCent, find home for all data submitted to evolutionary journals, need GUIDs d43 1 a43 2 RicardoScachettiPereira - Presentation: [[%ATTACHURL%/GUID_1_Plenary_3_Definitions_RicardoPereira.ppt]] d47 1 a47 1 RicardoScachettiPereira - Presentation: [[%ATTACHURL%/GUID_1_Plenary_5_ReqsForSpecimensAndCollections_RicardoPereira.ppt]] d50 10 a59 10 Greg Riccardi - Collections Management software does hold ids in the short-term Peter Dawyndt/Sally Hinchcliffe/RichPyle - doesn't work now in practice with current practices, numbers not necessarily unique, history varies George Garrity - Also live samples Jessie Kennedy - Clarify why discussed relationships between GUIDs after saying this wasn't the subject RicardoScachettiPereira/Donald Hobern - background for what we are doing Bob Peet - Be sensitive to the needs for observations, etc. MattJones - Discussing specimens is interesting because deals with concrete examples, which doesn't apply to observations George Garrity - Rights management need to be discussed Scott Federhen - Even for specimens, the record is digital so not clear Greg Riccardi - QOS is the real issue with GUIDs d62 1 a62 1 RodericPage - Presentation: [[%ATTACHURL%/GUID_1_Plenary_8_GUIDs_Metadata_RDF_RodericPage.ppt]] d64 3 a66 3 Jessie Kennedy - Your inference example - should we believe these inferences Sally Hinchcliffe - It's the metadata that helps us to know MattJones - Incompatible inferences are certainly a problem d69 6 a74 6 Ben Szekely - Presentation: [[%ATTACHURL%/GUID_1_Plenary_6_LifeSciencesIndentifiers_BenSzekely.ppt]] Scott Federhen - GenBank not guaranteed to return same byte sequence - FASTA files can be changed by changes to organism names RichPyle - When should versions be used? Ben Szekely - recommend you don't, because versioning should really be addressed by metadata linkages Sally Hinchcliffe - What of multiple services for same LSID? Ben Szekely - We developed a service to allow resolvers to provide information to originators that they have foreign metadata for the LSID d77 5 a81 5 George Garrity - Presentation: [[%ATTACHURL%/GUID_1_Plenary_7_DigitalObjectIdentifiers_GeorgeGarrity.ppt]] Paul Kirk - Cost is the issue. Robert Huber - For WDC-Mare, c. 25 cents per DOI vs. 1000€ data acquisition costs per data set Scott Federhen - RA maintenance of ids is still a cost George Garrity - what is the user community? What would they pay for? d84 18 a101 18 Donald Hobern - Presentation: [[%ATTACHURL%/GUID_1_Plenary_9_IdentifyingObjects_DonaldHobern.ppt]] Stan Blum - Do we ever have external objects to which we want to assign GUIDs? RH - Objects can have different facets? Sally Hinchcliffe - Separate between "should" and "is". RichPyle - Do GUIDs get moved when specimens are transferred to other organizations? Scott Federhen - Common situation e.g. with Jansen butterflies Stan Blum - This sort of thing will be modeled through applicability statements Ben Szekely - My instinct would be to assign new id with link to new authority Donald Hobern - May wish to attach non-actionable GUIDs to objects and actionable ones to data objects RichPyle - Applies whenever multiple providers describe same thing RicardoScachettiPereira - Catalogue numbers already exist - cannot change this - need to concentrate on linkages between digital objects Stan Blum - Cancelation of duplicates requires GUIDs? MattJones - Need also to meet needs of students and professors sharing data Jessie Kennedy/Sally Hinchcliffe - We musn't get too hung up on opacity RicardoScachettiPereira - Let's list criteria we have to evaluate systems Andrew Jones - If we adopt LSID, would it not be sensible to adopt standards in use with other LSID implementations, etc. Peter Dawyndt - Always need to be able to handle having multiple identifiers for same thing Jessie Kennedy - Must address the requirements @ 1.4 log @ . @ text @d18 1 a18 1 DagTerge - IPGRI, global germplasm, index of regional collecting events, Nordic Genebank @ 1.3 log @ . @ text @d5 1 a5 1 CliffCunningham - Presentation: [[%ATTACHURL%/GUID_1_Plenary_1_Opening_CliffCunningham_NESCent.ppt]] d7 1 a7 1 Donald Hobern - Presentation: [[%ATTACHURL%/GUID_1_Plenary_2_Introduction_DonaldHobern.ppt]] d12 1 a12 1 Ricardo Pereira - TDWG Infrastructure Project, Brazil d18 1 a18 1 Dag Endresen - IPGRI, global germplasm, index of regional collecting events, Nordic Genebank d20 1 a20 1 Matt Jones - NCEAS, informatics projects, Synthesis activities, SEEK, modeling, metadata d31 1 a31 1 Ricardo Pereira - UNC, Ecoinformatics, vegetation data, VegBank, SEEK taxon group d33 1 a33 1 Rich Pyle - Bishop, NBII Pacific basic, d38 1 a38 1 Rod Page - Glasgow, TreeBase, LSIDs, Handles, why not tomorrow d43 1 a43 1 Ricardo Pereira - Presentation: [[%ATTACHURL%/GUID_1_Plenary_3_Definitions_RicardoPereira.ppt]] d47 1 a47 1 Ricardo Pereira - Presentation: [[%ATTACHURL%/GUID_1_Plenary_5_ReqsForSpecimensAndCollections_RicardoPereira.ppt]] d51 1 a51 1 Peter Dawyndt/Sally Hinchcliffe/Rich Pyle - doesn't work now in practice with current practices, numbers not necessarily unique, history varies d54 1 a54 1 Ricardo Pereira/Donald Hobern - background for what we are doing d56 1 a56 1 Matt Jones - Discussing specimens is interesting because deals with concrete examples, which doesn't apply to observations d62 1 a62 1 Rod Page - Presentation: [[%ATTACHURL%/GUID_1_Plenary_8_GUIDs_Metadata_RDF_RodericPage.ppt]] d66 1 a66 1 Matt Jones - Incompatible inferences are certainly a problem d71 1 a71 1 Rich Pyle - When should versions be used? d88 1 a88 1 Rich Pyle - Do GUIDs get moved when specimens are transferred to other organizations? d93 2 a94 2 Rich Pyle - Applies whenever multiple providers describe same thing Ricardo Pereira - Catalogue numbers already exist - cannot change this - need to concentrate on linkages between digital objects d96 1 a96 1 Matt Jones - Need also to meet needs of students and professors sharing data d98 1 a98 1 Ricardo Pereira - Let's list criteria we have to evaluate systems @ 1.2 log @ . @ text @d5 4 a8 1 Donald Hobern - Presentation: Introduction to GUID, TDWG and GBIF d15 1 a15 1 Stan Blum - CalAcademy, TDWG, GBIF, collection data, DiGIR, DwC d43 1 a43 1 Ricardo Pereira - Presentation d45 3 a47 1 Jessie Kennedy - Presentation a48 1 Ricardo Pereira - Presentation d62 2 a63 1 Rod Page - Presentation d69 1 a69 1 Ben Szekely - Presentation d77 1 a77 1 George Garrity - Presentation d84 1 a84 1 Donald Hobern - Presentation @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d3 95 a97 1 ...coming soon.@