%META:TOPICINFO{author="RicardoPereira" date="1170080720" format="1.1" version="1.15"}% *Note: The GUID-1 Workshop has already happened.* ---- ---++ GUID-1 Workshop [[http://www.nescent.org/main/][NESCent]] is hosting the *First International Workshop on Globally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs) for Biodiversity* on *February 1-3, 2006*. The workshop is organised by the Taxonomic Databases Working Group (TDWG - http://www.tdwg.org) and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF - http://www.gbif.org). This workshop will review potential GUID technologies and then provide recommendations for a development strategy to the TDWG. *Resources:* * [[GUID1Logistics][Logistics]] - General instructions to participants (when you arrive at the airport, etc). * [[GUID1Agenda][Draft Agenda]] * [[GUID1Participants][List of Participants]] * [[GUID1Homework][Homework]] for workshop participants * [[GUID1Minutes][Workshop Minutes and Presentations]] * [[GUID1Report][Report (Wiki page)]] or [[%ATTACHURL%/GUID-1Report.pdf][in PDF format]] * [[GUID1ReportComments][Report Comments]] ---- ---+++ Venue [[http://www.nescent.org/main/][National Center for Evolutionary Synthesis (NESCent)]] 2024 West Main Street Suite A200 Durham, NC, USA 27705 Date: *February 1-3, 2006* ---- ---+++ Goals * To discuss requirements for globally unique identifiers for biodiversity informatics * To start designing a GUID system for biodiversity informatics * To adopt an existing GUID technology (LSID, DOI, Handles, ARK) * To specicy a prototype of RDF based metadata architecture for demonstrations * To form a working group to draft recommendations on GUID infrastructure ---- ---+++ General Plan * *Day 1* - Plenary presentations, definition of issues, start of discussions * *Day 2* - Parallel discussions in 2 groups (names and concepts; specimens and collections) to develop a refined statement of requirements and to consider suitability of candidate technologies * *Day 3* - Plenary review, evaluation of findings, review of what is actually agreed, development of plan to address any outstanding issues ---- ---+++++ Categories CategoryGUID1