head 1.5; access; symbols; locks; strict; comment @# @; 1.5 date 2007.; author RicardoPereira; state Exp; branches; next 1.4; 1.4 date 2006.; author LeeBelbin; state Exp; branches; next 1.3; 1.3 date 2006.; author LeeBelbin; state Exp; branches; next 1.2; 1.2 date 2006.; author LeeBelbin; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date 2006.; author LeeBelbin; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @ . @ 1.5 log @none @ text @%META:TOPICINFO{author="RicardoPereira" date="1170081263" format="1.1" version="1.5"}% ---+++ Second announcement for GUID-2 Workshop Hi Folks The second GUID workshop is going to be hosted by eSI in Edinburgh June 10-12. As the details emerge, I'll add them to the Wiki- http://wiki.gbif.org/guidwiki/wikka.php?wakka=GUID2Workshop The current game plan is to derive a set of recommendations from the tasks within the Infrastructure and Prototyping Working Groups. It would be good if the Task Coordinators could circulate any recommendations (as dot points) before June 3. This gives us a week for consideration. The second workshop has 4 tasks- 1. Report findings 1. Refine recommendations 1. (Briefly) justify the recommendations (so that future readers could follow the logic) and 1. Design an implementation plan. I've been going through the tasks on the Wiki and note that 9 still do not have a coordinator. A few have a coordinator, but either there hasn't been any activity, or the Wiki hasn't been updated. It would be good if the load could be spread as I know that everyone is busy with their day job. If you know of someone who could advance any of the tasks, please let them loose. Which of these tasks is a real priority and which ones should be dropped or reduced? *Infrastructure Working group* | # | Task | Coordinator | | 2 | LSIDLongTermArchival | NONE | | 3 | GUIDRegistrationAuthority | NONE | | 4 | GUIDOrphanDatasets | NONE | | 7 | GUIDAnnotationAndLinkOut | NONE | | 8 | GUIDOutreach | NONE | | 10 | LSIDSpecificationReview | Ricardo Pereira | *Prototyping Working Group* | # | Task | Coordinator | | 1 | LSIDResolverForTaxonNamesIPNI | Roger Hyam | | 2 | LSIDResolverForSpecimens | Steve Perry | | 4 | LSIDResolverForObservations | NONE? | | 7 | LSIDResolverMorphbank | Greg Riccardi | | 8 | LSIDScalabilityTesting | NONE | | 9 | LSIDBasedIntegrationAntsDemo | NONE | | 10 | LSIDSEEKTaxonResolutionServer | NONE | If there is anything that I may be able to do to help, please let me know. Lee *Lee Belbin* Manager, TDWG Infrastructure Project Email: lee@@tdwg.org Phone: +61(0)419 374 133 @ 1.4 log @ . @ text @d1 1 d16 1 a16 1 1. Briefly) justify the recommendations (so that future readers could follow the logic) and d23 7 a29 8 # Task Coordinator 2. LSIDLongTermArchival NONE 3. GUIDRegistrationAuthority NONE 4. GUIDOrphanDatasets NONE 7. GUIDAnnotationAndLinkOut NONE 8. GUIDOutreach NONE 10. LSIDSpecificationReview Ricardo Pereira d33 8 a40 9 # Task Coordinator 1. LSIDResolverForTaxonNamesIPNI Roger Hyam 2. LSIDResolverForSpecimens Steve Perry 4. LSIDResolverForObservations NONE? 7. LSIDResolverMorphbank Greg Riccardi 8. LSIDScalabilityTesting NONE 9. LSIDBasedIntegrationAntsDemo NONE 10. LSIDSEEKTaxonResolutionServer NONE d49 1 a49 1 Phone: +61(0)419 374 133@ 1.3 log @ . @ text @a2 1 ---- d13 4 a16 4 1. Report findings 2. Refine recommendations 3. (Briefly) justify the recommendations (so that future readers could follow the logic) and 4. Design an implementation plan. d18 1 a18 1 I've been going through the tasks on the Wiki and note that 9 still do not have a coordinator. A few have a coordinator, but either there hasn't been any activity, or the Wiki hasn't been updated. d20 1 a20 4 It would be good if the load could be spread as I know that everyone is busy with their day job. If you know of someone who could advance any of the tasks, please let them loose. Which of these tasks is a real priority and which ones should be dropped or reduced? Infrastructure Working group d31 3 a33 1 Prototyping Working Group d47 1 a47 1 Lee Belbin @ 1.2 log @ . @ text @a26 1 - * --- * ---------- @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d1 3 a14 1 a15 1 a16 1 @