head 1.9; access; symbols; locks; strict; comment @# @; 1.9 date 2006.; author RicardoPereira; state Exp; branches; next 1.8; 1.8 date 2006.; author RicardoPereira; state Exp; branches; next 1.7; 1.7 date 2006.; author LeeBelbin; state Exp; branches; next 1.6; 1.6 date 2006.; author LeeBelbin; state Exp; branches; next 1.5; 1.5 date 2006.; author LeeBelbin; state Exp; branches; next 1.4; 1.4 date 2006.; author LeeBelbin; state Exp; branches; next 1.3; 1.3 date 2006.; author LeeBelbin; state Exp; branches; next 1.2; 1.2 date 2006.; author LeeBelbin; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date 2006.; author LeeBelbin; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @Base logistics for GUID-2 . @ 1.9 log @Added walk map from hotel to eSI . @ text @---+++ Logistics for GUID-2 ---- ---++++ Registration Registration is open to invitees at http://www.nesc.ac.uk/esi/events/682/. If you have been invited, please register NOW. If you are also attending the RDF meeting you should specify in the registration for *both* meetings that you want to stay in the Novotel. ---- ---++++ Accommodation Please be certain to use the registration to fill in the hotel nights required and the budget (between 70-85 pounds it would seem). The hotel will be determined by the eSI staff. They are trying to get everyone into the same hotel, but as it is a busy time around the meeting dates, this may not be possible. It seems that most are booked into the Radisson in High Street (about a 1.3km walk from eSI) *You WILL get a conformation e-mail from the eScience Centre containing dteails of your hotel booking. Please check the details and be sure to contact for conformation at least 2 full days before arrival.* If you are also attending the RDF meeting you should specify in the registration for *both* meetings that you want to stay in same hotel. ---- ---+++ About the Venue: eSI * General eSI information - http://www.nesc.ac.uk/esi/intro.html * How to get there (includes a link to a walk map) - http://www.nesc.ac.uk/esi/esi_travel.html * [[%ATTACHURL%/Radisson_eSI.gif][Walk map from the Radisson Hotel to e-Science Institute]] ---- ---+++ Reimbursement Procedure I've written a brief description of how to use the [[GBIFreimbursementspreadsheet][GBIF reimbursement spreadsheet]]. Details of the guidelines and the spreadsheet can be found at http://www.gbif.org/Support/travel. *Please remember that we would like you to do the reimbursement as soon as possible after GUID-2 so that we can clear the budget before June 30.* Lee Belbin TDWG Infrastructure Project Manager lee@@tdwg.org@ 1.8 log @Added walk map from hotel to eSI . @ text @d23 1 a23 1 * A [[%ATTACHURL%/Radisson_eSI.gif][walk map from the Radisson Hotel to e-Science Institute]] @ 1.7 log @Update eSI information . @ text @d23 1 @ 1.6 log @More hotel details available from eSI . @ text @d5 1 a5 1 Registration is now open to invitees at http://www.nesc.ac.uk/esi/events/682/. If you have been invited, please register as soon as possible. d12 1 a12 1 Please be certain to use the registration to fill in the hotel nights required and the budget (between 70-85 pounds it would seem). The hotel will be determined by the eSI staff. They are trying to get everyone into the same hotel, but as it is a busy time around the meeting dates, this may not be possible. I am aware that many are booked into the Radisson Hotel in High Street. d19 1 a19 1 ---+++ Getting To eSI d21 2 a22 1 The eSI web site has details of how to find it - http://www.nesc.ac.uk/esi/esi_travel.html @ 1.5 log @Jessie's note about use of same hotel for RDF & GUID2 . @ text @d12 1 a12 2 Accommodation will be at the Novotel http://www.novotel.com/novotel/fichehotel/gb/nov/3271/fiche_hotel.shtml. It is a new hotel with good facilites and is close to the eScience centre. This will be organised through eSI's registration process so you *don't* need to contact the hotel. d14 3 a16 1 If you are also attending the RDF meeting you should specify in the registration for *both* meetings that you want to stay in the Novotel. @ 1.4 log @Hotel process update . @ text @d5 3 a7 1 Registration is now open to invitees at http://www.nesc.ac.uk/esi/events/682/. If you have been invited, please register as soon as possible. d12 1 a12 1 Accommodation is likely to be at the Novotel http://www.novotel.com/novotel/fichehotel/gb/nov/3271/fiche_hotel.shtml. d15 2 @ 1.3 log @Registration Open to invitees . @ text @d11 1 a11 1 It is a new hotel with good facilites and is close to the eScience centre. d21 1 a21 1 I've written a brief description of how to use the [[GBIFreimbursementspreadsheet][GBIF reimbursement spreadsheet]]. Details of the guidelines and the spreadsheet can be found at http://www.gbif.org/Support/travel. d23 1 a23 1 Lee @ 1.2 log @Contact details . @ text @d2 13 d16 1 a16 1 As soon as information from eSI becomes available, I'll load it up here. @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d10 5 a14 1 Lee@