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date 2006.; author DagTerje; state Exp;
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@---+++++ Multiple Data Providers for Germplasm
Specimen/object illustrated as a clone of an apple cultivar.
The physical object and metadata on Germplasm can be provided (resolved) from several sources with different intent of persistence. *Provider 1* in the illustration above illustrate the specimen holding institute, providing (resolving) both the physical specimen/object (here represented by a clone of an apple cultivar) and metadata on the specimen. The mandate of the institute is to conserve both the physical object and metadata "indefinitely". This mandate includes providing the object and metadata for relevant utilization. (Resolve bounding to both object and metadata.) As an insurance of failure to keep this commitment the germplasm is often duplicated as "black box" to a safe storage at another institute, *Provider 2* in the illustration. The safe storage does not publish the metadata and does only provide the object in case the original object is lost (restricted resolving of object and no resolving of metadata). It would however be very useful to gain knowledge from the GUID of the object where (and if) it is safely backup duplicated. The metadata can be indexed and published by a crop data portal, *provider 3*. The germplasm crop portals often add value by improving the metadata. Improvement can be done by comparing and analyzing the duplication of the specimen accross regional or global collections. The crop portals sometimes also add missing values of the metadata on concepts like breeder, longitude and latitude of collecting site, corrections of misspelled nomenclature names etc. Ability to resolve the data collected and generated here on a specific object (GUID) add metadata quality as well as metadata availability to the data in case the original metadata is offline. The crop portals hold only metadata and cannot resolve to the object itself. Other portals can also provide (resolve) the same metadata like for example the GBIF data portal, *provider 4*.
In reference to the [[ARK]] GUID technology, all four providers above can make statements of their commitment to provide the object and/or the metadata. This statement should also be able to decribe any *restrictions on access*, like the very limited access to safe duplication copies of germplasm but with a longterm storage commitment.
Should the real life physical specimen get a GUID and metadata always refer to this, or would the metadata sometimes get a GUID? Is it ok that data portals resolve only the metadata and not the object if using the GUID of the object? The metadata from the different sources describe the same object but with in different context. It would be useful if the object/specimen GUID could resolve to all the available metadata with transparency of the context. If all the providers in the illustration above resolve/use the same GUID, then they would also need individual statements of commitment or intent of persistent service/access.@
@d9 1
a9 1
In reference to the ARK, all four providers above can make statements of their commitment to provide the object and/or the metadata. This statement should also be able to decribe any *restrictions on access*, like the very limited access to safe duplication copies of germplasm but with a longterm storage commitment.
@d7 1
a7 1
The physical object and metadata on Germplasm can be provided (resolved) from several sources with different intent of persistence. *Provider 1* in the illustration above illustrate the specimen holding institute, providing (resolving) both the physical specimen/object (here represented by a clone of an apple cultivar) and metadata on the specimen. The mandate of the institute is to conserve both the physical object and metadata "indefinitely". This mandate includes providing the object and metadata for relevant utilization. (Resolve bounding to both object and metadata.) As an insurance to failure to keep this commitment the germplasm is often duplicated as "black box" to a safe storage at another institute, *Provider 2* in the illustration. The safe storage does not publish the metadata and does only provide the object in case the original object is lost (restricted resolving of object and metadata). It would however be very useful to gain knowledge from the GUID of the object where (and if) it is safely backup duplicated. The metadata can be indexed and published by a crop data portal, *provider 3*. The germplasm crop portals often add value to the metadata by comparing and analyzing the duplication of the specimen accross regional or global collections. The crop portals can also add missing values of the metadata on breeder, longitude and latitude of collecting site, corrections of misspelled nomenclature names etc. Ability to resolve the data collected and generated here on a specific object add data quality as well as availability to the data in case the original metadata is offline. The crop portals hold only metadata and cannot resolve to the object itself. Other portals can also provide (resolve) the same metadata like for example the GBIF data portal, *provider 4*.
d10 2
@d7 3
a9 1
The physical object and metadata on Germplasm can be provided (resolved) from several sources with different intent of persistence. *Provider 1* in the illustration above illustrate the specimen holding institute, providing (resolving) both the physical specimen/object (here represented by a clone of an apple cultivar) and metadata on the specimen. The mandate of the institute is to conserve both the physical object and metadata "indefinitely". This mandate includes providing the object and metadata for relevant utilization. (Resolve bounding to both object and metadata.) As an insurance to failure to keep this commitment the germplasm is often duplicated as "black box" to a safe storage at another institute, *Provider 2* in the illustration. The safe storage does not publish the metadata and does only provide the object in case the original object is lost (restricted resolving of object and metadata). It would however be very useful to gain knowledge from the GUID of the object where (and if) it is safely backup duplicated. The metadata can be indexed and published by a crop data portal, *provider 3*. The germplasm crop portals often add value to the metadata by comparing and analyzing the duplication of the specimen accross regional or global collections. The crop portals can also add missing values of the metadata on breeder, longitude and latitude of collecting site, corrections of misspelled nomenclature names etc. Ability to resolve the data collected and generated here on a specific object add data quality as well as availability to the data in case the original metadata is offline. The crop portals hold only metadata and cannot resolve to the object itself. Other portals can also provide (resolve) the same metadata like for example the GBIF data portal, *provider 4*.@
@Initial revision
@d3 1
a3 1
d5 1
d7 1
a7 1
Multiple data providers