head 1.2; access; symbols; locks; strict; comment @# @; 1.2 date 2005.; author RicardoPereira; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date 2005.; author RicardoPereira; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @ . @ 1.2 log @Removed workshop call from list . @ text @---+++ How to participate 1. Provide input to the survey of requirements through one of the following: a. Add comments or edit pages in this Wiki. b. Subscribe to the mailing list [[TDWG-GUID@@listserv.nhm.ku.edu]] at http://listserv.nhm.ku.edu/archives/tdwg-guid.html - your comments may then be added to the Wiki. 2. Your input is particularly sought in the following areas: a. If you are involved in a project that is experimenting with or using a GUID technology ([[LSID]], [[DOI]], etc.), please comment on strengths and weaknesses of the approach and your experience in deploying the solution (see ExistingProjects). b. Describe ways in which GUIDs could be used to solve problems within your area of interest (provide a scenario that describes a problem for which GUIDs may be helpful, see GUIDUseCases). @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @a8 8 3. Send an expression of interest to participate in the workshops. Please send such applications to [[guids@@gbif.org]], providing the following information: a. Name and contact details b. Institutional affiliation c. Specific area(s) of interest within biodiversity informatics d. Reasons for interest in participation in GUID standards development e. Would you be able to devote time to web-based discussions as part of a working group between the two workshops? f. Would you require support for travel to attend the workshops?@