%META:TOPICINFO{author="RicardoPereira" date="1170093420" format="1.1" version="1.1"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="WebHome"}% ---++!! Status Report on GUID/LSID Efforts - Jan/2007 %TOC% ---- ---+++ Ongoing Activities - 2nd Semester/2006 ---++++ !LSID Vocabularies ---++++ !LSID Resolvers Deployed * [[LSIDResolverForTaxonNamesIF][IndexFungorum Prototype resolver]] now conforms to [[TAG.TaxonNameLsidVoc][LSID vocabularies for TaxonNames]]. ---++++ TIP Funded !LSID Work (to be initiated soon) * RDF vocabulary for Natural Collections Descriptions (NCD.WebHome) by Main.NeilThomson and Main.MarkusDoering. * !LSID resolver for Herb IMI (a collection of over 300000 fungal collections and cultures) and a corresponding LSID browsing and matching tool by Main.KevinRichards, Main.JerryCooper and Main.PaulKirk. * !LSID resolver for [[http://www.cate-araceae.org][CATE]] (Creating a Taxonomic e-Science) by Ben Clark and others. * !LSID policy guidelines and implementation roadmap for the Australian biodiversity federation. ---+++ Short-term Plans - 1st Semester/2007 * Establishment of the TDWG GUID task group * Revision of LSID Applicability Statement and submission as a TDWG standard * ... -- Main.RicardoPereira - 29 Jan 2007