%META:TOPICINFO{author="KevinRichards" date="1358800289" format="1.1" version="1.144"}% ---+!! Welcome to the Globally Unique Identifiers (GUID) Wiki Welcome to the *TDWG GUID Wiki*. This is a collaboration area used to discuss the use of *Globally Unique Identifiers* (*GUIDs*) in our community. The [[http://wiki.gbif.org/guidwiki/wikka.php?wakka=HomePage][first Wiki discussion]] about GUIDs in the lead up to the two TIP sponsored GUID meetings (see below) was hosted on the GBIF site. ---++!! Table of Contents %TOC% ---++ LSID Home Page Visit the LSID page for documentation on LSIDs. ---++GUID and LSID Applicability Statements Public Review * [[GUID and LSID AS Review]] - a page for the collation of submissions for the GUID and LSID Applicability Statement Public Review. ---++ A Definition of Globally Unique Identifiers (for the purposes of this group) A *globally unique identifier*, or *GUID*, is a system that provides mechanisms to identify and access *data objects* on the Web. The main characteristics of a GUID system are: * GUID systems have *identifiers*, which are character strings associated with data objects. *urn:lsid:tdwg.org:TaxonName:12345* and *doi:10.1000/182* are examples of identifiers. * An identifier in a GUID system is *persistent*, i.e., it is *permanently* associated with a data object. * An identifier in a GUID system is *globally unique*, i.e., it identifies a single data object uniquely within the system. * Identifiers in a GUID system are *actionable*, i.e., the system provides mechanisms for clients to access a data object from its associated identifier. This is equivalent to saying that objects in a GUID system are *locatable*. * A GUID system also provides mechanisms to describe data objects, i.e., it provides *metadata* about them. ---++ Relevant Documents * [[LsidHttpProxyUsageRecommendations][LSID HTTP Proxy Usage Recommendations]] - a set of rules to make LSID more interoperable with standard World Wide Web and Semantic Web applications. ---++ GUID Working Groups Two main working groups have been created during [[GUID1Workshop][GUID-1 Workshop]] (see the [[GUID1Report][report]]) to implement the initial components of the GUID infrastructure and to address outstanding issues: * InfrastructureWorkingGroup - will address the key issues regarding the deployment of LSID as the GUID technology for biodiversity informatics. * PrototypingWorkingGroup - will develop prototypes of test cases to test aspects of a GUID infrastructure. ---++ Events * [[AustralasianBiodiversityFederationLsidPolicy][Meeting to develop an LSID deployment policy for the Australasian Biodiversity Federation]] - April 2-4, 2007 at the Australian National Botanic Gardens, Canberra, Austrailia - *This event is past* * [[GUID1Workshop][GUID-1 Workshop]] - Feb 1-3, 2006 at [[http://www.nescent.org/main/][NESCent]], Durham, NC, USA - *This event is past* * [[GUID2Workshop][GUID-2 Workshop]] - June 10-12, 2006 at the e-Science Institute (e-SI) in Edinburgh, Scotland - *This event is past* ---++ General Content * [[Background]] - Information on the TDWG/GBIF GUID initiative * [[Glossary]] - Definition of terms used by this community * [[Process]] - How we are organizing the work * [[HowToParticipate][How to participate]] - Add your comments to the wiki and join our [[http://lists.tdwg.org/mailman/listinfo/tdwg-guid][mailing list]] * [[Main.ThreeEasySteps][How to use this wiki]] - Please read before adding new pages * People * ExistingProjects * OutdatedPages ---++ Other Documents * [[Technologies][GUID Technologies]] - Candidate technologies under evaluation * [[GUIDUseCases][Use Cases]] * [[http://www.tdwg.org/2004meet/EV/TDWG_2004_Papers_Thau_1.zip][GUIDs and LSIDs]] - Powerpoint presentation by David Thau (TDWG meeting 2004) * [[http://circa.gbif.net/Public/irc/gbif/dadi/library?l=/architecture/globallyuniqueidentifier/_EN_1.0_&a=d][Globally Unique Identifiers for Biodiversity Informatics]] - Powerpoint presentation by Donald Hobern * [[http://wiki.gbif.org/dadiwiki/wikka.php?wakka=DPSGloballyUniqueIdentifierServices][GBIF GUID Services Strategy]] - outline plan for development of GBIF GUID services from [[http://circa.gbif.net/Public/irc/gbif/dadi/library?l=/architecture/portal_strategy_1/][GBIF Data Portal Strategy]] * ReallyLeanPhpAuthority ---++ Software * [[LsidSoftwareInventory][Software Inventory]] * [[CurrentGuidWork][Current work]] ---++ Contact The TDWG Infrastructure Project Team was: * Lee Belbin, Australia - Project Manager (lee@tdwg.org) * Roger Hyam, United Kingdom - Technical Architect * Ricardo Pereira, Brazil - Software Engineer The GBIF contact is: * Éamonn Ó Tuama (eotuama@gbif.org) ---- ---+++++!! Categories CategoryWiki CategoryUsers