head 1.1; access; symbols; locks; strict; comment @# @; 1.1 date 2006.; author AnnieSimpson; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @none @ 1.1 log @none @ text @%META:TOPICINFO{author="AnnieSimpson" date="1142378576" format="1.0" version="1.1"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="TechnicalImplementationWorkingGroup"}% ---++TECH GROUP 2006-02-23 - Day 3 - AM results ---+++Recommendations indexed by priority number *7. Doc Exchange* TAPIR Recommended *8. Integrity / Extension* BM: List of concerns: - Make schema smaller ==> BM - Enumeration (Lists) *15. Extensibility* Build/manage list How to update lists without having to change the schema Not standardized with XML schema? Bob will investigate MD: Versioning Version attribute used during processing BM: Other option (with extension capabilities) Extensibility options - Change internal schema version - Schema version attribute on root element - Change target namespace Maybe other solutions MD: Recommend to have a closer look at how to link to external ontologies *10. Exclusion / Optional element* If mandatory ==> not valid if empty *11. Synonyms* Get list of synonyms Build associations to resolve names BM/MD: Support standards for nomenclature and taxon concepts *13. Update / Data Quality* MD: Done through annotations No generic system *14. Data Use / Ownership* Eventually, GBIF will have to tackle this problem of harmonizing metadata. Metadata - Dataset BM: may need ID/IDREF Then efficiency question Inherited metadata When data from different providers is aggregated we should have a mechanism to keep track of who provided what ==> envelope element Try to combine several envelopes within the same XML document *17. Strong Typing* Bob's Homework Define every structured item Need a data type for every element/attribute with content Consider adding pattern (regex) facets for strings that need parsing *18. Doc Instance / Integrity* Use XML Validation tools Use Xerces *19. Doc Size* BM: No merit MD: Compression available (server will use it if the client supports it) -- Main.AnnieSimpson - 14 Mar 2006 @