%META:TOPICINFO{author="LeeBelbin" date="1269295895" format="1.1" version="1.10"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="WebHome"}% ---++Local Organizing Committee for TDWG 2009 in Montpellier This is a workspace for the Montpellier Local Organizing Committee ---+++TDWG 2009 Local Organizing Committee * Elizabeth Arnaud * Daniel Barthelemy (18/6/2009) * Pierre Bonnet * Brigitte Cabantous * Stéphanie Channelière * Michel Chauvet (14/5/2009) * Jacques David * Michel Deshayes (14/7/2009) * Karen Lehrer * Doyle McKey (14/5/2009) * Jean-François Molino * Jean-Louis Pham * Jean-Christophe Pintaud * Max Ruas * Manuel Ruiz * Michel Salas (not registered) * Maxime Thibon * Janis Thiriet * Maguelonne Teisseire (13/6/2009) * Anne Zanetto (zanetto@supagro.inra.fr: 11/9/2009) ---++ DRAFT PROGRAMME -- Main.LeeBelbin - 07 May 2009 %META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="New_draft_TDWG_2009_Programme.doc" attachment="New_draft_TDWG_2009_Programme.doc" attr="" comment="Last draft of the programme with an extra plenary session" date="1243514168" path="C:\Documents and Settings\earnaud\My Documents\TDWG\organisation 2009\PC\New draft TDWG 2009 Programme.doc" size="250368" stream="C:\Documents and Settings\earnaud\My Documents\TDWG\organisation 2009\PC\New draft TDWG 2009 Programme.doc" user="Main.ElizabethArnaud" version="1"}%