%META:TOPICINFO{author="StanleyBlum" date="1311647677" format="1.1" reprev="1.23" version="1.23"}% ---+ TWiki Administrator Group * Member list: * Set GROUP = %MAINWEB%.PiersHiggs, %MAINWEB%.RicardoPereira, %MAINWEB%.BobMorris, %MAINWEB%.LeeBelbin, %MAINWEB%.AdrianRissone, %MAINWEB%.KevinRichards, %MAINWEB%.TimRobertsonGBIF, %MAINWEB%.MarkusDoering, %MAINWEB%.StanleyBlum, %MAINWEB%.GarryJolleyRogers, %MAINWEB%.AnthonyGoddard, %MAINWEB%.PhilCryer, %MAINWEB%.DaveMatthews, %MAINWEB%.WilliamUlate * Persons/group who can change the list: * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = TWikiAdminGroup __Related topics:__ %WIKIUSERSTOPIC%, TWikiGroups, %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiAccessControl __%X% NOTE:__ If you happen to lock yourself out of TWikiAdminGroup during setup activities, you can edit this group topic at file system level using any text file editor (as a last resort.)