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@%META:TOPICINFO{author="ArlinStoltzfus" date="1320234971" format="1.1" version="1.21"}%
Steps towards a Minimum Information About a Phylogenetic Analysis (MIAPA) Standard
---++ Synopsis and Goal
Many phylogenetic analysis results are published in ways that present serious barriers to their reuse in numerous research applications that would stand to benefit from them. While some of these barriers are well understood, such as issues with adherence to standard exchange formats, those centering on the associated metadata necessary for researchers to evaluate or reuse a published phylogeny have only recently begun to be articulated. One of the critical next steps towards formalizing these metadata requirements as a minimum reporting standard is to convene meetings of key stakeholder communities with the goal to identify information attributes necessary and desirable for facilitating reuse, and to build consensus on their priority. To this end, we held a workshop at the 2011 TDWG Conference to determine how a future reporting standard for phylogenetic analyses can best serve biodiversity science and related research applications. We invited all interested colleagues to participate.
After initial informational talks, participants self-organized into clusters based on [[MIAPAWorkshop2011Ideas][common interests]].
---++ Links and Resources
* [[http://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1DiuMEK7g_DJSLzT9ElAwEtJiKRXuQAvoc0JtfoX0sqE][Call for participation]]
* [[MIAPAWorkshop2011Ideas][Ideas page]] for developing project ideas for this workshop
* All electronic pre and post-workshop communication will take place on the [[http://groups.google.com/group/miapa-discuss][miapa-discuss mailing list]]. Please subscribe there to stay in the loop.
* [[http://evoio.org/wiki/MIAPA][MIAPA home at EvoIO]] (with links to many related resources and activities)
* [[http://mibbi.org/index.php/Projects/MIAPA][MIAPA entry at MIBBI]]
* [[MIAPAWorkshop2011Followups][Follow-ups]] for building on results of this workshop
Related pages:
* [[MIAPAConferenceCalls][Organizers' conference call notes]]
*Relevant publications:*
* Leebens-Mack, Jim, Todd Vision, Eric Brenner, John E Bowers, Steven Cannon, Mark J Clement, Clifford W Cunningham, et al. 2006. Taking the first steps towards a standard for reporting on phylogenies: Minimum Information About a Phylogenetic Analysis (MIAPA). Omics: a Journal of Integrative Biology 10: 231-7. http://dx.doi.org/10.1089/omi.2006.10.231
* Taylor, Chris F, Dawn Field, Susanna-Assunta Sansone, Jan Aerts, Rolf Apweiler, Michael Ashburner, Catherine A Ball, et al. 2008. Promoting coherent minimum reporting guidelines for biological and biomedical investigations: the MIBBI project. Nature Biotechnology 26: 889-96. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nbt.1411
* Field, Dawn, and Susanna-Assunta Sansone. 2006. A Special Issue on Data Standards. OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology 10: 84-93. http://dx.doi.org/10.1089/omi.2006.10.84
Other relevant publications may be found in the public [[http://www.mendeley.com/groups/1494443/miapa/][MIAPA group on Mendeley]]. Please feel free to contribute papers there.
---++ Agenda
*Venue: Bourbon Rm., Mezzanine 2*
*Monday, October 17, Opening session*
* 2:00 Opening talks (15 min + 5 min questions)
* 2:00 Jim Leebens-Mack, "[[%ATTACHURL%/MIAPA_at_TDWG.pdf][Defining objectives and requirements for MIAPA, a minimum information reporting standard for phylogenetics]]"
* 2:20 Arlin Stoltzfus, "[[%ATTACHURL%/Arlin_TDWG_2011.pdf][Current & Best Practices for Sharing Trees & Associated Data]]"
* 2:40 Dawn Field, "[[%ATTACHURL%/2011_Field-TDWG_MIAPA.pdf][The Path to Building Consensus: Can good minimum information checklists be created by the community?]]"
* 3:00 Open discussion. Supporting biodiversity applications (of sharing trees & associated data)
* 3:15 break
* 3:45 Open Discussion, continued. Supporting biodiversity applications
* 5:00 Self-organization into clusters
* 5:30 adjourn
*Tuesday, October 18, work day* (clusters will take breaks as needed)
* 8:30 doors open for those who are skipping the plenary talk
* 9:15 am Recap of hands-on activities planned for today
* 9:30 Break out into [[MIAPADraft#Break_out_subgroup_results][3 parallel subgroups]], each creating a strawman MIAPA checklist
* 10.45 _Coffee break_
* 11.15 Report-outs from subgroups, [[MIAPADraft#Reconciled_draft_checklist][reconciliation of checklist strawmen]] to identify core terms
* 12.30 pm _Lunch break_
* 2:00 Work session with the following subgroups:
1. [[MIAPADraft#Scope_discussion][Scope and use-cases]] (leader: Susan Perkins)
1. [[MIAPADraft#Community_survey][Community survey]] for MIAPA strawman attributes (leader: Hilmar Lapp)
* 5:00 Reports from subgroups (5 min each), followed by discussion
* 5:25 Wrap-up
* 5:30 adjourn
---++ Participants
| *Name* | *Affiliation* |
| [[http://www.phylodiversity.net/cbell/CV.html][Chuck Bell]] | University of New Orleans |
| [[http://cellinese.blogspot.com/][Nico Cellinese]] | University of Florida |
| [[http://www.mendeley.com/profiles/karen-cranston/][Karen Cranston]] | National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) |
| Tanya Dewey | University of Michigan |
| Michael Donoghue | Yale University |
| [[http://www.ceh.ac.uk/staffwebpages/DawnField.html][Dawn Field]] | National Environment Research Council, Center for Ecology and Hydrology |
| Teodor Georgiev | Pensoft Publishers |
| Rob Guralnick | University of Colorado, Boulder |
| [[http://www.mendeley.com/profiles/hilmar-lapp/][Hilmar Lapp]] | National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) |
| Donald Hobern | Atlas of Living Australia |
| [[http://www.plantbio.uga.edu/~jleebensmack/JLMmain.html][Jim Leebens-Mack]] | University of Georgia |
| [[http://mp.myweb.uga.edu/][Maryam Panahiazar]] | University of Georgia |
| [[http://research.amnh.org/iz/staff/dr-susan-perkins][Susan Perkins]] | American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) |
| Bill Piel | Yale Peabody Museum |
| Katja Schulz | Smithsonian Institution |
| [[http://www.cs.nmsu.edu/~tson/][Tran Son]] | New Mexico State University |
| [[http://www.ibbr.umd.edu/profiles/arlin-stoltzfus][Arlin Stoltzfus]] | University of Maryland and National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST) |
| Chris Taylor | European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) |
| [[http://www.phylodiversity.net/cwebb/][Cam Webb]] | Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University |
Photo shows only participants during the first day. A few others joined on day 2.
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="MIAPA_workshop_group_photo.JPG" attachment="MIAPA_workshop_group_photo.JPG" attr="h" comment="MIAPA Workshop 2011 Attendees Day 1" date="1319929499" path="MIAPA_workshop_group_photo.JPG" size="208955" stream="MIAPA_workshop_group_photo.JPG" user="Main.HilmarLapp" version="2"}%
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="2011_Field-TDWG_MIAPA.pdf" attachment="2011_Field-TDWG_MIAPA.pdf" attr="" comment="Dawn Field's presentation" date="1319927880" path="2011_Field-TDWG MIAPA.pdf" size="9363037" stream="2011_Field-TDWG MIAPA.pdf" user="Main.HilmarLapp" version="1"}%
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="MIAPA_at_TDWG.pdf" attachment="MIAPA_at_TDWG.pdf" attr="" comment="Jim Leebens-Mack's presentation" date="1319928526" path="MIAPA_at_TDWG.pdf" size="647704" stream="MIAPA_at_TDWG.pdf" user="Main.HilmarLapp" version="1"}%
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="Arlin_TDWG_2011.pdf" attachment="Arlin_TDWG_2011.pdf" attr="" comment="Arlin's presentation" date="1320166147" path="Arlin TDWG_2011.pdf" size="2740209" stream="Arlin TDWG_2011.pdf" user="Main.HilmarLapp" version="1"}%
%META:TOPICMOVED{by="HilmarLapp" date="1317932955" from="Phylogenetics.PhylogeneticStandardsWorkshop2011" to="Phylogenetics.MIAPAWorkshop2011"}%
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| [[http://www.umbi.umd.edu/carb/faculty-directory/stoltzfus/][Arlin Stoltzfus]] | University of Maryland and National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST) |
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="HilmarLapp" date="1319929500" format="1.1" reprev="1.19" version="1.19"}%
d38 1
a38 1
* 2:20 Arlin Stoltzfus, "Current & Best Practices for Sharing Trees & Associated Data"
d88 1
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a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="HilmarLapp" date="1319837717" format="1.1" version="1.18"}%
d37 1
a37 1
* 2:00 Jim Leebens-Mack, "Defining objectives and requirements for MIAPA, a minimum information reporting standard for phylogenetics"
d39 1
a39 1
* 2:40 Dawn Field, "The Path to Building Consensus: Can good minimum information checklists be created by the community?"
d85 3
a87 1
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="MIAPA_workshop_group_photo.JPG" attachment="MIAPA_workshop_group_photo.JPG" attr="h" comment="MIAPA Workshop 2011 Attendees Day 1" date="1319759636" path="MIAPA workshop group photo.JPG" size="5297152" stream="MIAPA workshop group photo.JPG" user="Main.HilmarLapp" version="1"}%
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="HilmarLapp" date="1319826851" format="1.1" version="1.17"}%
d54 4
a57 5
1. Scope and use-cases (leader: Susan Perkins)
1. Community survey for MIAPA strawman attributes (leader: )
1. Prototype annotation tool, using strawman (leader: )
1. RDF vocabulary formalization (?)
* 4:45 Reports from subgroups (5 min each), followed by discussion
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="HilmarLapp" date="1319760537" format="1.1" reprev="1.16" version="1.16"}%
d17 1
a17 1
* All electronic pre and post-workshop communication will take place on the [[http://groups.google.com/group/miapa-discuss][miapa-discuss mailing list]]. Please subscribe there to stay in the loop, and if you consider attending, please register your interest there so we can better estimate how many intend to come.
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="ArlinStoltzfus" date="1319465102" format="1.1" version="1.15"}%
d8 1
a8 1
Many phylogenetic analysis results are published in ways that present serious barriers to their reuse in numerous research applications that would stand to benefit from them. While some of these barriers are well understood, such as issues with adherence to standard exchange formats, those centering on the associated metadata necessary for researchers to evaluate or reuse a published phylogeny have only recently begun to be articulated. One of the critical next steps towards formalizing these metadata requirements as a minimum reporting standard is to convene meetings of key stakeholder communities with the goal to identify information attributes necessary and desirable for facilitating reuse, and to build consensus on their priority. To this end, we are holding a workshop at the 2011 TDWG Conference to determine how a future reporting standard for phylogenetic analyses can best serve biodiversity science and related research applications. We invite all interested colleagues to participate.
d10 1
a10 1
After initial informational talks, participants will self-organize into clusters based on common interests, to pursue projects. To suggest an idea, or view other ideas, please go to the [[MIAPAWorkshop2011Ideas][ideas page]].
a14 2
* [[MIAPAWorkshop2011Followups][followups page]] for building on results of this workshop
* [[MIAPAWorkshop2011Ideas][ideas page]] for developing project ideas for this workshop
d16 1
d20 1
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a70 1
| Teodor Georgiev |
d83 2
d86 1
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a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="NicoCellinese" date="1319130889" format="1.1" version="1.14"}%
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d72 1
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a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="HilmarLapp" date="1318965286" format="1.1" reprev="1.12" version="1.12"}%
a63 1
| [[http://people.biology.ufl.edu/ebraun/][Ed Braun]] | University of Florida |
d66 2
d69 2
d76 1
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="KarenCranstn" date="1318957966" format="1.1" reprev="1.11" version="1.11"}%
d48 10
a57 6
* 9:30 Break out into [[#Break_out_subgroup_results][3 parallel subgroups]], each creating a strawman MIAPA checklist
* 10.45 Coffee break
* 11.15 Report-outs from subgroups, reconciliation of checklist strawmen to identify core terms
* 12:30 lunch break
* 1:30 work session resumes
* 5:00 Reports from clusters (5 min each), followed by discussion
a59 75
---++ Break-out subgroup results
In the morning of day 2, we broke into subgroups to create checklists of terms and categorize these into minimum reporting requirements and ideal reporting practices.
---+++ Group 1
Participants: Nico Cellinese (U. Florida), Nicky Anthony (UNO), Chuck Bell (UNO), Son Tran (NMSU), Hilmar Lapp (NESCent)
* OTUs: All terminal nodes should be labeled, internal need not be.
* A meaningful external identifier (a combination of database or resource and identifier/accession within that database).
* For specimens, museum, collection (if applicable), and specimen identifier.
* Sometimes, specimens aren't deposited in a museum collection; in that case, provide the laboratory, laboratory collection, and accession within that collection.
* Precise (GPS) georeferences for specimens are highly desirable, but may not always be available.
* Branch length: some measure of branch length required. Further semantics of the measure should be implied by the tree inference method.
* Branch support: some value of branch support should be provided, for example posterior probability, or bootstrap value
* This would be highly desirable in most cases, but there is some controversy as to whether this can always be reasonably provided.
* Character matrix: aligned data matrix that is the basis for the tree (by having been the input for the tree inference method)
* Data type must be provided, for example DNA, RNA, protein, morphology, etc
* Alignment method: name of algorithm or method, version of program, parameters (or default if default values were used)
* Alignment correction: manual ("by eye")?
* Tree inference method: name of algorithm or method, version of program, parameters (including model of evolution, and optimality criterion)
* If (normally then morphological) characters were weighted, character weights need to be provided. (Typically, inference programs provide these in their log files, and thus the information could be copied from there.)
---+++ Group 2
Participants: Bill Piel, Jim Leebens-Mack, Karen Cranston, Teodor Georgiev
Our notes are [[Group 2 Checklist][here]], and here:
Our list of terms from initial brainstorming, which we them categorized into agreed-upon minimum and those that generated discussion (below). Note that we ran out of time to discuss our whole list, and the terms after specimen number never got categorized into minimum and non-minimum.
* topology in digital format
* branch lengths
* support values
* method of analysis (ML / MP / Bayes)
* samples with valid taxon names
* character data
* excluded characters
* character sets / partitions
* biorepository collection code
* specimen number
* (NB: everything below not categorized during discussion)
* locality data
* !GenBank accession number
* tissue sequenced
* molecular or morphological
* alignment method
* consensus method
* software & version
* character labels and states for morphological data
* evolutionary model
* heuristic search parameters / MCMC settings
* random seed
* input trees for consensus / composite trees
Agreed-upon minimums
* topology
* support values
* method of analysis (ML / MP / Bayes)
* unique and valid OTU label (valid species name, or specimen identifier that could be found in a database somewhere - using some informatics magic)
* alignment used to construct the tree
* raw data (pre-cleaning and alignment, e.g. !GenBank ID)
* alignment method
* data assembly (how did we go from databased sequence data to final alignment); in the short to medium term, this would likely be text, not machine readable
* branch lengths with units: ideal, but not required; morphological data may not produce meaningful branch lengths
* metadata about OTU label
* specimen data: if a study did new sequencing, specimen data should be included
Other interesting discussion:
* distinction between what data should be available (the best practices) and how this information should be communicated (in text of paper, as digital object)
* issue of something being required that might not be relevent for all studies (i.e. support values for a glommogram, valid species names for environmental samples)
* best practices for analysis and data management: i.e. better to include all characters in matrix and exclude using software settings than removing those characters from the matrix itself
---+++ Group 3
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="HilmarLapp" date="1318953822" format="1.1" reprev="1.10" version="1.10"}%
d57 1
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%META:TOPICINFO{author="KarenCranstn" date="1318880877" format="1.1" version="1.9"}%
d11 1
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a30 1
---++ Tentative Agenda
d32 1
a32 1
*Venue: room TBD*
d42 1
a42 1
* 4:30 Self-organization into clusters
d47 4
a50 3
* 9:15 am Technical introduction to workshop facilities (internet, etc)
* 9:30 Work session begins
* 12:00 Reports from clusters (5 min each), followed by discussion
d56 26
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="ArlinStoltzfus" date="1318875257" format="1.1" version="1.8"}%
d60 1
a60 1
| Karen Cranston | National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) |
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="ArlinStoltzfus" date="1318429394" format="1.1" version="1.7"}%
d38 1
a38 1
* 3:00 Open discussion. Supporting biodiversity applications (of sharing trees & associated data)
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="NicoCellinese" date="1318359961" format="1.1" version="1.6"}%
d35 1
a35 1
* 2:00 Jim Leebens-Mack, "Defining objectives and requirements for MIAPA, a minimum information reporting standard for phylogenetics"
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="ArlinStoltzfus" date="1318004181" format="1.1" reprev="1.5" version="1.5"}%
d59 1
a59 1
| [[http://cellinese.blogspot.com/][Nico Cellinese]] | Florida Museum of Natural History (FMNH) |
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="HilmarLapp" date="1317939147" format="1.1" reprev="1.4" version="1.4"}%
d10 1
d14 1
d35 4
a38 4
* 2:00 Dawn Field, "The Path to Building Consensus: Can good minimum information checklists be created by the community?"
* 2:20 Jim Leebens-Mack, "Defining objectives and requirements for MIAPA, a minimum information reporting standard for phylogenetics"
* 2:40 Arlin Stoltzfus, "Current & Best Practices for Sharing Trees & Associated Data"
* 3:00 Open discussion. Supporting biodiversity applications (of sharing trees & associated data)
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="ArlinStoltzfus" date="1317920772" format="1.1" reprev="1.3" version="1.3"}%
d3 1
a3 1
---+ Steps towards a Minimum Information About a Phylogenetic Analysis (MIAPA) Standard
d5 2
a6 1
this is the wiki for the 2011 workshop
d8 1
a8 1
---++ Links
d10 1
a10 1
[[http://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1DiuMEK7g_DJSLzT9ElAwEtJiKRXuQAvoc0JtfoX0sqE][Call for participation]]
d12 16
a27 1
---++ Tentative Schedule, 2011 TDWG Workshop on MIAPA
d52 1
a52 1
---++ Organizer teleconference notes (5 Oct 2011)
d54 15
a68 24
* starts 2:00 pm Monday, ends Tuesday end of day.
* report out to TDWG full meeting on Friday, 5 minutes
* facilities
* projector - Nico
* giant post-its & markers - Nico will ask local committee, Hilmar will fill in gaps
* internet (wifi, hardwire) - Nico
* power strips - Nico will ask local committee, rest of us will fill in
* laptop for projection - Nico will ask
* laptop for videoconferencing - not needed, will rely on Nico
* possibility of remote participants
* want to accomplish education and idea-development on Monday, so folks can start working Monday evening
* importance of being inclusive, including any walk-ons with biodiversity expertise
* allow extended discussion after short talks
* emphasize benefits, including authorship on standards paper
* detailed schedule with speakers, times and titles - Arlin will do this
* Jim Leebens-Mack, MIAPA - Current Status & Recent Developments
* Arlin Stoltzfus, Current & Best Practices for Publishing & Re-Using Trees
* Dawn Fields, something about GSC or MIBBI
* Round-table discussion 1: What phylo-relevant standards are needed to support biodiversity science?
* 3:15 break
* Round-table discussion 2: What phylo-relevant standards are needed to support biodiversity science?
* Idea generation
* how do we envision day 2?
* holding Oct 12, 1:00 pm EDT for a possible follow-up teleconference.
d70 1
a70 1
-- Main.ArlinStoltzfus - 05 Oct 2011
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="NicoCellinese" date="1317853632" format="1.1" version="1.2"}%
a6 1
d11 25
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a63 1
-- Main.ArlinStoltzfus - 05 Oct 2011@
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="ArlinStoltzfus" date="1317839592" format="1.1" reprev="1.1" version="1.1"}%
d21 2
a22 2
* laptop for projection - not needed, will rely on speakers
* laptop for videoconferencing - Nico will ask
d39 1
a39 1
-- Main.ArlinStoltzfus - 05 Oct 2011