%META:TOPICINFO{author="CynthiaParr" date="1257363451" format="1.1" version="1.3"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="WebHome"}% ---+ Draft Agenda for Session 6 ---+ Species Profile Model working session *When: 1100-1230 Tuesday 10 November 2009* *Where: Joffre C+D* At the 2007 Meeting in Slovakia, we decided to consider SPM and SDD and related standards together in a Biological Descriptions Interest group. This is the first of three sessions that will address these issues. ---+++ Presentations * Introduction -- Cyndy Parr * Using SPM for the EOL -- Patrick Leary * Transforming TaxonX to SPM -- Bob Morris ---+++ Discussion Leader is indicated but all are invited to participate. Please see BackgroundReading for some explanation bearing on each agenda item. * Possible changes to existing terms and definitions -- Cyndy Parr * Mechanisms for adding new terms to SPM -- ?? * GBIF vocabulary server -- David Remsen and Kehan Harman * Use of Thomson-Reuters term vocabularies -- Cyndy Parr * Ratification process -- Wouter Addink * Relationship to TDWG ontology and eBiosphere roadmap -- Cyndy Parr * Summary of action items and assignments -- Cyndy Parr -- Main.CynthiaParr - 03 Nov 2009