Although there were some changes in the metadata response format during the Madrid 2005 meeting, it was not thoroughly reviewed. Currently, a metadata response looks like: fruit flies collection of georeferenced records observationsfuit flies observation australia diptera TephritidaeAustralian Fruit Fliesfree2006-01-01T00:00:00TAPIR working groupFrank Sinatraf.sinatra@tapir.comsystem administratorHosting Provider
However, many elements overlap with other elements from well-known schemas like DublinCore and GeoRSS. If we encode such contents using these other schema elements, a metadata response could look like:
Australian Fruit Flies fruit flies collection of georeferenced records observationsENfuit flies observation australia diptera TephritidaeAustralian Fruit Flies TAPIR providerfree2006-01-01T00:00:00technical hostsomeGUIDTAPIR working group
http://somehost/entitylogo.pngDescription about the TAPIR working grouphttp://somehost/moreinfosystem administratorFrank SinatraMain singersome phone numberf.sinatra@tapir.com45.256-71.92
---+ Roles
Both entities and contacts are repeatable and have a role assigned to them. The role is based on a simpletype union between an enumeration (to have a common base set of roles) and xsd:string to allow any other role as well.
---+++ entityRoleType
* data supplier
* technical host
---+++ contactRoleType
* data administrator
* system administrator