%META:TOPICINFO{author="RenatoDeGiovanni" date="1246565933" format="1.1" version="1.19"}% This page lists all software related to TAPIR. You may also want to check other SoftwareRelatedToPreviousProtocols. ---+++ Existing software * Server software * PyWrapper * TapirLink * TapirDotNET * [[http://code.google.com/p/gbif-providertoolkit/][GBIF Integrated Publishing Toolkit]] * Client software * TapirChirp (PHP) * TapirJChirp (Java) * Others * Conformance tests: TapirTester * TAPIR document builder: TapirBuilder ---+++ Ideas * Java TAPIR provider * TapirJava (discussion) * Client library improvements * thread safe, work with streams * distributed requests, pooling results * Portal, user interface (MVC) * "_proxy_" service to _cache_ low performance/bandwith providers * WSDL TAPIR web service generator based on KVP requests * Provider tools * cache builder. Transformation _functions_. * configuration (mapping) tool * Software for regression tests * ProviderServiceTests: test providers with set of fixed requests & known responses * ClientLibraryTests : test client library with canned provider, distributed requests, operations, ...