%META:TOPICINFO{author="StanleyBlum" date="1148074299" format="1.1" version="1.13"}% ---+!! Welcome to the %WEB% This wiki supports the collaborative writing of an NSF proposal to support the TDWG 2006 Annual Meeting. Access to this wiki is restricted. For convenience, please bookmark the direct link to this page: http://www.tdwg.hyam.net/twiki/bin/view/TDWG_2006_Proposal/WebHome TDWG 2006 will be hosted by the Missouri Botanical Garden, October 15-22. The primary purposes of the proposal are to obtain: 1 WorkshopSupport for, which in turn will offset some of the MeetingCosts, and 2 StudentSupport to attend the workshops and/or the entire meeting. The overarching purpose of the workshops will be to foster information exchange, possibly leading to new collaborations, between the traditional TDWG constituency and the phyloinformtics community. One possibility is to schedule the workshop(s) over two consecutive days, early in the meeting, but if we get a number of strong ideas, it might be better to spread things across 3-4 days. Possible topics include: * Introduction to TDWG (standards, processes, collaboration infrastructure) * Overview of data management and integration challenges under the AToL projects * Taxonomic Names, Classifications, Phylogenies, and the Phylocode * Ontologies for model organisms and the Structure of Descriptive Data (SDD) * Geospatial visualization and analyses for biodiversity and phylogenetics -- Main.RobGuralnick - 18 Mar 2006 I am in favor of a focus on this topic: Taxonomic Names, Classifications, Phylogenies, and the Phylocode I would like the "symposium" or "workshop" to be deliverables-oriented. We should figure out an ideal end-product, the impediments to getting to that end-product and a set of goals about how to overcome those impediments. From my perspective the ideal end-product is a way for us to automate quickly sharing sharing new knowledge about valid taxonomies and classifications based on discovery of monophyletic groups that can be shared to all those who manage biodiversity data. ---

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