%META:TOPICINFO{author="MarkusDoering" date="1424764326" format="1.1" version="1.10"}%
---++Mailing Lists
A number of mailman mailing lists are run off the owl.tdwg.org server.
In addition postfix is managing all email aliases of the form @tdwg.org, i.e. it provides some aliases to existing addresses.
---+++Email Aliases
All email aliases of the form @tdwg.org are set up in Postfix on the owl server.
Postfix aliases are configured in /etc/postfix/virtual
As of today (8.9.2010) this file defines the following aliases:
postmaster@tdwg.org admin@gbif.org, mdoering@gbif.org
# TIP team members
lee@tdwg.org leebelbin@gmail.com
ricardo@tdwg.org scachett@gmail.com
stan@tdwg.org sblum@calacademy.org
roger@tdwg.org rogerhyam@googlemail.com
markus@tdwg.org mdoering@gbif.org
# Lee's email is also leebel@netspace.net.au
# TDWG various roles
chairman@tdwg.org dhobern@gmail.com
treasurer@tdwg.org sblum@calacademy.org
secretary@tdwg.org Mergen.Patricia@gmail.com
accounts@tdwg.org lee@tdwg.org, A.Rissone@nhm.ac.uk
editor@tdwg.org WEITZMAN@si.edu
outreach@tdwg.org lee@tdwg.org
stdtrack@tdwg.org lee@tdwg.org
charters@tdwg.org lee@tdwg.org
secretariat@tdwg.org lee@tdwg.org
executive@tdwg.org exec@tdwg.org
exec@tdwg.org A.Rissone@nhm.ac.uk, sblum@calacademy.org, nozomi@biol.tsukuba.ac.jp, lee@tdwg.org, WEITZMAN@si.edu, dhobern@gmail.com, eotuama@gbif.org, gkamp@uiuc.edu, paul.flemons@austmus.gov.au, CooperJ@landcareresearch.co.nz, rbeaman@flmnh.ufl.edu, Mergen.Patricia@gmail.com, saraiva@usp.br, heimo.rainer@NHM-WIEN.AC.AT, ckahindo@yahoo.com
convener@tdwg.org w.berendsohn@bgbm.org, stk2@cornell.edu, tuco@berkeley.edu, asimpson@usgs.gov, sblum@calacademy.org, N.Thomson@nhm.ac.uk, G.M.Hagedorn@gmail.com, renato@cria.org.br, roger@tdwg.org, lee@tdwg.org, eotuama@gbif.org, WEITZMAN@si.edu, ram@cs.umb.edu, rbeaman@flmnh.ufl.edu, RichardsK@landcareresearch.co.nz, deepreef@bishopmuseum.org
systems@tdwg.org lee@tdwg.org, piers@gaiaresources.com.au
webmaster@tdwg.org A.Rissone@nhm.ac.uk, tdwg_web@gaiaresources.com.au
root admin@gbif.org
# TDWG Program Committee
pc@tdwg.org asimpson@usgs.gov, patricia.mergen@africamuseum.be, jsachs@csee.umbc.edu, e.arnaud@cgiar.org, A.Rissone@nhm.ac.uk, lee@tdwg.org, ckahindo@yahoo.com, knupffer@ipk-gatersleben.de
# TDWG Local Organising Committtee
loc@tdwg.org e.arnaud@cgiar.org, pierre.bonnet@cirad.fr, cabantous@agropolis.fr, s.channeliere@cgiar.org, k.lehrer@cgiar.org, d_mckey@hotmail.com, jean-francois.molino@ird.fr, navas@supagro.inra.fr, pham@agropolis.fr, jean-christophe.pintaud@ird.fr, m.ruas@cgiar.org, manuel.ruiz@cirad.fr, maxime.thibon@fondationbiodiversite.fr, j.thiriet@cgiar.org, jacques.david@supagro.inra.fr, chauvet@agropolis.fr, maguelonne.teisseire@cemagref.fr, daniel.barthelemy@cirad.fr, michel@teledetection.fr, zanetto@supagro.inra.fr, Anne.Zanetto@supagro.inra.fr
To add, delete or modify aliases, edit file owl:/etc/postfix/virtual and run the commands:
postmap /etc/postfix/virtual
---+++Mailing Lists
Mailing lists can be visible to the public or not. Public lists are listed here: http://lists.tdwg.org/mailman/listinfo
Mailman binaries are found at /usr/lib/mailman/bin
On 11. September most mailing lists have been merged into the following 3 lists are configured on the owl server in /var/lib/mailman
---+++TDWG Mailing List down
After a reboot of the Owl server, mailing lists did not run.
_Ricardo's Cure_
The mailman startup script was indeed not set to start at server boot time. This is something that normally needs to be performed when mailman is installed (same as apache, mysql, etc.) using ntsysv or chkconfig --add. This was done by Andrei on the 4th September, 2008.
---+++Create a New Mailing List
Lee needed to create a new mailing list on the server.
_Ricardo's Cure_
Don't forget to append the appropriate redirection commands to /etc/aliases on server owl. Mailman will give you the commands to append after you create the list. The lines look like this:
_taxon-model: "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman post tdwg-spm"_
_taxon-model-admin: "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman admin tdwg-spm"_
_taxon-model-bounces: "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman bounces tdwg-spm"_
_taxon-model-confirm: "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman confirm tdwg-spm"_
_taxon-model-join: "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman join tdwg-spm"_
_taxon-model-leave: "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman leave tdwg-spm"_
_taxon-model-owner: "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman owner tdwg-spm"_
_taxon-model-request: "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman request tdwg-spm"_
_taxon-model-subscribe: "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman subscribe tdwg-spm"_
_taxon-model-unsubscribe: "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman unsubscribe tdwg-spm"_
Those are for taxon-model mailing list. Then issue the newaliases and restart mailman and postfix.
In case the password doesn't work, just reissue it using the appropriate mailman command (logged in as root on owl) using the command /usr/lib/mailman/bin/mmsitepass
---+++Rebuild Mailing List Archives
The true mailing list archive is a single mbox file in /var/lib/... for each mailing list. From this a set of static html pages and downloadable gziped archives are created by mailman which are shown on the html archive pages. Mailman allows you to regenerate those html pages from the mbox file. In case some mails are missing or wrong in the archives, simply fix the mbox file, e.g. by copying it to your local email client and modifying it there, and rebuild the html archives afterwards. The command to run for rebuilding the tdwg-content list is this one:
/usr/lib/mailman/bin/arch --wipe tdwg-content