%META:TOPICINFO{author="LeeBelbin" date="1269489108" format="1.1" version="1.7"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="WebHome"}% ---++!!Other Systems Documentation ---+++SVN To add new users to the SVN repository, follow these instructions: 1) Log on to owl.tdwg.org as root (using SSH) 2) Edit the file /var/www/html/rs.tdwg.org/devel/emacs access_control.txt 3) Add a new line with your TDWG account name followed by "= rw", under the existing names, such as: RicardoPereira = rw 4) Save the file and go for it! ---+++Schema Repository This documentation came from Walter Berendsohn asking about how to update the *rs.tdwg.org* pages for ABCD. The following conversations from Markus and Jorg. "Roger pointed out this is the subversion backed part of TDWG. It can either be fully access through subversion with the primary folders having seperate access control lists. Alternatively you can also mount the latest version (=trunk) as a web dav drive to modify the trunk. I would recommend to use subversion as it give you more control and you can tag/branch files." "Walter, apart from the admins you are the only one to have write access to the abcd folder: [/abcd] WalterBerendsohn = rw. The login is your regular tdwg login. Please let me know if you want anyone else with a tdwg account to have write access." "Regarding content we had at some point agreed to make use of RDDL for the schema repository. I would think this is still the case, but we should at least make sure all the different schema folders are done the same way. I would also be curious if all the rs.tdwg.org files are in sync with the archives served from the main pages - at least for NCD I have some doubts." "Jörg, what is your exact TDWG account, JoergHoletschek?" "Yes" "Jörg, you should have write access now, please give it a try". Markus "Jörg, it is simply the https version of the regular url. To checkout ABCD you should be able to use this: svn co https://rs.tdwg.org/abcd --username JoergHoletschek" ---+++LSIDS.sourceforge.net It turns out I was wrong about it using WordPress. Instead it uses a custom-installed Typo3 (http://typo3.com) as the CMS. The installation was referring to a location for web-application file storage that does no longer exist. I created the necessary file structure at the new location, and restored the content from a backup I found among the website files, which was apparently taken Apr 7, 2008. SourceForge backed up the files from the old webserver file storage location, but at a location that's not accessible through the normal shell access. Due to the nested directory structure I would need to use something like rsync to pull it down recursively, and if we encounter problems with the restore from backup I can look into that. However, looking around there and spot checking the files seemed to be all of the same date and size as in the backup I used for restoring, so maybe we're good already in terms of having the latest version before it all went broke. BTW this must have happened on Sep 18, 2008; I guess the site was broken for almost a year ... SourceForge now provides hosted apps that are customizable but maintained by Sf.net. Not surprisingly, they advise against installing your own, as projects have to maintain and upgrade those themselves. I have enabled MediaWiki and WordPress but there are other options too (https://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/sourceforge/wiki/Hosted%20Apps ). Sooner or later the content should be probably migrated away from the custom Typo3 installation to one of these hosted applications, unless someone knows of a specific advantage of sticking with Typo3.