%META:TOPICINFO{author="TWikiContributor" date="1111929255" format="1.0" version="4"}% ---+ =IF= Statements The =%IF%= construct gives TWiki the power to include content in topics based on the value of simple expressions. =%IF{"CONDITION" then="THEN" else="ELSE"}%= In the example above, if CONDITION evaluates to TRUE, then THEN will be included in the topic; otherwise ELSE will be included. What can be included in the THEN and ELSE parameters is obviously limited by standard TWiki syntax for parameters. The basic syntax of a condition is as follows: expr ::= '(' expr ')' ; expr ::= andexpr | andexpr 'or' expr ; andexpr ::= notexpr | notexpr 'and' andexpr ; notexpr ::= basexpr | 'not' baseexpr ; basexpr ::= atom | uop atom | atom bop basexpr ; uop ::= 'context' | 'defined' | '$' ; bop ::= '=' | '!=' | '>' | '<' | '>=' | '<=' ; atom ::= context identifier, TWiki variable name, single-quoted string, or configuration item | *Operators* || | and | True if both sides are true | | or | True if one or other side is true | | not | negate the following expression | | =, != | String comparison | | <, >, <=, >= | Number comparison (there is no explicit numeric =) | | context | True if the current context is set (see below) | | defined | True if a preference variable or url parameter of this name is defined. | | $ | expands a URL parameter or [[TWikiVariables][TWikiVariable]]. Plugin handlers *are not called*. Built-in variables and user-defined preferences are supported. You can pass a limited subset of parameters to TWiki variables by enclosing the variable name in single quotes; for example, =$ 'VARIABLE{value}'=. The ='VARIABLE{value}'= string may *not* contain quotes (' or "). | examples: TWiki variable defined or not %IF{"defined WIKINAME" then="WIKINAME is defined" else="WIKINAME is not defined"}% You are %IF{ "$ WIKINAME='TWikiGuest' and not defined OPEN_DAY" then="not" }% allowed to %IF{ "context view" then="view" else="edit"}% this TWiki today. URL parameter %IF{ "defined search" then="Search: %URLPARAM{search}%" else="No search passed in"}% Configuration item set or not %IF{ "{AntiSpam}{HideUserDetails}" then="User details are hidden" }% url param t is %IF{ "0 < $ t and $ t < 1000" then="in" else="out of"}% range. Text comparison %IF{ "$'URLPARAM{scope}'='text'" then="Plain text search" }% *Configuration items* are defined in [[%SCRIPTURLPATH{"configure"}%][configure]]. You cannot see the value of a configuration item, you can only see if the item is set or not. *Context identifiers* are used in TWiki to label various stages of the rendering process. They are especially useful for [[TWikiSkins][skin]] authors to find out where they are in the rendering process. The following context identifiers are available: | *id* | *context* | | absolute_urls | Set if absolute URLs are required | | authenticated | a user is authenticated | | body_text | when the body text is being processed in a view (useful in plugin handlers) | | can_login | current environment supports login | | changes | in changes script (see TWikiScripts) | | command_line | the running script was run from the command line, and not from CGI | | diff | in rdiff script (see TWikiScripts) | | edit | in edit script (see TWikiScripts) | | footer_text | when the footer text is being processed in a view (useful in plugin handlers) | | header_text | when the header text is being processed in a view (useful in plugin handlers) | | i18n_enabled | when user interface I18N support is enabled (i.e., user can choose the language for UI) | | inactive | if active links such as 'edit' and 'attach' should be disabled | | mirror | if this is a mirror | | new_topic | if the topic doesn't already exist | | oops | in oops script (see TWikiScripts) | | preview | in preview script (see TWikiScripts) | | rss | if this is an RSS skin rendering | | save | in save script (see TWikiScripts) | | search | in search script (see TWikiScripts) | | view | in view script (see TWikiScripts) | | rest | in rest script (see TWikiScripts) | In addition there is a context identifier for each enabled plugin; for example, if =GallousBreeksPlugin= is installed *and enabled*, then the context ID =GallousBreeksPluginEnabled= will be set. Other extensions may set additional context identifiers. The =%IF%= statement is deliberately kept simple. In particular, note that there is no way to conditionally execute a Set statement. If you need more sophisticated control over formatting, then consider using the SpreadSheetPlugin.